Fraser v Public Service Staff Relations Board
[1985] 2 SCR 455
Supreme Court of Canada
10 Dec 1985
Supreme Court of Canada
R v Big M Drug Mart Ltd
[1985] CanLII 69; (1985) 18 DLR (4th) 321; [1985] 1 SCR 295; [1985] SCC 69
Supreme Court of Canada
24 Apr 1985
Hunter v Southam Inc
(1984) 11 DLR (4th) 641; (1984) 14 CCC (3d) 97; (1984) 41 CR (3d) 97; [1984] 2 SCR 145; 2 CPR (3d) 1; (1984) 6 WWR 577; 84 DTC 6467
Supreme Court of Canada
17 Sep 1984
Supreme Court of Canada
Re Global Communications Ltd and Attorney General of Canada
(1984) 5 DLR (4th) 634
circa 1984
Attorney General of Nova Scotia v MacIntyre
[1982] 1 SCR 175
Supreme Court of Canada
26 Jan 1982
Supreme Court of Canada
(1987) 53 Alta LR (2d) 193
(1987) 53 Alta LR (2d) 193
Canada - Alberta
circa 1987
(1985) 40 Alta LR (2d) 326
(1985) 40 Alta LR (2d) 326
Canada - Alberta
circa 1985
Juman v Doucette
[2008] CSC 8; [2008] SCC 8; [2008] 1 SCR 157; [2008] 4 WWR 1; 75 BCLR (4th) 1; [2008] SCJ No 8
Supreme Court of Canada
Canada - British Columbia
6 Mar 2008
Supreme Court of Canada
2007 CSC 43 [2007] 3 SCR 253; [2007] SCC 43; [2007] SCJ No 43; 224 CCC (3d) 1; 285 DLR (4th) 193; 73 BCLR (4th) 34; [2008] 1 WWR 223 (11 October 2007)
[2007] CSC 43; [2007] 3 SCR 253; [2007] SCC 43; [2007] SCJ No 43; 224 CCC (3d) 1; 285 DLR (4th) 193; 73 BCLR (4th) 34; [2008] 1 WWR 223
Supreme Court of Canada
Canada - British Columbia
11 Oct 2007
R v Bryan
[2007] SCC 12; [2007] 1 SCR 527; 72 BCLR (4th) 199; [2007] SCJ No 12
Supreme Court of Canada
Canada - British Columbia
15 Mar 2007
Supreme Court of Canada
Re Aluminum Co of Canada, Ltd and R in right of Ontario
(1986) 55 OR 2d 522
Canada - Ontario
circa 1986
Irwin Toy Ltd v Quebec (Attorney General)
[1989] 1 SCR 927; (1989) 39 CRR 193; (1989) 58 DLR (4th) 577; 35 CPR 93; 94 NR 167; 24 QAC 2; 25 CPR (3d) 417
Supreme Court of Canada
Canada - Quebec
27 Apr 1989
Supreme Court of Canada
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v New Brunswick (Attorney General)
[1996] ICHRL 83
Interights Commonwealth Human Rights Law
31 Oct 1996
Hill v Church of Scientology of Toronto (also reported as Manning v Hill; Attorney General for Ontario , interveners)
[1995] ICHRL 43
Interights Commonwealth Human Rights Law
20 Jul 1995
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
(1950) 213 UNTS 222
circa 1950
Prosecutor v Alex Tamba Brima Separate and Concurring Opinion of Hon Justice Geoffrey Robertson, QC Case Noscsl-2004-16-Ar73
[2006] SCSL 65
Special Court for Sierra Leone
International - Sierra Leone
26 May 2006
Robinson, Julian v The Attorney General of Jamaica
[2019] JMSC 70
Supreme Court of Jamaica
12 Apr 2019
Prosecutor General v Uuyuni
[2013] NAHCMD 67
12 Mar 2013
Earthquake Commission v Krieger
[2013] NZHC 3140; [2014] 2 NZLR 547
High Court of New Zealand
New Zealand
27 Nov 2013
"Freedom of Expression, Commercial Expression and Tobacco in Canada"
[2008] VUWLawRw 17
Reid, Caroline
New Zealand
circa 2008
Television New Zealand Ltd v Rogers
[2007] NZSC 91; [2008] 2 NZLR 277
Supreme Court of New Zealand
New Zealand
16 Nov 2007
South African National Roads Agency Ltd v City of Cape Town; In Re: Protea Parkway Consortium v City of Cape Town
[2014] ZAWCHC 125; [2014] 4 All SA 497
High Court of South Africa - Western Cape Division
South Africa
28 Aug 2014
Independent Newspapers (Pty) Ltd v Minister for Intelligence Services (Freedom of Expression Institute as Amicus Curiae) In Re: Masetlha v President of the Republic of South Africa (Independent (CCT38/07)
[2008] ZACC 6; 2008 5 SA 31
