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J (A child : Hague Child Abduction Convention: Physical Chastisement and Homophobic Abuse)   flag 

[2018] EWFC 85
England and Wales Family Court
United Kingdom - England and Wales
14th December, 2018

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Re E (Children) (Abduction: Custody Appeal) [2011] UKSC 27; [2012] 1 AC 144; [2011] 2 WLR 1326 United Kingdom Supreme Court United Kingdom 10 Jun 2011 BAILII flag 278
M (Children) (Abduction: Rights of Custody), Re [2007] UKHL 55; [2008] 1 AC 1288; [2008] 1 All ER 1157; [2007] 3 WLR 975; [2007] All ER (D) 66; 151 Sol Jo 1595; [2008] Fam Law 298 House of Lords United Kingdom 5 Dec 2007 BAILII flag 209
Re D (A Child) (Abduction: Rights of Custody) [2006] UKHL 51 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 2006 BAILII flag 155
Re M (Republic of Ireland) (Child's Objections) (Joinder of Children as Parties to Appeal) [2015] EWCA Civ 26; [2016] Fam 1; [2015] 3 WLR 803 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 27 Jan 2015 BAILII flag 80
P-J (Children) (Abduction: Consent), Re [2009] EWCA Civ 588; [2009] All ER (D) 242; [2010] 1 WLR 1237; [2009] Fam Law 786 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 23 Jun 2009 BAILII flag 49
Re E (Children) (Abduction: Custody Appeal) [2011] 2 FLR 758 Australia circa 2011 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 39
Re D (Abduction: Rights of Custody) [2007] 1 FLR 961 Australia circa 2007 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 19
Re M (Children) [2017] EWCA Civ 2164; [2018] 4 WLR 60 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 20 Dec 2017 BAILII flag 17
BK v NK (Suspension of Return Order) [2016] EWHC 2496 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2016 BAILII flag 7

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