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Baijnath Prasad Singh v Tej Bali Singh:(1) "Be it known to Adil Shah, respectable zamindar of Pergana Agori, that on a petition having been made, it is known that the zamindari in the pargana aforesaid is his old ancestral property Several years ago Raja Balwant Singh forcibly dispossessed him and brought it to his use Therefore, in lieu of former rights he should remain in proprietary possession of his share as heretofore He should make arrangements as regards the cultivation of the land and population of the pargana aforesaid in accordance with the directions of the Revenue Officer (1)   flag  1

AIR 1917 All 191
All India Reporter, Allahabad Series
India - Uttar Pradesh

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Uttar Pradesh v Raja Anand Brahma Shah [1966] INSC 169; [1967] 1 SCR 362; AIR 1967 SC 661 Supreme Court of India India 16 Sep 1966 LIIofIndia flag 8

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