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XDE North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust   flag 

[2018] EWHC B22
High Court of England and Wales
United Kingdom - England and Wales
12th September, 2018

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Lownds v Home Office [2002] EWCA Civ 365; [2002] 4 All ER 775; [2002] 1 WLR 2450; [2002] All ER (D) 329; [2002] CPLR 328; [2002] 2 Costs LR 279 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 21 Mar 2002 BAILII flag 147
Simmons v Castle (No 2) [2012] EWCA Civ 1288; [2013] EMLR 4 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2012 BAILII flag 24
Lahey v Pirelli Tyres Ltd [2007] EWCA Civ 91; [2007] All ER (D) 165; [2007] 1 WLR 998; [2007] PIQR P292; [2007] 3 Costs LR 462 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 14 Feb 2007 BAILII flag 23
Surrey v Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust [2018] EWCA Civ 451; [2018] 1 WLR 5831 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 16 Mar 2018 BAILII flag 17
Hyde v Milton Keynes NHS Foundation Trust [2017] EWCA Civ 399 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 23 May 2017 BAILII flag 2
Ridehalgh v Horsefield [1994] Ch 205; [1994] 3 All ER 848; [1994] 3 WLR 462 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1994 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
90 CPR 4411 90 CPR 4411 Canada circa 2017 flag 1

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