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Bowes Investments Pty Ltd v Deputy Chief Judge Fong Lim   flag 

[2023] NTSC 64
Supreme Court of the Northern Territory
Australia - Northern Territory
10th August, 2023

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Legislation Act) 2001 (ACT)
Workers Compensation Act (NSW)
Local Court Act 2015 (NT)
Local Court (Civil Procedure) Act 1989 (NT)
Motor Accidents (Compensation) Act 1979 (NT)
Return to Work Act 1986 (NT) s14, s61, s80, s104, s126A, s127, s132, s176
Work Health Administration Act 2011 (NT) s14, s15
Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011 (NT)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Mallinson v Scottish Australian Investment Co Ltd [1920] HCA 51; (1920) 28 CLR 66; 26 ALR 225 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 26 Aug 1920 AustLII flag 108
Josephson v Walker [1914] HCA 68; (1914) 18 CLR 691 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 17 Nov 1914 AustLII flag 130
Melesco Manufacturing Pty Ltd v Thompson (1996) 40 NSWLR 525 Australia - New South Wales circa 1996 LexisNexis AU flag 8
NSW State Brickworks v Abi-arraj (1995) 38 NSWLR 94; (1995) 12 NSWCCR 391 Australia - New South Wales circa 1995 LexisNexis AU flag 8
Catford v Laminex Group Pty Ltd [2023] NTCA 7 Supreme Court of the Northern Territory - Court of Appeal Australia - Northern Territory 15 May 2023 AustLII flag 1
Laminex Group Pty Ltd v Catford [2021] NTSC 92 Supreme Court of the Northern Territory Australia - Northern Territory 30 Nov 2021 AustLII flag 4
William Sergeant v MPJ Insurance Enterprises and QBE Insurance (Australia) Ltd [2021] NTLC 017 Local Court of the Northern Territory Australia - Northern Territory circa 2021 AustLII flag 2
Consolidated Press Holdings Ltd v Wheeler [1999] NTSC 58 Supreme Court of the Northern Territory Australia - Northern Territory 31 May 1999 AustLII flag 1
Disability Services of Central Australia v Regan [1998] NTCA 77; (1998) 8 NTLR 73 Supreme Court of the Northern Territory - Court of Appeal Australia - Northern Territory 31 Jul 1998 AustLII flag 23
Brett William McMaster v R [1994] NTSC 33 Supreme Court of the Northern Territory Australia - Northern Territory circa 1994 AustLII flag 1
Hopkins v QBE Insurance Ltd [1991] NTSC 33 Supreme Court of the Northern Territory Australia - Northern Territory 22 May 1991 AustLII flag 2

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