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Media Release


Nine prominent Australians will launch the inaugural group of  Ambassadors  for Reconciliation at the Sydney Olympic site next Monday, 29 June, to promote reconciliation as a broad people's movement.

The launch is being held at the Olympics site at Homebush to underline the view of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation that significant outcomes in the reconciliation process must be achieved by the time of the Sydney 2000 Olympics, when the eyes of the world will be on Australia.

Inaugural  Ambassadors  who will attend the launch and will be available for interview by the media include:

The Hon E G Whitlam AC QC Mr Dick Smith

Ms Evonne Cawley AO MBE Ms Gabi Hollows

Dr Faith Bandler AM Mr Michael O'Loughlin

Dr Lowitja (Lois) O'Donoghue AM CBE Ms Karen Knowles

Ms Tan Le (Young Australian of the Year)

The launch will be hosted by Mr Lex Marinos. Council Chairperson, Ms Evelyn Scott, will present the  Ambassadors  project and outline the key elements of the Council's Strategic Plan for its final three year term (1998-2000).

As the Olympic site at Homebush is under construction, access to the site requires special arrangements. Therefore, it is important that media register their interest in attending as site transport and protective clothing need to be arranged. Media need to be at the site by 10.15am for an 11.00am start on Monday.

Media wishing to attend the launch should register their interest by noon, Friday 26 June 1998. To register please call:

Marie Ferris 02 6271 5348 or Mobile 0417 257 911
Brian Aarons 02 6271 5888 or Mobile 0418 633 277

Adam Kilgour 0414 797 736

CANBERRA 24 June 1998

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