Warner Capital Pty Ltd v Shazbot Pty Ltd
[2020] NSWCA 121
Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal
Australia - New South Wales
25 Jun 2020
PBKQ and Commissioner of Taxation
[2016] AATA 681
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
5 Sep 2016
Segelov v Ernst & Young Services Pty Ltd
[2015] NSWCA 156; (2015) 89 NSWLR 431
Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal
Australia - New South Wales
9 Jun 2015
Esso Australia Resources Pty Ltd v The Commissioner of Taxation
[2011] FCA 565
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
30 May 2011
Commissioner of Taxation v Ashwick (Qld)
[2011] FCAFC 49; (2011) 277 ALR 1; (2012) 82 ATR 481; (2011) 192 FCR 325
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
8 Apr 2011
Softwash Castle Towers Pty Ltd v Queensland Investment Corporation
[2009] NSWSC 490
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia - New South Wales
5 Jun 2009
Kingslane Pty Ltd v Crawford
[2006] WASC 289
Supreme Court of Western Australia
Australia - Western Australia
20 Dec 2006
BCD Technologies Pty Ltd and Commissioner of Taxation
[2006] AATA 241; 62 ATR 1270
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
15 Mar 2006
TR 2006/2 - Income tax: deductibility of service fees paid to associated service entities: Phillips arrangements
[2006] ATOTR 2
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
circa 2006
TR 2006/2 - Income tax: deductibility of service fees paid to associated service entities: Phillips arrangements
[2006] ATOTR TR2006/2
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
circa 2006
Spassked Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation (No 5)
[2003] FCA 84; (2003) 197 ALR 553; (2003) 52 ATR 337
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
14 Feb 2003
Hart v Commissioner of Taxation
[2002] FCAFC 222; (2002) 121 FCR 206; (2002) 196 ALR 636; (2002) 50 ATR 369
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
26 Jul 2002
Scott and Tax Agents' Board of Queensland
[2001] AATA 435; 47 ATR 1136
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
23 May 2001
TR 2001/7 - Income tax: the meaning of personal services income
[2001] ATOTR TR2001/7
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
circa 2001
TR 1999/10 - Income tax and fringe benefits tax: Members of Parliament - allowances, reimbursements, donations and gifts, benefits, deductions and recoupments
[1999] ATOTR 10
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
circa 1999
TR 1999/10 - Income tax and fringe benefits tax: Members of Parliament - allowances, reimbursements, donations and gifts, benefits, deductions and recoupments
[1999] ATOTR TR1999/10
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
circa 1999
WD and HO Wills (Australia) Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation
[1996] FCA 1284
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
1 Mar 1996
Re Taxation Appeals
[1994] AATA 316; 29 ATR 1238
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
1 Nov 1994
Bostik Australia Pty Ltd v Gorgevski (No 1)
[1992] FCA 271; 36 FCR 20
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
9 Jun 1992
Re Joan Dorothy Roberts and Valentine Roy Smith v Commissioner of Taxation
[1991] FCA 643; 22 ATR 845/91
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
18 Dec 1991
It 2630 - Income Tax: Superannuation Benefits Provided Through an Administration Co Or Trust
[1991] ATOITR IT2630
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
21 Mar 1991
Re Metropolitan Oil Distributors (Sydney) Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation
[1990] FCA 254
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
20 Jul 1990
Re Riverside Road Pty Ltd (In Liquidation) Formerly Captain Fremantle Motor Lodge Pty Ltd v the Commissioner of Taxation
[1989] FCA 541
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
21 Dec 1989
It 2531 - Income Tax : Administration Companies and Trusts - Level of Salaries for Working Directors/Employees Carrying Out Administrative Duties for Professional Practices
[1989] ATOITR IT2531
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
18 May 1989
It 2494 - Income Tax : Cars and Other Fringe Benefits Supplied To Employee/Partners of Administration Entities
[1988] ATOITR IT2494
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
11 Aug 1988
It 2277 - Income Tax: Partners Seek To Provide Their Service To Their Partnership Through Interposed Co Or Trust
[1986] ATOITR IT2277
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
9 Apr 1986
FCT v Gulland
[1985] HCA 83; (1985) 160 CLR 55; (1985) 62 ALR 545; 60 ALJR 150; 17 ATR 1; (1986) 7 Leg Rep 1
High Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
18 Dec 1985
Gulland v Commissioner of Taxation
[1984] FCA 216; (1984) 3 FCR 354; 55 ALR 65; 15 ATR 892
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
3 Aug 1984
Watson v Commissioner of Taxation
[1984] FCA 218; 3 FCR 380; (1984) 73 FLR 61; 56 ALR 505; 15 ATR 917
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
3 Aug 1984
Magna Alloys & Research Pty Ltd v FCT
[1980] FCA 180; (1980) 33 ALR 213; (1980) 49 FLR 183; (1980) 11 ATR 276; 80 ATC 4,542
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
2 Dec 1980
IT 276 - Payments to service companies : splitting of professional income
[1978] ATOITR IT276
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
27 Sep 1978