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"Power, Environmental Principles and the International Court of Justice"   flag 

(2009) 28 Australian Year Book of International Law 91
Akhtarkhavari, Afshin
Australian Year Book of International Law

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Ad Hoc Chambers of the International Court of Justice" (1987) 81 American Journal of International Law 831 American Journal of International Law United States circa 1987 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 3
"Adjudication Norms, Dispute Settlement Regimes And International Tribunals: The Status Of "Environmental Sustainability" In International" (2006) 42 Stanford Journal of International Law 1 Stanford Journal of International Law United States circa 2006 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"Bounded Discretion in International Judicial Lawmaking" 45 Virginia Journal of International Law 631 Virginia Journal of International Law United States circa 2006 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 5
"Collective Action in the Utilization of Shared Freshwater: The Challenges of International Water Resources Law" (1996) 90 American Journal of International Law 384 American Journal of International Law United States circa 1996 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 3
"Current Development: The 1997 United Nations Convention on International Watercourses" (1998) 92 American Journal of International Law 97 American Journal of International Law United States circa 1998 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 3
"Fishery Diplomacy and Science and the Judicial Function" (1999) 10 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 33 Yearbook of International Environmental Law United Kingdom circa 1999 flag 1
"ICJ and the Danube Dam Case: A Missed Opportunity for International Environmental Law, The" (1998) 22 Melbourne University Law Review 507 Melbourne University Law Review Australia circa 1998 AustLII flag 2
"ILM Content Summary" (1997) 36 International Legal Materials 700 International Legal Materials United States circa 1997 HeinOnline flag 8
"Institutional Misfits: The GATT, the ICJ and Trade-Environment Disputes" (1994) 15 Michigan Journal of International Law 1043 Michigan Journal of International Law United States circa 1994 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
"International Court of Justice and Highly Political Matters, The" (2003) 4 Melbourne Journal of International Law 29 Melbourne Journal of International Law Australia circa 2003 AustLII flag 3
"International Environmental Law from Stockholm to Rio: Back to the Future?" (1992) 1 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 254 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law circa 1992 1
"International Liability for Transboundary Harm" (2004) 34 (6) Environmental Policy and Law 224 Environmental Policy and Law circa 2004 Informit 1
"Judicial Policy-Making at the International Criminal Court: An Institutional Guide to Analyzing International Adjudication" (2006) 44 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 377 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law United States circa 2006 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"Liability for Damage to the Global Commons" (1992) 14 Australian Year Book of International Law 129 Australian Year Book of International Law Australia circa 1992 AustLII flag 1
"Mootness in International Adjudication: The Nuclear Tests Cases" (1977) 20 German Yearbook of International Law 358 German Yearbook of International Law Germany circa 1977 flag 1
"Multiple International Courts and the 'Fragmentation' of International Environmental Law" (2006) 25 Australian Year Book of International Law 227 Australian Year Book of International Law Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag 1
"Peaceful Settlement of Environmental Disputes" (1991) 60 Nordic Journal of International Law 73 Nordic Journal of International Law Netherlands circa 1991 HeinOnline flag 1
"Power and International Law" (2006) 100 American Journal of International Law 64 American Journal of International Law United States circa 2006 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 1
"s Article" (2001) 16 (2) International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 361 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law Netherlands circa 2001 HeinOnline flag 1
"Securitization and Judicial Review: A Semiotic Perspective on the Relation Between the Security Council and International Judicial Bodies" (2001) 14 International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 345 International Journal for the Semiotics of Law Netherlands circa 2001 flag 1
"State Responsibility for Injurious Transboundary Activity in Retrospect" (2003) 50 Netherlands International Law Review 327 Netherlands International Law Review Netherlands circa 2003 Cambridge flag 1
"The Domain of WTO Dispute Resolution" (1999) 40 Harvard International Law Journal 333 Harvard International Law Journal United States circa 1999 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 8
"The Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Case: New Law in Old Bottles" (1997) 8 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 13 Yearbook of International Environmental Law United Kingdom circa 1997 flag 2
"The Indispensability of an International Environmental Court" (1998) 7 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 63 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law circa 1998 1
"The International Obligation to Conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment: The ICJ Case Concerning the Gabc kovo-Nagymaros Project" (1999) 7 New York University Environmental Law Journal 307 New York University Environmental Law Journal United States - New York circa 1999 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"The Judiciary, International and National, and the Development of International Law" (1996) 45 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1 International and Comparative Law Quarterly United Kingdom circa 1996 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 6
"The Limits of International Adjudication in International Environmental Law: Another Perspective on the Southern Bluefin Tuna Case" (2004) 19 (2) International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 177 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law Netherlands circa 2004 HeinOnline flag 2
"The Necessity of Precaution: The Future of Ecological Necessity and the Precautionary Principle" (2001) 17 Fordham Environmental Law Journal 375 Fordham Environmental Law Journal United States circa 2001 Westlaw flag 1
"The Normative Development Of Socioeconomic Rights Through Supranational Adjudication" (2006) 42 Stanford Journal of International Law 53 Stanford Journal of International Law United States circa 2006 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"The Nuclear Tests Cases Revisited" (1977) 20 German Yearbook of International Law 337 German Yearbook of International Law Germany circa 1977 flag 3
"The Primacy of the Principle of Equitable Utilization in the 1997 Watercourses Convention" (1997) 35 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 221 Canadian Yearbook of International Law Canada circa 1997 HeinOnline flag 1
"The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development: Two Steps Forward and One Back, or Vice Versa?" (1995) 29 Georgia Law Review 599 Georgia Law Review United States circa 1995 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"The Work of the International Law Commission at Its Fifty-Third Session (2001)" (2002) 71 Nordic Journal of International Law 123 Nordic Journal of International Law Netherlands circa 2002 HeinOnline flag 1
"Why States Act Through Formal International Organizations" (1998) 42 Journal of Conflict Resolution 3 Journal of Conflict Resolution United States circa 1998 flag 1
"Word Made Law: The Decision of the ICJ in the Nuclear Test Cases" (1975) 69 American Journal of International Law 612 American Journal of International Law United States circa 1975 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 4
(1971) 996 Unts 245 (1971) 996 UNTS 245 International circa 1971 flag 36
(1998) 37 International Legal Materials 44 (1998) 37 International Legal Materials 44 International Legal Materials United States circa 1998 HeinOnline flag 1
[1999] Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law 389 [1999] Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law 389 Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law Germany circa 1999 flag 1
International Watercourses: An Overview and Commentary' (1996) 5 (2) Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 89 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law circa 1996 1
River Uruguay (Argentina v Uruguay) (2006) 45 International Legal Materials 1025 International Legal Materials United States circa 2006 HeinOnline flag 1
Southern Bluefin Tuna (Australia and New Zealand v Japan) (2000) 119 ILR 508 circa 2000 4
Southern Bluefin Tuna (New Zealand v Japan; Australia v Japan) (Provisional Measures) (1999) 117 ILR 148 circa 1999 4
Special Agreement for Submission to the International Court of Justice of the Differences Between the Republic of Hungary and the Slovak Republic Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project 32 International Legal Materials 1293 International Legal Materials United States HeinOnline flag 3
Treaty Concerning the Construction and Operation of the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros System of Locks 32 International Legal Materials 1247 International Legal Materials United States HeinOnline flag 2
4 Nordic Journal of International Law 297 4 Nordic Journal of International Law 297 Nordic Journal of International Law Netherlands HeinOnline flag 1

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