Statutory Rules No. 57, 1997
made under the
Compilation No. 21
Compilation date: 14 October 2024
Includes amendments: F2024L01299
About this compilation
This compilation
This is a compilation of the Airports (Control of On-Airport Activities) Regulations 1997 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 14 October 2024 (the compilation date).
The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.
Uncommenced amendments
The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.
Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments
If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.
Editorial changes
For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.
If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.
Self-repealing provisions
If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.
Part 1--Introductory
1 Name of Regulations
4 Airports to which Part 11 of the Act applies
Part 1A--Control of liquor--airports in New South Wales
Division 1A.1--Preliminary
4AA Application of Part 1A
4AB Objects of Part 1A
4AC Definitions for Part 1A
Division 1A.2--Liquor Licences
Subdivision 1A.2.1--Types of licence
4AD Types of licence
4AE Passenger terminal licence
4AF General licence
4AG Function licence
Subdivision 1A.2.2--Licence applications and grants
4AH Applications for licence
4AI Additional requirement for general licence--advertisement and display of application
4AJ Additional information to be given to the Secretary
4AK Request for information
4AL Grant or refusal of licence
4AM Matters to be considered in licensing decision
4AN General restrictions on the grant of a licence etc
4AO Consent of airport-lessee company
4AP Licence conditions
4AQ Issue of licence document
4AR Duration of licence
4AS Variation of a licence on Secretary's initiative
4AT Variation of a licence on application by a licensee
4AU Additional requirement for general licence--advertisement and display of application for variation
4AV Additional information to be given to the Secretary
4AW Transfer of licence
4AX Suspension or cancellation of licence
4AY Surrender of licence
4AZ Register of licences
Subdivision 1A.2.3--Nominees
4BA Nomination of individual to be nominee
4BB Request for information about nomination
4BC Approval of nominee
4BD Matters to be considered in decision on nominee
4BE Conditions of approval of nominee
4BF Responsibility of nominee
4BG Duration of approval
4BH Suspension or withdrawal of approval of nominee
4BI Withdrawal by nominee
4BJ Change of nominee
4BK Temporary absence of nominee
Subdivision 1A.2.4--Compliance returns
4BL Compliance returns
Division 1A.3--Sub-licences
4BM Interpretation for Division 1A.3
4BN Authority of sub-licence
4BO Grant etc of sub-licence
4BP Guidelines for sub-licences
4BQ Licensee not to charge fees etc
4BR Suspension or cancellation of sub-licence by Secretary
4BS Effect of cancellation etc of passenger terminal licence on sub-licences
Division 1A.4--Enforcement
Subdivision 1A.4.1--Offences relating to the supply or consumption of liquor etc
4BT Supply of liquor without a licence etc
4BU Supply of liquor in contravention of a licence etc
4BV Supply of liquor to intoxicated persons
4BW Supply of liquor to minors
4BX Consumption of liquor by minors
4BY False representation of age
4BZ Conduct causing public nuisance
4CA No activity permitted without nominee
4CB Display of licences and signs
Subdivision 1A.4.2--Authorised officers
4CC Appointment of authorised officers
4CD Identity cards
4CE Production of identity card etc
4CF Entering premises
4CG Requiring production of licence or approval of nominee etc
4CH Ascertainment of age
4CI Requiring suspected minor to leave premises
Subdivision 1A.4.3--General matters relating to enforcement
4CJ Suspension or cancellation of licence etc not affected by other provisions
4CK Acceptable evidence of age
4CL Entry by licensee on premises of sub-licensee
Division 1A.5--Miscellaneous
Subdivision 1A.5.1--Administrative review
4CM Review by Secretary
4CN Review by Administrative Review Tribunal
Subdivision 1A.5.2--General
4CO Electronic applications etc
4CP Information on directors of a corporation holding a general licence
4CQ Service of documents by Secretary
Subdivision 1A.5.3--Transitional
4CR Definitions for Subdivision 1A.5.3
4CS References to repealed regulations
4CT Transitional--existing liquor licences etc
