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"Trimming"   flag  2

(2009) 122 Harvard Law Review 1049
Sunstein, Cass R
Harvard Law Review
United States
1st January, 2009

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Partial Constitutional Codes" [2014] UNSWLRS 37 Dixon, Rosalind Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag
"Pluralism in Contract Law" [2009] UNSWLRS 28 Trakman, Leon Australia circa 2009 AustLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Assessing The New Judicial Minimalism" (2000) 100 Columbia Law Review 1454 Columbia Law Review United States circa 2000 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 6
"The Pathological Perspective and the First Amendment" (1985) 85 Columbia Law Review 449 Columbia Law Review United States circa 1985 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 11
Gender Classification Scrutiny: United States v Virginia 29 Connecticut Law Review 521 Connecticut Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Partial Constitutional Codes" [2014] UNSWLRS 37 Dixon, Rosalind Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag
48 Duke Law Journal 511 48 Duke Law Journal 511 Duke Law Journal United States circa 2014 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"Rules Versus Standards: An Economic Analysis" 42 Duke Law Journal 557 Duke Law Journal United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 36
Second Amendment Minimalism 122 Harvard Law Review 246 Harvard Law Review United States 1 Jan 2008 WorldLII flag 7
"Incompletely Theorized Agreements" (1995) 108 Harvard Law Review 1733 Harvard Law Review United States circa 1995 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 12
"Foreword: The Justices of Rules and Standards" 106 Harvard Law Review 22 Harvard Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 27
"Context-Dependence in Legal Decision Making" (1996) 25 Journal of Legal Studies 287 Journal of Legal Studies United States circa 1996 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 4
"Burkean Minimalism" 105 Michigan Law Review 353 Michigan Law Review United States 1 Jan 2006 WorldLII flag 8
24 Political Studies 488 24 Political Studies 488 Political Studies United Kingdom flag 1
"The Rehnquist Court At Twilight: The Lures And Perils Of Split-The-Difference Jurisprudence" 58 Stanford Law Review 1969 Stanford Law Review United States circa 1969 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 4
"If People Would Be Outraged By Their Rulings, Should Judges Care?" 60 Stanford Law Review 155 Stanford Law Review United States circa 1969 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
"Pluralism in Contract Law" [2009] UNSWLRS 28 Trakman, Leon Australia circa 2009 AustLII flag
Lingle v Chevron USA , Inc 544 US 528; 35 ELR 20147 United States Supreme Court United States 23 May 2005 WorldLII flag 21
United States v Booker 543 US 220; 125 SCt 738; 160 L Ed 2d 621 United States Supreme Court United States 12 Jan 2005 WorldLII flag 2594
Lawrence v Texas 539 US 558; 123 SCt 2472; 156 L Ed 2d 508; (2003) 123 SCt 1435 United States Supreme Court United States 26 Jun 2003 WorldLII flag 204
Gratz v Bollinger 539 US 244; 123 SCt 2411; 156 L Ed 2d 257; 177 Ed Law Rep 851 United States Supreme Court United States 23 Jun 2003 WorldLII flag 54
Grutter v Bollinger 539 US 306; 123 SCt 2325; 156 L Ed 2d 304; 177 Ed Law Rep 801 United States Supreme Court United States 23 Jun 2003 WorldLII flag 135
Tahoe-Sierra Pres Council, Inc v Tahoe R'l Planning Agency 535 US 302; 122 SCt 1465; 152 L Ed 2d 517; 232 Idaho 233 United States Supreme Court United States - Idaho 23 Apr 2002 WorldLII flag 54
City of Chicago v Morales 527 US 41; 119 SCt 1849; 687 NE2d 53; 177 Ill2d 440; 144 L Ed 2d 67; 227 Ill Dec 130 United States Supreme Court United States 10 Jun 1999 WorldLII flag 106
United States v Virginia 518 US 515; 135 L Ed 2d 735; 116 SCt 2264 United States Supreme Court United States 3 Jul 1996 WorldLII flag 123
Denver Area Ed Telecommunications Consortium, Inc v FCC 518 US 727; 135 L Ed 2d 888; 116 SCt 2374 United States Supreme Court United States 28 Jun 1996 WorldLII flag 49
Liquormart, Inc v Rhode Island 517 US 484; 134 L Ed 2d 711; 116 SCt 1495 United States Supreme Court United States 13 May 1996 WorldLII flag 94
Rubin v Coors Brewing Co 514 US 476; 131 L Ed 2d 532; 115 SCt 1585 United States Supreme Court United States 19 Apr 1995 WorldLII flag 44
Lucas v South Carolina Coastal Council 505 US 1003; 120 L Ed 2d 798; 112 SCt 2886 United States Supreme Court United States 29 Jun 1992 WorldLII flag 204
Planned Parenthood v Casey 505 US 833; 112 SCt 2791; 120 L Ed 2d 674; 120 L Ed 674 United States Supreme Court United States 29 Jun 1992 WorldLII flag 340
