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McConvill & Associates Pty Ltd v Carbone (No 2)   flag 

[2023] FCA 519
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
25th May, 2023

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)
Evidence Act 1995 (Cth) s59, s69
Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) s340, s342
Federal Court Rules 2011 (Cth) s39.32

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Carbone v James McConvill & Associates [2021] FCCA 661 Federal Circuit Court of Australia Australia 9 Apr 2021 AustLII flag
PIA Mortgage Services Pty Ltd v King (No 2) [2020] FCAFC 53 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 27 Mar 2020 AustLII flag
PIA Mortgage Services Pty Ltd v King [2020] FCAFC 15; (2020) 274 FCR 225; (2020) 292 IR 317 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 24 Feb 2020 AustLII flag
Carbone v James McConvill and Associates Pty Ltd (No 2) [2019] FCA 1594 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 16 Sep 2019 AustLII flag
Carbone v James McConvill and Associates Pty Ltd [2019] FCA 1305 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 19 Aug 2019 AustLII flag
Sayed v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union [2015] FCA 27; [2016] FCAFC 4; (2016) 239 FCR 336; (2015) 327 ALR 460; (2016) 259 IR 274; 149 ALD 88 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 22 Jan 2016 AustLII flag
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union v Clarke (2008) 170 FCR 574 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 2008 Legal Online / Westlaw flag
House v R [1936] HCA 40; (1936) 55 CLR 499; 10 ALJR 202; 9 ABC 117 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1936 AustLII flag

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