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Paramjit Singh Sandhu v Ram Rakha   flag  8

[1979] INSC 72; [1979] 3 SCR 584; 1979 3 SCC 478; AIR 1979 SC 1073
Supreme Court of India
22nd March, 1979

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Direct Recruit Class II Engineering Officers'Association an v Maharashtra [1990] INSC 173; AIR 1990 SC 1607; 1990 2 JT 264; 1990 2 SCR 900 Supreme Court of India India 2 May 1990 LIIofIndia flag 60
B S Yadav v Haryana [1980] INSC 207; [1981] 1 SCR 1024; [1980] SCC Supl 524; AIR 1981 SC 561 Supreme Court of India India 5 Nov 1980 LIIofIndia flag 38
Op Singla & Anr v Union of India [1984] INSC 141; 1984 4 SCC 450; 1985 1 SCR 351; 1984 2 SCALE 144; AIR 1984 SC 1595; [1984] Lab IC 1659; [1984] SCC (L & S) 657 Supreme Court of India India 14 Aug 1984 LIIofIndia flag 35
Mssandhu & Anretcetc v Punjab Etcetc [2014] INSC 403 Supreme Court of India India 7 May 2014 LIIofIndia flag
Shri Ajit Singh Son of Shri Ranbir Singh v Union of India through its Secretary - Case [2011] INCAT 3930 Indian Central Administrative Tribunal India 7 Dec 2011 LIIofIndia flag
Gurpreet Singh Bhullar v PB - CWP-12206-2005 [2008] INPBHC 3575 High Court of Punjab and Haryana India 10 Apr 2008 LIIofIndia flag
Farhat Hussain Azad v UP Thru Secy Minor Irrigation & Others - WRIT - A [2004] INUPHC 1670 High Court of Judicature at Allahabad India 10 Dec 2004 LIIofIndia flag
Farhat Hussain Azad v UP Thru Secy Minor Irrigation & Others - WRIT - A [2004] INAHHC 1670 Allahbad High Court India - Allahbad 10 Dec 2004 LIIofIndia flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
B S Yadav v Haryana [1980] INSC 207; [1981] 1 SCR 1024; [1980] SCC Supl 524; AIR 1981 SC 561 Supreme Court of India India 5 Nov 1980 LIIofIndia flag 10
Uttar Pradesh v Akbar Ali Khan (1966) 3 SCR 821 circa 1966 7
G S Ramaswamy v The Inspector-General of Police, Mysore State, Bangalore (1964) 6 SCR 278 circa 1964 4
A-B] Mervyn Coutindo v Collector of Customs, Bombay [1966] 2 SCR 600 circa 1966 1
Mssandhu & Anretcetc v Punjab Etcetc [2014] INSC 403 Supreme Court of India India 7 May 2014 LIIofIndia flag
Shri Ajit Singh Son of Shri Ranbir Singh v Union of India through its Secretary - Case [2011] INCAT 3930 Indian Central Administrative Tribunal India 7 Dec 2011 LIIofIndia flag
Gurpreet Singh Bhullar v PB - CWP-12206-2005 [2008] INPBHC 3575 High Court of Punjab and Haryana India 10 Apr 2008 LIIofIndia flag
Farhat Hussain Azad v UP Thru Secy Minor Irrigation & Others - WRIT - A [2004] INUPHC 1670 High Court of Judicature at Allahabad India 10 Dec 2004 LIIofIndia flag
Farhat Hussain Azad v UP Thru Secy Minor Irrigation & Others - WRIT - A [2004] INAHHC 1670 Allahbad High Court India - Allahbad 10 Dec 2004 LIIofIndia flag

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