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"Everything Old Is New Again - a Resurgence of the Co-State?"   flag 

[2022] NSWBarAssocNews 107
Assaf, Farid

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Nabob of the Carnatic v East India Co [1791] EngR 1443; 1 Ves Jr 371; 30 ER 391 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1791 CommonLII flag 10
"The Decline of the Nation-State and Its Implications for International Law" (1998) 36 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 7 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law United States circa 1998 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 5
American Express Co v Italian Colors Restaurant 570 US 228 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1998 Westlaw flag 3
(2015) 80 Missouri Law Review 723 (2015) 80 Missouri Law Review 723 Missouri Law Review United States circa 2015 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Governing Bad Behavior by Users of Multi-Sided Market Standard Form Contracts A Two-Part Critique of Boilerplate: bringing the case of Nabob of the Carnatic v East India Co (1791) Platforms" (2012) 27 Berkeley Technology Law Journal 1201 Berkeley Technology Law Journal United States circa 2012 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"The Corporation As Sovereign" (2008) 60 Maine Law Review 129 Maine Law Review United States circa 2008 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"The Role of Power in International Law" [1997] University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 649 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform United States circa 1997 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1

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