(1) Wages that are the grant of a share or option are taken to be paid or payable in the ACT if—
(a) for a share—the share is a share in a local company; or
(b) for an option—the option is an option to acquire shares in a local company.
(2) In any other case, wages that are the grant of a share or option are taken to be paid or payable outside the ACT.
Note The place where wages are paid or payable is sometimes relevant to deciding whether the wages are liable to payroll tax under this Act (see s 11 (Wages taxable in the ACT)).
(3) In this section:
"local company" means—
(a) a company incorporated or taken to be incorporated under the Corporations Act
that is taken to be registered in the ACT for that Act; or
(b) any other body corporate that is incorporated under a territory law.