4CU Transitional--licence conditions
4CV Transitional--approval of nominees
Part 2--Control of liquor--airports not in New South Wales
Division 1--Introductory
5 Meaning of owner of airport for State or Territory liquor law
Division 3--Airports in Victoria
Subdivision 1--Preliminary
22 Definitions for Division
23 Modifications of LCR Act at Part 11 airports in Victoria
Subdivision 2--Melbourne Airport
24 Definition for Subdivision
25 Transitional--existing authorities to sell liquor
26 Transitional--authority for trading off-premises
27 How long existing authorisation continues
28 No need to renew existing authorisation
29 Transitional--dealing with existing authorisation
30 Transitional--dealing with holder of existing authorisation
31 Transitional--persons under 18 on premises taken to be licensed
Subdivision 3--Essendon Airport and Moorabbin Airport
32 Definitions for Subdivision
33 Transitional--existing authorities to sell liquor
34 How long licence continues
35 No need to renew licence
36 Transitional--treatment of liquor licence
37 Transitional--treatment of persons taken to hold liquor licence
38 Transitional--persons taken to hold liquor licence to give copies of plans
Division 4--Airports in Queensland
Subdivision 1--Preliminary
39 Definitions for Division
40 Application of Liquor Act at certain airports
Subdivision 2--Archerfield Airport, Gold Coast Airport, Mount Isa Airport and Townsville Airport
46 Definition for Subdivision
47 Transitional--existing authorities to sell liquor at Archerfield and Mount Isa Airports
48 Transitional--authority to sell liquor in the terminal of Gold Coast Airport
49 Transitional--existing authorities to sell liquor at Gold Coast Airport
50 Transitional--authority to sell liquor in the terminal of Townsville Airport
51 Transitional--existing authorities to sell liquor at Townsville Airport
52 Transitional--when liquor licence etc ceases
53 Transitional--dealing with liquor licence etc
54 Transitional--dealing with person taken to hold liquor licence etc
55 Transitional--person taken to hold liquor licence etc to give copies of plans
Division 5--Adelaide Airport and Parafield Airport
56 Definitions for Division
57 Application of Liquor Licensing Act
58 Transitional--existing authorities to sell liquor
59 Transitional--when liquor licence etc ceases
60 Transitional--dealing with liquor licence etc
61 Transitional--dealing with person taken to hold liquor licence etc
62 Transitional--person taken to hold liquor licence to give copies of plans
Division 6--Airports in Western Australia
Subdivision 1--Preliminary
63 Definitions for Division
64 Application of LC Act at Perth Airport
Subdivision 2--Perth Airport
65 Definition for Subdivision
66 Transitional--existing authorities to sell liquor
67 Transitional--dealings with existing authorisation
68 Transitional--dealing with holder of existing authorisation
69 Transitional--holders of existing authorisations to give copies of plans
Subdivision 3--Jandakot Airport
70 Definition for Subdivision
71 Transitional--existing authorities to sell liquor
72 Transitional--when liquor licence ceases
73 Transitional--dealing with liquor licence
74 Transitional--dealing with person taken to hold liquor licence
75 Transitional--person taken to hold liquor licence to give copies of plans
Division 7--Hobart International Airport and Launceston Airport
76 Definitions for Division
77 Application of Liquor Act
78 Transitional--existing authorities to sell liquor
79 Transitional--when liquor licence etc ceases
80 Transitional--dealing with liquor licence
81 Transitional--dealing with person taken to hold liquor licence
82 Transitional--person taken to hold liquor licence to give copies of plans
Division 8--Canberra Airport
83 Definitions for Division
84 Application of Liquor Act and Liquor Regulation
85 Transitional--existing authorities to sell liquor
86 Transitional--when liquor licence ceases
87 Transitional--dealing with liquor licence
88 Transitional--dealing with person taken to hold liquor licence
89 Transitional--person taken to hold liquor licence to give copies of plans
Division 9--Darwin International Airport and Alice Springs Airport
90 Definitions for Division
91 Application of Liquor Act
92 Transitional--existing authorities to sell liquor
93 When liquor licence etc ceases
94 Transitional--dealing with liquor licence
