Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

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Independent review

  (1)   The Finance Minister must, in consultation with the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit, cause an independent review to be conducted of the operation of this Act and the rules.

  (2)   The review must be conducted as soon as practicable after the end of 3 years after this section commences.

  (3)   The persons who conduct the review must give the Finance Minister a written report of the review.

  (4)   The Finance Minister must cause copies of the report to be tabled in each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the report is given to the Finance Minister.


This Act is mainly about the governance, performance and accountability of Commonwealth entities.

It is also about:

  the use and management of public resources by the Commonwealth and Commonwealth entities; and

  the accountability of Commonwealth companies.

Many of the terms in this Act are defined. The Dictionary in section   8 contains a list of every term that is defined in this Act.

Chapter   2--Commonwealth entities and the Commonwealth

Part   2 - 1--Core provisions for Chapter   2

Part   2 - 1 has the core provisions for Chapter   2 (which is mainly about Commonwealth entities but does have some provisions relating to the Commonwealth specifically). It:

  defines what a Commonwealth entity is (see section   10); and

  defines what the 2 types of Commonwealth entities--corporate Commonwealth entities and non - corporate Commonwealth entities--are (see section   11); and

  defines who the accountable authority of the entity is (see section   12); and

  defines who the officials of the entity are (see section   13).

Part   2 - 2--Accountable authorities and officials

Part   2 - 2 is about the accountable authorities and officials of Commonwealth entities. It mainly deals with the general duties that are imposed on accountable authorities and officials.

Part   2 - 3--Planning, performance and accountability

Part   2 - 3 is about planning by, and performance and accountability of, Commonwealth entities. It requires the accountable authority of a Commonwealth entity:

  to prepare a corporate plan, and budget estimates, for the entity; and

  to measure and assess the performance of the entity, and prepare annual performance statements for the entity; and

  to prepare annual financial statements for the entity; and

  to prepare an annual report for the entity.

It also requires the Finance Minister to publish monthly financial reports and table annual consolidated statements in the Parliament.

Part   2 - 4--Use and management of public resources

Part   2 - 4 is about the use and management of public resources by the Commonwealth and Commonwealth entities. It deals with:

  banking, borrowing, investments, indemnities, guarantees and warranties by the Commonwealth and corporate Commonwealth entities, and insurance obtained by corporate Commonwealth entities; and

  waivers, set - offs and act of grace payments by the Commonwealth.

It also has special provisions that apply to Ministers or officials of non - corporate Commonwealth entities (for example in relation to making gifts and liability for loss).

Part   2 - 5--Appropriations

Part   2 - 5 has some specific provisions relating to appropriations of the CRF. In particular, it deals with special accounts.

Part   2 - 6--Cooperating with other jurisdictions

Part   2 - 6 is about the Commonwealth and Commonwealth entities cooperating with the States and Territories. It allows the rules to prescribe situations where the accountable authority of a Commonwealth entity is required to share information with the States and Territories. It also prohibits the Commonwealth from preventing State or Territory Auditors - General from conducting audits in certain situations.

Part   2 - 7--Companies, subsidiaries and new corporate Commonwealth entities

Part   2 - 7 has provisions relating to the Commonwealth's involvement in companies, the responsibility of corporate Commonwealth entities for their subsidiaries, and the creation of new corporate Commonwealth entities.

Chapter   3--Commonwealth companies

Part   3 - 1--General

Part   3 - 1 has the core provisions for Chapter   3 (which is about Commonwealth companies). It:

  defines what a Commonwealth company is (see subsection   89(1)); and

  defines what a wholly - owned Commonwealth company is (see section   90).

It also has some requirements that apply to the directors of wholly - owned Commonwealth companies.

Part   3 - 2--Planning and accountability

Part   3 - 2 is about planning by, and the accountability of, Commonwealth companies. It requires the directors of a Commonwealth company:

  to prepare a corporate plan and, in the case of a wholly - owned Commonwealth company, budget estimates for the company; and

  to prepare an annual report for the company.

