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University of the East v the Secretary of Labor and Employment, the Undersecretary of Labor and Employment Dionisio C De La Serna, Regional Director Luna C Piezas, Special Sheriff, Alfonso a Balais, JR , public; Atty Amado R Fojas and University of the East Faculty Association, private respondents   flag 

[1991] PHSC 874
Supreme Court of the Philippines
21st November, 1991

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Albano v Coloma 21 SCRA 411 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 15
Aro v Nanawa 27 SCRA 1090 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 7
Cruz v Court of Industrial Relations 8 SCRA 826 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 8
Guerrero v Court of Appeals 29 SCRA 791 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 12
National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority Consolidated Unions v National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority 33 SCRA 180 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 1
Pampanga Sugar Development Co , Inc v Court of Industrial Relations 114 SCRA 725 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 7
PB Com v Hon Echevarri, L-41795 99 SCRA 508 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 11
Power Corporation v National Power Corporation Employees and Workers Association 89 SCRA 1 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 2
Tolentino v Escalona (1969) 26 SCRA 613 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1969 flag 12
Tuason and Co v Tongol 16 SCRA 331 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 3
Union and the 8 SCRA 832 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 9
Union and the 190 SCRA 558 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 8
World Machine Enterprises v IAC 192 SCRA 459 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 11

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