(1) Customable beverage that has been imported into Australia in bulk containers and entered for warehousing must not be entered for home consumption unless:
(a) the customable beverage has been repackaged in containers other than bulk containers; or
(b) the Comptroller - General of Customs, by notice in writing, permits the customable beverage to be entered for home consumption packaged in bulk containers.
(2) The Comptroller - General of Customs must not permit customable beverage that has been imported into Australia in bulk containers and initially entered for warehousing to be subsequently entered for home consumption purposes in bulk containers unless:
(a) the containers have a capacity of not more than 20 litres or such other volume as the Comptroller - General of Customs approves in writing; and
(b) the Comptroller - General of Customs is satisfied that the customable beverage will not be repackaged in any other container for the purposes of retail sale.