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"Arbitrary Detention in Australia: Detention of Unlawful Non-Citizens under the Migration Act 1958 (Cth)"   flag  3

(2006) 25 Australian Year Book of International Law 273
Stubbs, Matthew T
Australian Year Book of International Law

Cases Referring to this Journal Article

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Attorney-General (SA) v Duroux [2019] SASC 108 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia 28 Jun 2019 AustLII flag 1

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Back to the Constitution: The Implications of Plaintiff S04/2014 for Immigration Detention" (2015) 38 University of New South Wales Law Journal 628 Chia, Joyce Australia circa 2015 AustLII flag 1
"Whither Indefinite Immigration Detention in Australia? Rethinking Legal Constraints on the Detention of Non-citizens" (2015) 38 University of New South Wales Law Journal 1386 Billings, Peter Australia circa 2015 AustLII flag 1

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Amendment (Detention Arrangements) Bill 2005 (Cth)
Acts Interpretation (Cth) s15AB
Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s4AA, s5, s19, s42, s142, s189, s195A, s196, s197AB
Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth) s2.20
Migration Amendment Act (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Al-Kateb v Godwin [2004] HCA 37; (2004) 219 CLR 562; (2004) 208 ALR 124; (2004) 78 ALJR 1099; 79 ALD 233 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 6 Aug 2004 AustLII flag 727
Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs v Al Khafaji [2004] HCA 38; (2004) 219 CLR 664; (2004) 208 ALR 201; 78 ALJR 1156; 79 ALD 310 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 6 Aug 2004 AustLII flag 125
Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs v B [2004] HCA 20; (2004) 219 CLR 365; [2004] FLC 93-174; 206 ALR 130; (2004) 78 ALJR 737; 31 Fam LR 339; 77 ALD 640 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 29 Apr 2004 AustLII flag 207
"Children in Immigration Detention" (2004) 29 Alternative Law Journal 217 Alternative Law Journal Australia circa 2004 HeinOnline flag 2
(2004) 16 Sydney Papers 91 (2004) 16 Sydney Papers 91 Sydney Papers Australia circa 2004 flag 1
"Children In Immigration Detention" (2004) 29 Alternative Law Journal 212 Alternative Law Journal Australia circa 2004 HeinOnline flag 2
B and B and Minister for Immigration & Multicultural & Indigenous Affairs [2003] FamCA 451; (2003) 199 ALR 604; (2003) 173 FLR 360; [2003] FLC 93-141; (2003) 30 Fam LR 181; 75 ALD 64 Family Court of Australia Australia 19 Jun 2003 AustLII flag 56
Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs v Al Masri [2003] FCAFC 70; (2003) 126 FCR 54; (2003) 197 ALR 241; 73 ALD 609 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 Apr 2003 AustLII flag 211
Plaintiff S157/2002 v Commonwealth [2003] HCA 2; (2003) 211 CLR 476; (2003) 195 ALR 24; (2003) 77 ALJR 454; (2003) 24 Leg Rep 2 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 4 Feb 2003 AustLII flag 4624
"Case Reports of the European Court of Human Rights and the Human Rights Committee" (2003) 5 European Journal of Migration and Law 285 European Journal of Migration and Law Netherlands circa 2003 HeinOnline flag 1
B & B and Minister of Immigration & Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs [2003] FamCA 621 Family Court of Australia Australia circa 2003 AustLII flag 19
Al Masri v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs [2002] FCA 1009; (2002) 192 ALR 609; 69 ALD 296 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 Aug 2002 AustLII flag 53
"International Human Rights Law at Home: Addressing the Politicals of Denial" (2002) 26 Melbourne University Law Review 466 Melbourne University Law Review Australia circa 2002 AustLII flag 8
"Redressing the Wrongs of the International Justice System: Compensation for Persons Erroneously Detained, Prosecuted, or Convicted by the Ad Hoc Tribunals" (2002) 96 American Journal of International Law 628 American Journal of International Law United States circa 2002 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 2
"Foreword" (2002) 26 Melbourne University Law Review 251 Melbourne University Law Review Australia circa 2002 AustLII flag 1
Goldie v Commonwealth (2002) 188 ALR 708 Australia circa 2002 LexisNexis AU flag 11
"Australian Refugee Protection in the Wake of the Tampa" (2002) 96 American Journal of International Law 661 American Journal of International Law United States circa 2002 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 9
"Guarding the Enemy from Oppression: Asylum-Seeker Rights Post-September 11" (2002) 26 Melbourne University Law Review 396 Melbourne University Law Review Australia circa 2002 AustLII flag 4
"On the Edge of Greatness: The Diaries of John Humphrey, First Director of the United Nations Division of Human Rights - Edited by A J Hobbins" (2001) 14 Harvard Human Rights Journal 277 Harvard Human Rights Journal United States circa 2001 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Intention and Effect: The Legal Status of the Final Views of the Human Rights Committee" (2001) 2001 New Zealand Law Review 125 New Zealand Law Review New Zealand circa 2001 HeinOnline / Informit / LexisNexis flag 2
