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Graham, LJ and Graham, JM   flag  2

[1979] FamCA 10; [1979] FLC 90-618; (1979) 4 Fam LN N65
Family Court of Australia
15th February, 1979

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Smythe, In Marriage of [1983] FamCA 27; [1983] FLC 91-337; (1983) 48 ALR 677; (1983) 8 Fam LR 1029 Family Court of Australia Australia 27 Jun 1983 AustLII flag 17
Banh, In Marriage of [1981] FamCA 7; [1981] FLC 91-010; 6 Fam LR 643; (1981) 6 Fam LR 543 Family Court of Australia Australia 27 Jan 1981 AustLII flag 9

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Miller and Miller (No 3) [1977] FLC 90-308 Australia circa 1977 IntelliConnect flag 1
Raby, In Marriage of [1976] FamCA 89; (1976) 12 ALR 669; 27 FLR 412; (1976) 2 Fam LR 11348 Family Court of Australia Australia 29 Nov 1976 AustLII flag 38
Marriage Of Mulligan, JB and Mulligan, I [1976] FamCA 51; [1976] FLC 90-080 Family Court of Australia Australia 11 Aug 1976 AustLII flag 10
Sanders and Sanders [1976] FamCA 47; [1976] FLC 90-078 Family Court of Australia Australia 2 Aug 1976 AustLII flag 59
Barker v Barker [1976] FLC 90-068 Australia circa 1976 IntelliConnect flag 2
Australian Coal and Shale Employees ’ Federation v The Commonwealth [1953] HCA 25; (1953) 94 CLR 621; (1953) 30 ALJR 311 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 May 1953 AustLII flag 1007
Lovell v Lovell [1950] HCA 52; (1950) 81 CLR 513; [1950] ALR 944; 24 ALJR 426 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 27 Nov 1950 AustLII flag 635

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