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Agricultural Business Research Institute v Fallway Holdings Pty Ltd   flag 

[2000] APO 25
IP Australia - Australian Patent Office
29th March, 2000

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
PATENTS ACT 1990 (Cth) s59
Patents Act (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Wellcome Foundation Ltd v VR Laboratories (Aust) Pty Ltd [1981] HCA 12; (1981) 148 CLR 262; (1981) 55 ALJR 249; 1A IPR 268; 34 ALR 213 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1981 AustLII flag
Meyers Taylor Pty Ltd v Vicarr Industries Ltd [1977] HCA 19; (1977) 137 CLR 228; 13 ALR 605; 1A IPR 181 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Apr 1977 AustLII flag
Rodi and Wienenberger AG v Henry Showell Ltd [1969] RPC 367 circa 1969
Technograph Printed Circuits Ltd v Mills & Rockley (Electronics) Ltd [1972] RPC 346 circa 1972
Johns-Manville Corporation's Patent [1967] RPC 479 circa 1967
Beecham Group Ltd's (Amoxycillin) Application [1980] RPC 261 circa 1980
Tetra Molectric Ltd v Japan Imports Ltd [1976] RPC 541 circa 1976
Catnic Components Ltd v Hill & Smith Ltd [1982] RPC 183; [1981] FSR 60 United Kingdom circa 1981 flag
General Tire & Rubber Co v The Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co Ltd [1972] RPC 457; (1971) 1A IPR 121 circa 1971 LexisNexis AU

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