95 Transitional--dealing with person taken to hold liquor licence
96 Transitional--person taken to hold liquor licence to give copies of plans
Part 3--Commercial trading
97 Definitions for Part 3
98 Transitional--authorisations to carry on consumer trading
99 Consumer trading--Sydney (Kingsford-Smith) Airport
100 Consumer trading--other Part 11 airports in New South Wales
101 Consumer trading--Melbourne Airport
102 Consumer trading--airports in Queensland
103 Consumer trading--airports in South Australia
104 Consumer trading--Perth Airport
Part 4--Vehicles
Division 1--Introductory
105 Definitions for Part 4
Division 2--Landside vehicle parking
106 Definitions for Division 2
106A Application of this Division
106B Operation of State laws
106BA Parking signage plan and standard operating procedures
106BB Variation of parking signage plan
106C Installation of traffic control devices
106D Permits to stop a vehicle in a permit zone
106E Application of Australian Road Rules
107 Offences against Australian Road Rules
108 Taxi drivers must not leave taxis unattended in certain areas
109 Drivers of taxis, hire cars and public buses to show authority cards
110 Authorised person may direct that a vehicle be moved
111 Authorised person may move vehicle
112 Owner of vehicle must pay costs of storage etc
113 Airport operator may sell vehicle
Division 3--Airside vehicle parking
115 Definitions for Division 3
116 No-parking areas
117 No-standing areas
118 Offence--parking in a designated no-parking area
119 Offence--stopping in a designated no-standing area
120 Authorised person may direct that a vehicle may be moved
Division 4--Airside vehicle operation
122 Definitions for Division 4
123 Vehicles not to be taken onto or operated airside
124 Who can issue ADA or AUA
125 Authority to Drive Airside
126 Transitional--previously issued authorities
127 Authority for Use Airside
128 Transitional--previously issued authorities
129 Driver of vehicle must show authority etc
130 Vehicles to be kept clear of aircraft
131 Vehicle being driven dangerously etc may be removed
133 Withdrawal of Authority to Drive Airside
134 Withdrawal of Authority for Use Airside
135 Review of decisions
Part 5--Gambling
Division 1--Preliminary
136 Definitions for Part 5
Division 2--Gambling at regulated airports generally
137 Prohibition of gambling at regulated airports
138 Application of certain State and Territory laws at regulated airports
Division 3--Transitional arrangements
138A Transitional--gambling at Part 11 airports in New South Wales
139 Transitional--gambling at certain other Part 11 airports
Division 4--Permissions to carry on gambling activities
139A Secretary may give certain permissions
139B Application for permission
139C Time for the Secretary's decision
139D Terms and conditions of gambling permission
139E Notice of permission
139F What permissions authorise
139G Review of decisions
Division 5--Cancellation and suspension of authorities and permissions
139H Suspension and cancellation--show cause notice
139I Cancellation of authority or permission
139J Cancellation at request of holder
139K Review of decisions
Part 6--Smoking
140 Definitions for Part 6
141 No-smoking areas
142 Smoking prohibited
Part 7--Infringement notices
144 Definitions for Part 7
145 When an infringement notice can be issued
146 Service of infringement notices
147 Notice penalty
148 Allowed period
149 What must be included in an infringement notice
150 Whether infringement notice can be withdrawn
151 What happens if the notice penalty is paid
152 Evidentiary matters
153 Whether more than 1 infringement notice can be issued for the same offence
154 What if payment is made by cheque
154A Prosecution
155 This Part does not prevent a matter being prosecuted in a court nor require that an infringement notice must be issued in all cases
155A Liability of owner of vehicle etc for offences
155B Copy of statutory declaration to be served with summons
Part 8--Miscellaneous
156 Delegation by Secretary
Schedule 1--Modifications of State and Territory liquor legislation
Part 1--Modifications of Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 of Victoria that apply at all Part 11 airports in Victoria
Part 2--Modifications of Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 of Victoria that apply only at Melbourne (Tullamarine) Airport
