(1) A driver entering a road related area or adjacent land from a place on a road without traffic lights or a stop sign, stop line, give way sign or give way line must give way to—
(a) any pedestrian on the road; and
(b) any vehicle or pedestrian on any road related area that the driver crosses or enters; and
(c) if the driver is turning right from the road—any oncoming vehicle on the road that is going straight ahead or turning left; and
(d) if the road the driver is leaving ends at a T-intersection opposite the road related area or adjacent land and the driver is crossing the continuing road—any vehicle on the continuing road.
Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.
(2) In this section:
"road" does not include a road related area.
Example 1
Driver turning right from a road into a road related area giving way to an oncoming vehicle that is going straight ahead and to a pedestrian on the footpath
In this example, vehicle B must give way to vehicle A. Vehicle B must also give way to the pedestrian on the footpath.
Example 2
Driver crossing a continuing road at a T-intersection to enter a road related area giving way to a vehicle on the continuing road
In this example, vehicle B must give way to vehicle A.