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Lamberto MacIas v Judge Gibson Araula, Cfi, Branch II, San Juan, Souethern Leyte   flag 

[1982] PHSC 306
Supreme Court of the Philippines
20th July, 1982

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Suerte vs Ugbinar (1977) 75 SCRA 69 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1977 flag 3
(1976) 71 Scra 153 (1976) 71 SCRA 153 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1976 flag 11
(1974) 55 Scra 304 (1974) 55 SCRA 304 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1974 flag 16
(1974) 55 Scra 13 (1974) 55 SCRA 13 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1974 flag 16
(1973) 54 Scra 232 (1973) 54 SCRA 232 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1973 flag 17
Luque v Kayanan (1969) 29 SCRA 165 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1969 flag 48
102 Scra 495 102 SCRA 495 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1969 flag 1
82 Scra 369 82 SCRA 369 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 1
Caballo vs Celis 83 SCRA 620 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 2
Jugueta v Boncaros 60 SCRA 27 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 28
Li vs Mijares 65 SCRA 167 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 3
Lopez vs Fernandez 99 SCRA 603 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 10
Castillo vs Barsana 63 SCRA 388 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 6
US v Claro 32 Phil 413 Philippines flag 10
58 Phil 295 58 Phil 295 Philippines flag 1
In re Impeachment of Horilleno 43 Phil 212 Philippines flag 61

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