[2016] Ieca 2011
[2016] IECA 2011
Irish Competition Authority
Republic of Ireland
circa 2011
Blehein v Murphy
[2000] IESC 1; [2000] 2 ILRM 481; [2000] 2 IR 231
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
17 Jan 2000
Chambers v An Bord Pleanala
[1992] 1 IR 134; [1992] ILRM 296
Republic of Ireland
circa 1992
East Donegal Co-Operative v Attorney General
[1970] IR 317
circa 1970
Kelly v National University of Ireland Dublin aka UCD v The Director of the Equality Tribunal
[2017] IECA 161; [2017] 3 IR 237
Irish Competition Authority
Republic of Ireland
26 May 2017
Murphy v Greene
[1990] 2 IR 566
circa 1990
Nugent and Personal Insolvency Acts (No 2)
[2016] IEHC 309
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
8 Jun 2016
Re Nugent
[2016] IEHC 127
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
10 Mar 2016
Re O’Connors (A Debtor)
[2015] IEHC 320; [2015] 3 IR 434
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
21 May 2015
Southern Mineral Oil Ltd (in liquidation) v Coonev
[1997] 3 IR 549
circa 1997
Tucon Process Installations Ltd (in Voluntary Liquidation) v The Governor and Co of The Bank of Ireland
[2015] IEHC 312
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
1 May 2015