Constitutional Court of South Africa
South Africa
22 May 2008
South African Broadcasting Corporation Ltd v National DPP (CCT58/06)
[2006] ZACC 15; 2007 1 SA 523; 2007 1 SACR 408; [2006] JOL 18339
Constitutional Court of South Africa
South Africa
21 Sep 2006
A v British Broadcasting Corporation
[2014] UKSC 25; [2015] AC 588; [2014] 2 All ER 1037; [2014] 2 WLR 1243
United Kingdom Supreme Court
United Kingdom
8 May 2014
(1989) 23 LSoc Gaz 4
(1989) 23 LSoc Gaz 4
United Kingdom
circa 1989
"A re-examination of privacy"
(1984) 4 Legal Studies 67
Legal Studies
United Kingdom
circa 1984
Wiley ScienceDirect
Attorney-General v Times Newspapers Ltd
[1973] 1 QB 710
United Kingdom
circa 1973
LexisNexis / Westlaw
[1973] 1 All Er 815
[1973] 1 All ER 815
United Kingdom
circa 1973
Re Alberta Legislation
[1939] AC 117; [1938] 2 DLR 81; [1938] SCR 100
United Kingdom
circa 1939
LexisNexis / Westlaw
McPherson v McPherson
[1936] AC 177; [1936] 1 DLR 321
United Kingdom
circa 1936
LexisNexis / Westlaw
James v The Commonwealth
[1936] AC 578; [1936] 2 All ER 1449
United Kingdom
circa 1936
LexisNexis / Westlaw
Scott v Scott
[1913] AC 417
United Kingdom
circa 1913
LexisNexis / Westlaw
R v J Wright
[1799] EngR 754; 8 TR 293; 101 ER 1396
United Kingdom
circa 1799
Heydon's Case
[1584] EngR 9; (1584) 3 Co Rep 7; 76 ELR 637; 76 ER 637
King's Bench
United Kingdom
circa 1584
76 Er 637
76 ER 637
United Kingdom
circa 2014
Re PP (A Child: Anonymisation)
[2023] EWHC 330 (Fam)
High Court of England and Wales
United Kingdom - England and Wales
20 Feb 2023
Attorney-General v Times Newspapers Ltd
[1973] EWCA Civ J0216-2; [1974] AC 233; [1974] AC 273; [1973] 3 All ER 54; [1973] 3 WLR 298
England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division
United Kingdom - England and Wales
circa 1973
Press-Enterprise Co v Superior Court
478 US 1; 92 L Ed 2d 1; 106 SCt 2735
United States Supreme Court
United States
30 Jun 1986
"Access to Pretrial Documents under the First Amendment"
(1984) 84 Columbia Law Review 1813
Columbia Law Review
United States
circa 1984
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
Richmond Newspapers, Inc v Virginia
448 US 555; 65 L Ed 2d 973; 100 SCt 2814
United States Supreme Court
United States
2 Jul 1980
Gannett Co v DePasquale
443 US 368; 61 L Ed 2d 608; 99 SCt 2898
United States Supreme Court
United States
2 Jul 1979
Nixon v Warner Communications, Inc
435 US 589; 98 SCt 1306; 55 L Ed 2d 570
United States Supreme Court
United States
18 Apr 1978
(1968) 77 Yale Law Journal 475
Yale Law Journal
United States
circa 1968
HeinOnline / Westlaw
"The Concept of Privacy"
(1967) 42 New York University Law Review 34
New York University Law Review
United States
circa 1967
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"Privacy as an Aspect of Human Dignity: An Answer to Dean Prosser"
(1964) 39 New York University Law Review 962
New York University Law Review
United States
circa 1964
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"The Right to Privacy"
(1890) 4 Harvard Law Review 193
Harvard Law Review
United States
circa 1890
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
[1989] Docket 20608
[1989] Docket 20608
United States - Pennsylvania
circa 1989
Reference re Workers ’ Compensation Act, 1983 (Nfld)
[1989] 1 SCR 922
circa 1989
R v Simmons
[1988] 2 SCR 495
circa 1988
Gazette Printing Co v Shallow
(1909) 41 SCR 339
circa 1909
R v Morgentaler
[1988] 1 SCR 30
circa 1988
R v Genest
[1989] 1 SCR 59
circa 1989
R v Whyte
[1988] 2 SCR 3
circa 1988
R v Turpin
[1989] 1 SCR 1296
circa 1989