Chapter   4--Rules, delegations and independent review

Part   4 - 1--The rules

Part   4 - 1 is about the rules. It provides the general power to make the rules and provides additional matters in relation to which rules can be made.

Part   4 - 2--Delegations

Part   4 - 2 is about delegations. It sets out when the Finance Minister, the Treasurer, the Finance Secretary and the accountable authority of a non - corporate Commonwealth entity may delegate a power, function or duty under this Act or the rules.

Part   4 - 3--Independent review

Part   4 - 3 requires the Finance Minister, in consultation with the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit, to conduct an independent review of the operation of this Act and the rules.

This Part is about the terms that are defined in this Act.

Division   2 has the Dictionary (see section   8). The Dictionary is a list of every term that is defined in this Act. A term will either be defined in the Dictionary itself, or in another provision of this Act. If another provision defines the term, the Dictionary will have a signpost to that definition.

This Part has the core provisions for this Chapter, which is mainly about Commonwealth entities. (For Commonwealth companies, see Chapter   3.)


  defines what a Commonwealth entity is (see section   10); and

  defines what the 2 types of Commonwealth entities--corporate Commonwealth entities and non - corporate Commonwealth entities--are (see section   11); and

  defines who the accountable authority of the entity is (see section   12); and

  defines who the officials of the entity are (see section   13).

This Part is about the accountable authorities and officials of Commonwealth entities.

Accountable authorities

There are general duties that apply to all accountable authorities. Those duties are set out in sections   15 to 19.

Accountable authorities may give instructions to officials under section   20A. Those instructions are part of the finance law.

In relation to whether accountable authorities must apply government policy, different requirements apply depending on whether the entity is a non - corporate Commonwealth entity (see section   21) or a corporate Commonwealth entity (see section   22).

The accountable authorities of non - corporate Commonwealth entities have power to enter into arrangements, and approve commitments of relevant money, on behalf of the Commonwealth (see section   23).


There are general duties that apply to all officials. Those duties are set out in sections   25 to 29.

If an official who is the accountable authority, or a member of the accountable authority, of a corporate Commonwealth entity contravenes those duties, the official's appointment may be terminated (see section   30).

This Part is about planning by, and performance and accountability of, Commonwealth entities.

Division   2 is about planning and budgeting. It requires the accountable authority of a Commonwealth entity to prepare a corporate plan, and budget estimates, for the entity.

Division   3 is about the performance of Commonwealth entities. It requires the accountable authority of a Commonwealth entity:

  to cause records to be kept about the entity's performance; and

  to measure and assess the entity's performance; and

  to prepare annual performance statements about the entity's performance for inclusion in the entity's annual report.

Division   4 is about financial reporting and auditing for Commonwealth entities. It requires the accountable authority of a Commonwealth entity:

  to cause accounts and records to be kept about the entity's transactions and financial position; and

  to prepare annual financial statements for the entity for inclusion in the entity's annual report.

It also requires the Auditor - General to audit those annual financial statements.

Division   5 requires the accountable authority of a Commonwealth entity to ensure that the entity has an audit committee.

Division   6 requires the accountable authority of a Commonwealth entity to prepare annual reports for the entity.

Division   7 is about Australian Government financial reporting by the Finance Minister. It requires the Finance Minister to publish monthly financial reports and table annual consolidated statements in the Parliament. It also requires the Auditor - General to audit those annual consolidated statements.

This Part is about the use and management of public resources by the Commonwealth and Commonwealth entities.

Many of the provisions in this Part apply to either the Commonwealth or corporate Commonwealth entities, and do not expressly refer to non - corporate Commonwealth entities. This is because non - corporate Commonwealth entities are legally part of the Commonwealth. Generally, the Finance Minister has the power to act on behalf of the Commonwealth for the purposes of the provisions of this Part.

Division   2 allows the Finance Minister to make available to Commonwealth entities amounts that have been appropriated by the Parliament for the entity. It also allows the rules to prescribe matters relating to the commitment or expenditure of relevant money by the Commonwealth or Commonwealth entities.

Division   3 is about banking for the Commonwealth and corporate Commonwealth entities. It also has requirements about how Ministers and officials are to deal with relevant money that they receive.

