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L v l   flag  3

[2000] HKCA 560; [2001] 1 HKLRD 150
Hong Kong Court of Appeal
Hong Kong
24th November, 2000

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
C (Formerly Known As C) v H [2012] HKCA 617; [2012] 3 HKLRD 351; [2012] 4 HKC 255 Hong Kong Court of Appeal Hong Kong 31 May 2012 HKLII flag 14
Ybl v LWC [2016] HKCA 629; [2017] 1 HKC 555; [2017] 1 HKLRD 823 Hong Kong Court of Appeal Hong Kong 30 Dec 2016 HKLII flag 18
9999u16a 6e2fu16a 7279u16a 5225u16a 884cu16a 653fu16a 5340u16a 8a34u16a 6c5fu16a 53cbu16a 660eu16a [2016] HKCA 609 Hong Kong Court of Appeal Hong Kong 30 Dec 2016 HKLII flag

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