Part 3--Modifications of Liquor Act 1992 of Queensland that apply only in terminal areas of Gold Coast and Townsville Airports
Part 4--Modifications of Liquor Licensing Act 1997 of South Australia that apply only in terminal areas of Adelaide and Parafield Airports
Part 5--Modifications of Liquor Control Act 1988 of Western Australia that apply at Perth Airport generally
Part 6--Modifications of Liquor Licensing Act 1990 of Tasmania that apply only in terminal areas of Hobart International and Launceston Airports
Part 7--Modifications of Liquor Act 2010 of the Australian Capital Territory that apply at Canberra Airport generally
Part 8--Modifications of Liquor Act 2010 of the Australian Capital Territory that apply only in the terminal area of Canberra Airport
Part 9--Modifications of Liquor Regulation 2010 of the Australian Capital Territory that apply at Canberra Airport generally
Part 10--Modifications of Liquor Act of the Northern Territory that apply at Darwin International and Alice Springs Airports generally
Part 11--Modifications of Liquor Act of the Northern Territory that apply only in the terminal area of Darwin International and Alice Springs Airports
Schedule 2--Penalties for contravention of applied Australian Road Rules
1 Penalties for contravention of applied Australian Road Rules
Endnote 1--About the endnotes
Endnote 2--Abbreviation key
Endnote 3--Legislation history
Endnote 4--Amendment history
Endnote 5--Miscellaneous
The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.
The following endnotes are included in every compilation:
Endnote 1--About the endnotes
Endnote 2--Abbreviation key
Endnote 3--Legislation history
Endnote 4--Amendment history
Abbreviation key--Endnote 2
The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.
Legislation history and amendment history--Endnotes 3 and 4
Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.
The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.
The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.
Editorial changes
The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.
If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.
Misdescribed amendments
A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe how an amendment is to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, then the misdescribed amendment can be incorporated through an editorial change made under section 15V of the Legislation Act 2003.
If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the amendment is not incorporated and "(md not incorp)" is added to the amendment history.
ad = added or inserted | o = order(s) |
am = amended | Ord = Ordinance |
amdt = amendment | orig = original |
c = clause(s) | par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s) |
C[x] = Compilation No. x | /sub-subparagraph(s) |
Ch = Chapter(s) | pres = present |
def = definition(s) | prev = previous |
Dict = Dictionary | (prev ... ) = previously |
disallowed = disallowed by Parliament | Pt = Part(s) |
Div = Division(s) | r = regulation(s)/rule(s) |
ed = editorial change | reloc = relocated |
exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have | renum = renumbered |
effect | rep = repealed |
F = Federal Register of Legislation | rs = repealed and substituted |
gaz = gazette | s = section(s)/subsection(s) |
LA = Legislation Act 2003 | Sch = Schedule(s) |
Sdiv = Subdivision(s) | |
(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given | SLI = Select Legislative Instrument |
effect | SR = Statutory Rules |
(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment | Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s) |
cannot be given effect | SubPt = Subpart(s) |
mod = modified/modification | underlining = whole or part not |
No. = Number(s) | commenced or to be commenced |
Endnote 3--Legislation history
Number and year | FRLI registration or gazettal | Commencement | Application, saving and transitional provisions |
1997 No. 57 | 20 Mar 1997 | 15 May 1997 |
1997 No. 105 | 15 May 1997 | 15 May 1997 | -- |
1997 No. 178 | 30 June 1997 | 1 July 1997 | -- |
1998 No. 98 | 21 May 1998 | 21 May 1998 | -- |
1998 No. 118 | 3 June 1998 | 3 June 1998 | -- |
1998 No. 207 | 1 July 1998 | 1 July 1998 | -- |
1999 No. 77 | 19 May 1999 | 19 May 1999 | -- |
1999 No. 290 | 2 Dec 1999 | 2 Dec 1999 | -- |
1999 No. 291 | 2 Dec 1999 | 2 Dec 1999 | -- |