Division   4 is about borrowing by the Commonwealth and corporate Commonwealth entities.

Division   5 is about investment by the Commonwealth and corporate Commonwealth entities.

Division   6 is about indemnities, guarantees and warranties by the Commonwealth and corporate Commonwealth entities, and insurance obtained by corporate Commonwealth entities.

Division   7 is about the Commonwealth. It deals with the Commonwealth:

  waiving amounts owed to it; and

  setting off amounts owed to, or by, it against another amount that is owed to, or by, another person; and

  granting act of grace payments to a person.

Division   8 has special provisions that apply to Ministers and officials of non - corporate Commonwealth entities.

  Subdivision A prohibits Ministers and those officials from making gifts of relevant property unless authorised as provided in section   66.

  Subdivision B makes Ministers and those officials liable to pay an amount to the Commonwealth if they make an unauthorised gift or are responsible for the loss of relevant money or relevant property.

Division   9 has requirements that apply to Ministers only. Section   71 has requirements that apply to a Minister when the Minister is approving proposed expenditure. Section   72 requires a Minister who has responsibility for certain events (for example, the forming of a new company) to inform Parliament of the event.

This Part has some specific provisions relating to appropriations of the CRF.

Division   2 is mainly about appropriations relating to non - corporate Commonwealth entities. It has provisions about:

  the effect on appropriations when those entities receive certain amounts or make payments relating to GST; and

  the effect on appropriations when there is a transfer of functions between those entities; and

  payments within or between those entities.

Division   3 deals with special accounts. Special accounts can be established in 2 ways--by the Finance Minister under this Act (see sections   78 and 79), or under an Act (see section   80).

This Part allows the rules to prescribe situations where the accountable authority of a Commonwealth entity is required to share information with the States and Territories.

This Part also prohibits the Commonwealth from preventing State or Territory Auditors - General from conducting audits in certain situations.

This Part has provisions relating to the Commonwealth's involvement in companies, the responsibility of corporate Commonwealth entities for their subsidiaries, and the creation of new corporate Commonwealth entities.

Division   2 authorises the Commonwealth to form, or participate in forming, certain companies, and to acquire shares in, or become a member of, certain companies. It also requires the accountable authority of a corporate Commonwealth entity to ensure that none of the entity's subsidiaries does anything outside of power.

Division   3 allows the rules to create new corporate Commonwealth entities.

This Part has the core provisions for this Chapter (which is about Commonwealth companies) and special provisions applying to wholly - owned Commonwealth companies.

Division   2:

  defines what a Commonwealth company is (see subsection   89(1)); and

  defines what a wholly - owned Commonwealth company is (see section   90).

Division   3 requires the directors of a wholly - owned Commonwealth company to keep the responsible Minister and the Finance Minister informed about certain things, and ensure that the company has an audit committee. It also deals with the application of government policy to wholly - owned Commonwealth companies.

This Part is about planning by, and the accountability of, Commonwealth companies.

Division   2 is about planning by Commonwealth companies. It requires the directors of a Commonwealth company to prepare a corporate plan for the company. It also requires the directors of a wholly - owned Commonwealth company to prepare budget estimates for the company.

Division   3 is about reporting by, and the accountability of, Commonwealth companies. It requires the directors of a Commonwealth company to prepare and give annual reports for the company to the responsible Minister. It also requires the directors to ensure that the financial statements of a subsidiary of the company are audited.

This Part is about some other instruments that may be made under this Act.

It provides a power to make instruments about procurement by the Commonwealth, certain corporate Commonwealth entities or certain wholly - owned Commonwealth companies (see section   105B).

It also provides a power to make instruments about grants by the Commonwealth (see section   105C).

Finally, it provides a power to make instruments modifying the operation of this Act, the rules and instruments made under sections   105B and 105C in relation to intelligence or security agencies and listed law enforcement agencies (see section   105D).

This Part is about delegations.

Division   2 sets out when the Finance Minister, the Treasurer, the Finance Secretary and the accountable authority of a non - corporate Commonwealth entity may delegate a power, function or duty under this Act or the rules.

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