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Kennedy v The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine (Approved)   flag 

[2020] IEHC 497
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
31st July, 2020

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Road Traffic Act, 1961 (SA) s82
Fisheries (Consolidation) Act 1959 s11
Marine Institute Act 1991
Sea Fisheries Act 1952

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Mohan v Ireland [2019] IESC 18; [2019] 2 ILRM 1 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 21 Mar 2019 BAILII flag 21
DPP v Brown [2018] IESC 67; [2019] 2 IR 1 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 21 Dec 2018 BAILII flag 19
Garda Representative Association v Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform [2018] IESC 4 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 7 Feb 2018 BAILII flag 6
Barlow v Minister for Agriculture [2016] IESC 62; [2017] 2 IR 440 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 27 Oct 2016 BAILII flag 10
Save Our Surgery Ltd v Joint Committee of Primary Care Trusts [2013] EWHC 439 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2013 BAILII flag 1
Mallak v Minister for Justice [2012] IESC 59; [2012] 3 IR 297; [2013] 1 ILRM 73 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 6 Dec 2012 BAILII flag 204
Donegan v Dublin City Council [2012] IESC 18; [2012] 3 IR 600; [2012] 2 ILRM 233 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 27 Feb 2012 BAILII flag 30
R (Milton Keynes Council) v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government [2011] EWCA Civ 1575 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 16 Dec 2011 BAILII flag 9
Hygeia Chemicals v Irish Medicines Board [2010] IESC 4 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 27 Jan 2010 BAILII flag 5
Meadows v Minister for Justice [2010] IESC 3; [2010] 2 IR 701; [2011] 2 ILRM 157 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 21 Jan 2010 BAILII flag 400
Faherty v Registrar General of Fishing Boats [2010] IEHC 244 High Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 29 Jun 2010 BAILII flag 1
Teahan v Minister for Communications [2009] IEHC 399 High Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 18 Aug 2009 BAILII flag 3
Teahan v Minister for Communications [2008] IEHC 194 High Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 18 Jun 2008 BAILII flag 10
R v North and East Devon Health Authority; Ex parte Coughlan [2001] QB 213; (2001) 48 AC 835 United Kingdom circa 2001 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 567
Byrne v Fingal County Council [2001] IEHC 141; [2001] 4 IR 565; [2002] 2 ILRM 321 High Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 2 Aug 2001 BAILII flag 18
Gorman v Minister for the Environment and Local Government [2001] IEHC 47; [2001] 2 IR 414 High Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 23 Mar 2001 BAILII flag 14
Humphrey v Minister for the Environment [2001] 1 IR 263 circa 2001 6
An Bord Altranais v O'Ceallaigh [2000] IESC 21; [2000] 4 IR 54 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 17 May 2000 BAILII flag 26
Hempenstall v Minister for the Environment [1994] 2 IR 20 circa 1994 27
O Keeffe v An Bord Plean la [1993] 1 IR 39; [1992] ILRM 237 Republic of Ireland circa 1992 flag 458
State (Keegan) v Stardust Compensation Tribunal [1987] ILRM 202; [1986] IR 642 Republic of Ireland circa 1986 flag 339
Cahill v Sutton [1980] IR 269 circa 1980 175
Burke v Minister for Labour [1979] IR 354 circa 1979 15
Cassidy v Minister for Industry and Commerce [1978] IR 297 circa 1978 48
Dunraven Estates Co v Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland [1974] IR 113 circa 1974 4
East Donegal Co-Operative v Attorney General [1970] IR 317 circa 1970 324
Finn v Bray UDC [1969] IR 169 circa 1969 8
People (Attorney General) v Kennedy [1946] IR 517 circa 1946 27

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