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"Application of the Principle of Mitigation of Damages to Landlord-Tenant Law, The"   flag 

(1977-1979) 8 Sydney Law Review 15
Bradbrook, A J
Sydney Law Review

Cases Referring to this Journal Article

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Vale v Blake (Residential Tenancies) (Corrected) [2020] VCAT 204 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Australia - Victoria 20 Feb 2020 AustLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Conveyancing Act (NSW) s133B

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
"The Contractual Nature of Real Property Leases" (1972) 24 Baylor Law Review 443 Baylor Law Review United States circa 1972 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag
Simpson v Iowa State Highway Commission (1972) 195 NW2d 528 United States circa 1972 flag
"Landlord-Tenant Legislation: Revising an Old Common Law Relationship" (1971) 2 Pacific Law Journal 259 Pacific Law Journal United States circa 1971 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag
"Contract Principles and Leases of Realty" (1970) 50 Boston University Law Review 24 Boston University Law Review United States circa 1970 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag
"The Law of Landlord-Tenant: A Critical Evaluation of the Past with Guidelines for the Future" (1969-70) 38 Fordham Law Review 225 Fordham Law Review United States circa 1969 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag
(1945) 236 Iowa 140; 18 NW2d 196; (1968) 159 NW2d 538 (1945) 236 Iowa 140; 18 NW2d 196; (1968) 159 NW2d 538 United States - Iowa circa 1968 flag
Wright v Baumann (1965) 239 OR 410; 398 P2d 119 Canada circa 1965 flag
Goldhar v Universal Sections and Mouldings Ltd (1963) 36 DLR (2d) 450; [1963] 1 OR 189 Canada circa 1963 flag
"Measure of Damages when a Contract is Repudiated" (1962) 78 Law Quarterly Review 263 Law Quarterly Review United Kingdom circa 1962 Westlaw flag
Wohl v Yelen (1959) 161 NE2d 339 United States circa 1959 flag
Thearle v Kelley (1958) 76 WN (NSW) 48 Australia - New South Wales circa 1958 flag
"Condemnation and the Lease" (1957-58) 43 Iowa Law Review 279 Iowa Law Review United States circa 1957 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag
"Landlord and Tenant - Destruction of Building on Leasehold" (1953) 32 Oregon Law Review 336 Oregon Law Review United States circa 1953 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag
Jordan v Nickell (1952) 253 SW 2d 237 US circa 1952
Massart v Blight [1951] HCA 20; (1951) 82 CLR 423 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 May 1951 AustLII flag
Anderson v Andy Darling Pontiac, Inc 43 NW2d 362; (1950) 257 Wis 371 United States - Wisconsin circa 1950 flag
Automatic Fire Sprinklers Pty Ltd v Watson [1946] HCA 25; (1946) 72 CLR 435; [1946] ALR 390 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Aug 1946 AustLII flag
Commonwealth Life (Amalgamated) Assurance Ltd v Anderson [1945] NSWStRp 31; (1945) 62 WN (NSW) 240; (1945) 46 SR (NSW) 47 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 29 Aug 1945 AustLII flag
Minister of State for the Army v Dalziel [1944] HCA 4; (1944) 68 CLR 261; [1944] ALR 89 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Mar 1944 AustLII flag
(1937-38) 16 Texas Law Review 47 (1937-38) 16 Texas Law Review 47 Texas Law Review United States circa 1937 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag
Wafie v Ireland (1927) 86 Ind Apps 119; 155 NE 513 India circa 1927 flag
Roberts v Watson (1923) 196 Iowa 816; 195 NW 211; 159 NW2d 538 United States - Iowa circa 1923 flag
Cooper v Aiello (1919) 93 NJL 336 New Jersey Law Reports United States - New Jersey circa 1919 flag
Steinman v John Hall Tailoring Co 163 P 452; (1917) 99 Kan 699 United States - Kansas circa 1917 flag
Roberts v Ghulam Nabie [1911] WALawRp 26; (1911) 13 WALR 156 Australia - Western Australia 20 Sep 1911 AustLII flag
Tredegar Iron & Coal Co v Hawthorn Bros (1902) 18 TLR 716 United Kingdom circa 1902 LexisNexis flag
Long v Pierce County 61 P 142; (1900) 22 Wash 330 United States - Washington circa 1900 flag
Birtwistle v Myers [1899] VicLawRp 101; (1899) 25 VLR 306; 5 ALR 197; 21 ALT 209 Australia - Victoria 30 Aug 1899 AustLII flag
Roper v Johnson [1873] UKLawRpCP 11; (1873) LR 8 CP 167; 173 ER 455 United Kingdom 6 Feb 1873 CommonLII flag
Bird v Defonvielle [1846] EngR 1166; 175 ER 171; (1846) 2 Car & Kir 415 United Kingdom circa 1846 CommonLII flag
Lyon v Reed , Executors of Shakespeare Reed, Deceased [1844] EngR 754; 13 M & W 285; 153 ER 118 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1844 CommonLII flag
Harries v Edmonds [1845] EngR 832; 174 ER 991; (1844) 1 Car & Kir 686 United Kingdom circa 1844 CommonLII flag
Hall v Burgess [1826] EngR 885; 108 ER 124; (1826) 5 B & C 332 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1826 CommonLII flag
Walls v Atcheson [1826] EngR 908; 130 ER 591; (1826) 3 Bing 462 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1826 CommonLII flag
[1817] EngR 824; (1817) 2 Stark 235; 171 ER 631 [1817] EngR 824; (1817) 2 Stark 235; 171 ER 631 United Kingdom circa 1817 CommonLII flag
Church v Brown [1808] EngR 328; 33 ER 752; (1808) 15 Ves Jr 258 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1808 CommonLII flag
Roe on the demise of the Earl of Berkeley v The Archbishop of York [1805] EngR 41; 6 East 86; 102 ER 1219 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1805 CommonLII flag
[1802] Engr 249; (1798) 8 TR 57; 101 Er 1264 [1802] EngR 249; (1798) 8 TR 57; 101 ER 1264 United Kingdom circa 1798 CommonLII flag
214 Ne2d 506 214 NE2d 506 United States flag
Martin v Siegley 212 P 1057; 123 Wash 683 United States - Washington flag
DeWaay v Muhr 160 NW2d 454 United States flag
Hershorin v La Vista, Inc 138 SE2d 703; (1964) 110 Ga App 435 United States flag
Minnesota See Gruman v Investors Diversified Serv 78 NW2d 377; 247 Minn 502 United States - Minnesota flag
Browne v Dugan 74 SW 2d 640; (1934) 189 Ark 551 US
Armytage & Jones Pty Ltd v Jones 69 WN (NSW) 299 Australia - New South Wales flag
Marlow Rolls Theatres Ltd, Re; Empire Theatres Ltd, Ex p 51 WN (NSW) 193 Australia - New South Wales flag
2 SC 216 2 SC 216 United Kingdom - Scotland flag
2 KB 604 2 KB 604 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag
2 KB 283 2 KB 283 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag
2 Ch 75 2 Ch 75 Court of Chancery United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag
2 All Er 239 2 All ER 239 United Kingdom LexisNexis flag
1 QB 234 1 QB 234 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag
1 KB 400 1 KB 400 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag
Green v Smith United States - California flag

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