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Kase v Schacht (A 311/2007)   flag 

[2009] NAHC 126
High Court of Namibia
5th November, 2009

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Legal Practitioners Act, 1995 (Qld)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Noel Lancaster Sands (Pty) Ltd v Theron 1975 2 SA 280 South Africa circa 1975 LexisNexis flag
General Leasing Corporation Ltd v Louw 1974 4 SA 455 South Africa circa 1974 LexisNexis flag
Legal and General Assurance Society Ltd v Lieberum 1968 1 SA 473; [1968] 1 All SA 398 South Africa circa 1968 LexisNexis flag
Barnato v Joel 45 TLR 167 United Kingdom circa 1968 LexisNexis flag
Pinkster Gemeente van Namibia (previously South West Africa) v Navolgers van Christus Kerk SA [2002] NR 14 Canada circa 2002 flag
Afshani v Vaatz 2007 2 NR 381 Canada circa 2007 flag
Christian v Metropolitan Life Namibia Retirement Annuity Fund 2008 2 NR 753 Canada circa 2008 flag

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