Lujan v Defenders of Wildlife 504 US 555; 119 L Ed 2d 351; 112 SCt 2130 United States Supreme Court United States 12 Jun 1992 WorldLII flag 1237
Michael H v Gerald D 491 US 110; 105 L Ed 2d 91; 109 SCt 2333 United States Supreme Court United States 30 Aug 1989 WorldLII flag 67
NAACP v Claiborne Hardware Co 458 US 886; 73 L Ed 2d 1215; 102 SCt 3409 United States Supreme Court United States 4 Oct 1982 WorldLII flag 173
Rostker v Goldberg 453 US 57; 69 L Ed 2d 478; 101 SCt 2646 United States Supreme Court United States 25 Jun 1981 WorldLII flag 118
Michael M v Superior Court 450 US 464; 101 SCt 1200; 67 L Ed 2d 437 United States Supreme Court United States 23 Mar 1981 WorldLII flag 63
Fullilove v Klutznick 448 US 448; 65 L Ed 2d 902; 100 SCt 2758 United States Supreme Court United States 2 Jul 1980 WorldLII flag 228
Regents of the University of California v Bakke 438 US 265; 57 L Ed 2d 750; 98 SCt 2733 United States Supreme Court United States 28 Jun 1978 WorldLII flag 385
Craig v Boren 429 US 190; 50 L Ed 2d 397; 97 SCt 451 United States Supreme Court United States 20 Dec 1976 WorldLII flag 371
Virginia State Board of Pharmacy v Virginia Citizens Consumer Council, Inc 425 US 748; 44 USLW 4686; 48 L Ed 2d 346; 96 SCt 1817 United States Supreme Court United States 24 May 1976 WorldLII flag 392
Buckley v Valeo 424 US 1; 46 L Ed 659; 46 L Ed 2d 659; 96 SCt 612; [1976] Brock 860; 44 USLW 4127 United States Supreme Court United States 27 Feb 1976 WorldLII flag 842
Miller v California 413 US 15; 37 L Ed 2d 419; 93 SCt 2607 United States Supreme Court United States 9 Oct 1973 WorldLII flag 455
Brandenburg v Ohio 395 US 444; 89 SCt 1827; 23 L Ed 2; 23 L Ed 2d 430 United States Supreme Court United States 9 Jun 1969 WorldLII flag 288
New York Times Co v Sullivan 376 US 254; 95 ALR 2d 1412; 11 L Ed 686; 11 L Ed 2d 686; 84 SCt 710 United States Supreme Court United States 9 Mar 1964 WorldLII flag 1255
Ferguson v Skrupa 372 US 726; 10 L Ed 2d 93; 83 SCt 1028 United States Supreme Court United States 22 Apr 1963 WorldLII flag 165
Brown v Board of Education 349 US 294; 99 L Ed 1083; 75 SCt 753 United States Supreme Court United States 31 May 1955 WorldLII flag 453
Williamson v Lee Optical Co 348 US 483; 99 L Ed 563; 75 SCt 461; 99 L Ed 2d 563 United States Supreme Court United States 9 May 1955 WorldLII flag 466
Brown v Board of Education 347 US 483; 38 ALR 2d 1180; 98 L Ed 2d 873; [1954] Idaho 349; 98 L Ed 873; 74 SCt 686 United States Supreme Court United States 17 May 1954 WorldLII flag 1033
Debs v United States 249 US 211; 63 L Ed 566; 39 SCt 252 United States Supreme Court United States 10 Mar 1919 WorldLII flag 28
Lochner v New York 198 US 45; 49 L Ed 937; 3 Ann Cas 1133; 3 A & E Ann Cas 1133; 25 SCt 539; 49 L Ed 2d 937 United States Supreme Court United States 17 Apr 1905 WorldLII flag 280
Dennis v United States 341 US 494 United States Supreme Court United States Westlaw flag 424
Van Orden v Perry 545 US 677; 125 SCt 2854; 162 L Ed 2d 607 United States Supreme Court United States Westlaw flag 40
"Emergency Lawmaking after 9/11 and 7/7" (2008) 75 University of Chicago Law Review 1155 University of Chicago Law Review United States circa 2008 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"The Constitutionality of Reverse Racial Discrimination" 41 University of Chicago Law Review 723 University of Chicago Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 21
56 University of Chicago Law Review 1175 56 University of Chicago Law Review 1175 University of Chicago Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 46
(1970) 1989 University of Chicago Legal Forum 9 (1970) 1989 University of Chicago Legal Forum 9 University of Chicago Legal Forum United States circa 1989 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 2
"Strategizing Strategic Behaviour in Legal Interpretation" [1996] Utah Law Review 785 Utah Law Review United States - Utah circa 1996 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"Affirmative Action and the Legislative History of the Fourteenth Amendment" 71 Virginia Law Review 753 Virginia Law Review United States LexisNexis flag 9
"Unfinished Business of the Warren Court, The" 46 Washington Law Review (Seattle) 3 Washington Law Review (Seattle) United States - Washington flag 2
"Cultural Cognition and Public Policy" (2006) 24 Yale Law & Policy Review 149 Yale Law & Policy Review United States circa 2006 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 4
District of Columbia v Heller 128 SCt 2783 United States Westlaw flag 27
Edna Ullmann-Margalit, The Invisible Hand and the Cunning of Reason 64 Soc Res 181 United States flag 3

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