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Sheet Metal Contractors Association of Northern New Jersey   flag  1

157 F3d 78
United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
United States
2nd September, 1998

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
United States of America, Plaintiff-Appellee, v International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Afl-Cio, the Commission of La Cosa Nostra, Anthony Salerno, also known as Fat Tony, Matthew Iannielo, also known as Matty the Horse, Anthony Provenzano, also known as Tony Pro, Nunzio Provenzano, also known as Nunzi Pro, Anthony Corallo, also known as Tony Ducks, Salvatore Santoro, also known as Tom Mix, Christopher Furnari, SR , also known as Christie Tick, Frank Manzo, Carmine Persico, also known as Junior, also known as the Snake, Gennaro Langella, also known as Gerry Lang, Philip Rastelli, also known as Rusty, Nicholas Marangello, also known as Nicky Glasses, Joseph Massino, also known as Joey Messina, Anthony Ficarotta, also known as Figgy, Eugene Boffa, SR , Francis Sheeran, Milton Rockman, also known as Maishe, John Tronolone, also known as Peanuts, Joseph John Aiuppa, also known as Joey o'Brien, also known as Joey Aiuppa, John Philip Cerone, also known as Jackie the Lackie, also known as Jackie Cerone, Joseph Lombardo, also known as Joey the Clown, Angelo Lapietra, also known as the Nutcracker, Frank Balistrieri, also known as Mr b, Carl Angelo Deluna, also known as Toughy, Carl Civella also known as Corky, Anthony Thomas Civella, also known as Tony Ripe, General Executive Board, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Jackie Presser, General President, Weldon Mathis, General Secretary Treasurer, Joseph Trerotola, First Vice President, also known as Joe t, Robert Holmes, SR , Second Vice President, Robert Holmes, SR , William McCarthy, Third Vice President, Joseph W Morgan, Fourth Vice President, Edward M Lawson, Fifth Vice President, Arnold Weinmeister, Sixth Vice President, John H Cleveland, Seventh Vice President, Maurice R Schurr, Eighth Vice President, Donald Peters, Ninth Vice President, Walter J Shea, Tenth Vice President, Harold Friedman, Eleventh Vice President, Jack D Cox, Twelfth Vice President, Don l United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit United States 17 Jul 2001 WorldLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
aff'd in part, modified in part 532 F2d 821 United States Westlaw flag 24
Baldwin-United Corporation 770 F2d 328; 2 Fed RServ3d 1156 United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit United States 19 Aug 1985 WorldLII flag 40
cert denied 519 US 945; 136 L Ed 2d 246; 117 SCt 333 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1985 Westlaw flag 7
Eeoc v Local 638 401 FSupp 467 United States Westlaw flag 6
Eeoc v Local 638 565 F2d 31 United States Westlaw flag 8
Eeoc v Local 638 753 F2d 1172 United States Westlaw flag 20
Eeoc v Local 638 889 FSupp 642 United States Westlaw flag 4
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v Local 81 F3d 1162 United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit United States 10 Apr 1996 WorldLII flag 11
Fils SA v Carousel Handbags 592 F2d 126 United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit United States 1 Feb 1979 WorldLII flag 37
General Building Contractors Association v Pennsylvania 458 US 375; 73 L Ed 2d 835; 102 SCt 3141 United States Supreme Court United States 29 Jun 1982 WorldLII flag 188
NAACP v Claiborne Hardware Co 458 US 886; 73 L Ed 2d 1215; 102 SCt 3409 United States Supreme Court United States 4 Oct 1982 WorldLII flag 173
Regal Knitwear Co v NLRB 324 US 9; 89 L Ed 661; 65 SCt 478 United States Supreme Court United States 29 Jan 1945 WorldLII flag 119
Reliance Insurance Co v Mast Construction Co 84 F3d 372; 34 Fed RServ3d 942 United States Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit United States 17 May 1996 WorldLII flag 12
See, e g , EEOC v Local 638 421 FSupp 603 United States circa 1996 Westlaw flag 5
Sheet Metal Contractors Ass'n v Sheet Metal Workers' Int'l Ass'n 978 FSupp 529 United States Westlaw flag 1
Sheet Metal Workers v EEOC 478 US 421; 92 L Ed 2d 344; 106 SCt 3019; [1986] Yates Sel Cas 355 United States Supreme Court United States 2 Jul 1986 WorldLII flag 76
United States v New York Telephone Co 434 US 159; 54 L Ed 2d 376; 98 SCt 364 United States Supreme Court United States 7 Dec 1977 WorldLII flag 167
Yonkers Racing Corporation v City of Yonkers 858 F2d 855 United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit United States 22 Sep 1988 WorldLII flag 17
Zenith Radio Corporation v Hazeltine Research, Inc 395 US 100; 89 SCt 1562; 161 USPQ 577; 23 L Ed 2d 153 United States Supreme Court United States 19 May 1969 WorldLII flag 549
3 Idaho 14 3 Idaho 14 United States - Idaho circa 1969 flag 5
23 l Ed 2d 129 23 L Ed 2d 129 United States circa 1969 LexisNexis flag 66

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