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Buyer GSPI " 30 By Citing these clauses of the agreement, the plaintiff
has two fold submissions i e the contents of the underlying agreement
must be read into the letter of credit and thereby the present
case is differentiated from the normal case of invocation of the
letter of credit The present case falls within the case of fraud
which is exception to the ordinary rule of non interference of
the court and the plaintiff is entitled for interim injunction
prayed for Legal Position on the Grant of Injunction Against Letter
of Credit 31 Before dealing with the rival submissions of the parties,
I feel appropriate to discuss the settled proposition of law with
the respect to judicial interference against the invocation of
the letter of credit The scope of judicial interference is very
Ltd and the same has been emphasized by the Apex Court in catena
of cases 32 One of the celebrated cases was the Judgment of Calcutta
High Court titled as United Commercial Bank v Hanuman Synthetics
AIR 1985 Cal 96
All India Reporter, Calcutta Series
India - West Bengal
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