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Liquidation) (Formerly Advance Finances Pty Ltd) v Commissioner of Taxation; Binetter v Commissioner of Taxation   flag 

[2011] HCATrans 308
High Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
2nd November, 2011

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) s9, s167, s210, s459A, s459P, s461, s462, s601AH, s167
Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) s25, s33
Judiciary Act 1903 (Cth) s78B
Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s424A
Taxation Administration Act 1953 (Cth) s10
High Court Rules (Cth) s25.01
Acts Interpretation Act (Cth)
Acts Interpretation Amendment Act 2011 (Cth) s1, s471A

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
SAAP v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs [2005] HCA 24; (2005) 228 CLR 294; (2005) 79 ALJR 1009; (2005) 83 ALD 545; (2005) 215 ALR 162 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 May 2005 AustLII flag 1497
Stead v State Government Insurance Office (1986) 161 CLR 141 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1986 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 1247
Corporation of the City of Enfield v Development Assessment Commission [2000] HCA 5; (2000) 199 CLR 135; (2000) 169 ALR 400; (2000) 74 ALJR 490; (2000) 60 ALD 342; (2000) 106 LGERA 419; (2000) 21 Leg Rep 19 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Feb 2000 AustLII flag 844
Cameron v Cole [1944] HCA 5; (1944) 68 CLR 571; [1944] ALR 130; 13 ABC 141; (1944) 17 ALJR 397 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Mar 1944 AustLII flag 616
John Alexander's Clubs Pty Ltd v White City Tennis Club Ltd [2010] HCA 19; (2010) 241 CLR 1; 266 ALR 462; (2010) 4 BFRA 701; (2010) 84 ALJR 446 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 26 May 2010 AustLII flag 473
Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Broadbeach Properties Pty Ltd [2008] HCA 41; (2008) 237 CLR 473; (2008) 248 ALR 693; (2008) 82 ALJR 1411; (2008) 67 ACSR 593; (2008) 69 ATR 357; [2008] ATC 20-045; (2008) 26 ACLC 880 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Sep 2008 AustLII flag 236
HVAC Construction (Qld) Pty Ltd v Energy Equipment Engineering Pty Ltd [2002] FCA 1638; (2002) 44 ACSR 169; 21 ACLC 163 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Dec 2002 AustLII flag 43
Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Australian Securities and Investments Commission [2010] FCA 1411; (2010) 81 ATR 456 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 16 Dec 2010 AustLII flag 35
JP Morgan Portfolio Services Ltd v Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu [2008] FCA 433; (2008) 167 FCR 212; (2008) 65 ACSR 636; (2008) 26 ACLC 320 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 25 Mar 2008 AustLII flag 26
Binetter v Deputy Commissioner of Taxation [2011] FCA 184; (2011) 82 ATR 85 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 4 Mar 2011 AustLII flag 11
Binetter v Commissioner of Taxation [2011] FCA 1195; (2011) 198 FCR 49 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Oct 2011 AustLII flag 10
Binetter v Commissioner of Taxation (No 2) [2011] FCA 1214 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 24 Oct 2011 AustLII flag 4
Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Australian Securities and Investments Commission [2011] FCA 219 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 11 Mar 2011 AustLII flag 4
Binetter v Deputy Commissioner of Taxation (No 2) [2011] FCA 207 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 4 Mar 2011 AustLII flag 4
Re Williams United Mines Pty Ltd 29 NSWLR 88 Australia - New South Wales circa 2000 LexisNexis AU flag 3
London Caledonian Marine Insurance Co (1879) 11 Ch 140 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1879 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1

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