"International Trade and Human Rights--Which Human Rights" (2001) 6 International Trade and Business Law Annual 19 International Trade and Business Law Annual Australia circa 2001 HeinOnline flag 1
UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee, v Jose DUARTE-ACERO, Defendant-Appellant 208 F3d 1282 United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit United States 13 Apr 2000 WorldLII flag 6
"Awfulness of Lawfulness: Some Reflections on the Tension between International and Domestic Law, The" (2000) 21 Australian Year Book of International Law 1 Australian Year Book of International Law Australia circa 2000 AustLII flag 5
"Protecting the Human Rights of Immigration Detainees in Australia: An Evaluation of Current Accountability Mechanisms" (2000) 22 Sydney Law Review 50 Sydney Law Review Australia circa 2000 AustLII flag 2
"International focus" (1998) 72 Australian Law Journal 417 Australian Law Journal Australia circa 1998 Legal Online flag 3
(1997) 9 International Journal of Refugee Law 674 (1997) 9 International Journal of Refugee Law 674 International Journal of Refugee Law United Kingdom circa 1997 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Johnson v United Kingdom (1997) 27 EHRR 296 European Court of Human Rights Europe circa 1997 flag 36
(1997) 9 International Journal of Refugee Law 506 (1997) 9 International Journal of Refugee Law 506 International Journal of Refugee Law United Kingdom circa 1997 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Chahal v United Kingdom [1996] ECHR 54; (1996) 23 EHRR 413; 1 BHRC 405 European Court of Human Rights Europe 15 Nov 1996 BAILII flag 242
"The Growing Importance of Customary International Human Rights Law" (1996) 25 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 1 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law United States circa 1996 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Sovereignty and the Right to Seek Asylum: The Case of Cambodian Asylum-Seekers in Australia" (1994) 15 Australian Year Book of International Law 35 Australian Year Book of International Law Australia circa 1994 AustLII flag 7
"Safeguarding the Liberty of the Person: Recent Strasbourg Jurisprudence" (1993) 42 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 494 International and Comparative Law Quarterly United Kingdom circa 1993 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 2
"Vietnamese Women and Children Refugees in Hong Kong: An Argument Against Arbitrary Detention" (1993) 4 Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 71 Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law United States circa 1993 flag 1
Thynne, Wilson and Gunnell v United Kingdom [1990] ECHR 29; (1991) 13 EHRR 666 European Court of Human Rights Europe 25 Oct 1990 BAILII flag 62
E v Norway (1990) 17 EHRR 30 European Court of Human Rights Europe circa 1990 flag 23
"Sources of Human Rights Law: Custom, Jus Cogens, and General Principles, The" (1988-1989) 12 Australian Year Book of International Law 82 Australian Year Book of International Law Australia circa 1989 AustLII flag 5
Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) 1577 UNTS 3 International circa 1989 flag 532
"The Challenge of Soft Law: Development and Change in International Law" [1989] International and Comparative Law Quarterly 850 International and Comparative Law Quarterly United Kingdom circa 1989 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 1
"Aliens and Process Rights: The Open and Shut Case of Legal Sovereignty" (1988) 7 Wisconsin International Law Journal 107 Wisconsin International Law Journal United States circa 1988 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Weeks v United Kingdom [1987] ECHR 3; (1988) 10 EHRR 293 European Court of Human Rights Europe 2 Mar 1987 BAILII flag 87
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) 1465 UNTS 85 International circa 1984 flag 442
Van Droogenbroeck v Belgium [1982] ECHR 3; (1982) 4 EHRR 443 European Court of Human Rights Europe 24 Jun 1982 BAILII flag 40
"Protection from Arbitrary Arrest and Detention Under International Law" (1982) 5 Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 345 Boston College International and Comparative Law Review United States circa 1982 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
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"General Principles of Human Rights Law Recognized by All Nations: Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest and Detention" (1980) 10 California Western International Law Journal 272 California Western International Law Journal United States circa 1980 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
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"The International Bill of Rights: Scope and Implementation" (1976) 17 William and Mary Law Review 527 William and Mary Law Review United States circa 1976 flag 2
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