2000 No. 24 | 15 Mar 2000 | 15 Mar 2000 | -- |
2000 No. 195 | 25 July 2000 | 25 July 2000 | -- |
2000 No. 250 | 1 Sept 2000 | 1 Sept 2000 | -- |
2000 No. 340 | 15 Dec 2000 | 15 Dec 2000 | -- |
2001 No. 146 | 20 June 2001 | 20 June 2001 | -- |
2001 No. 170 | 2 July 2001 | 2 July 2001 | -- |
2001 No. 287 | 5 Oct 2001 | 5 Oct 2001 | -- |
2002 No. 13 | 21 Feb 2002 | 21 Feb 2002 | -- |
2002 No. 49 | 15 Mar 2002 | 15 Mar 2002 | -- |
2004 No. 222 | 22 July 2004 | 1 July 2004 | -- |
2005 No. 101 | 30 May 2005 (F2005L01220) | 31 May 2005 | -- |
2009 No. 43 | 17 Mar 2009 (F2009L01022) | 18 Mar 2009 | r 7 |
2009 No. 290 | 2 Nov 2009 (F2009L04010) | 3 Nov 2009 | -- |
2010 No. 119 | 8 June 2010 (F2010L01541) | 9 June 2010 | -- |
2012 No. 186 | 8 Aug 2012 (F2012L01665) | 9 Aug 2012 | -- |
Name | Registration | Commencement | Application, saving and transitional provisions |
Airports Legislation Amendment (Essendon Fields Airport) Regulations 2017 | 11 Oct 2017 (F2017L01341) | Sch 1 (item 4): 12 Oct 2017 (s 2(1) item 1) | -- |
Administrative Review Tribunal Legislation Consequential Amendments (2024 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2024 | 11 Oct 2024 (F2024L01299) | Sch 10 (items 11-29): 14 Oct 2024 (s 2(1) item 1) | -- |
Provision affected | How affected |
Part 1 |
r. 1..................... | rs. 1999 No. 77 |
r 2..................... | rep LA s 48D |
r. 3..................... | am. 1997 No. 178; 1998 Nos. 98 and 207; 2009 No. 43; 2012 No. 186 |
Note 1 to r. 3.............. | ad. 1997 No. 178 |
Note to r. 3 |
r 4..................... | ad No 98, 1998 |
| am No 207, 1998; No 43, 2009; No 186, 2012; F2017L01341 |
Part 1A |
Part 1A.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
Division 1A.1 |
r. 4AA.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
| am. 2009 No. 43 |
r. 4AB................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4AC................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
Division 1A.2 |
Subdivision 1A.2.1 |
r. 4AD.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4AE................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4AF................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4AG.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
Subdivision 1A.2.2 |
r. 4AH.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4AI................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4AJ................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4AK.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r 4AL................... | ad No 287, 2001 |
| am F2024L01299 |
r. 4AM.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4AN.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4AO.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r 4AP................... | ad No 287, 2001 |
| am F2024L01299 |
r. 4AQ.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4AR................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r 4AS................... | ad No 287, 2001 |
| am F2024L01299 |
r 4AT................... | ad No 287, 2001 |
| am F2024L01299 |
r. 4AU.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4AV.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r 4AW.................. | ad No 287, 2001 |
| am F2024L01299 |
r 4AX................... | ad No 287, 2001 |
| am F2024L01299 |
r. 4AY.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4AZ................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
Subdivision 1A.2.3 |
r. 4BA................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4BB................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r 4BC................... | ad No 287, 2001 |
| am F2024L01299 |
r. 4BD................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r 4BE................... | ad No 287, 2001 |
| am F2024L01299 |
r. 4BF................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4BG................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r 4BH................... | ad No 287, 2001 |
| am F2024L01299 |
r. 4BI................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r 4BJ................... | ad No 287, 2001 |
| am F2024L01299 |
r. 4BK................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
Subdivision 1A.2.4 |
r. 4BL................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
Division 1A.3 |
r. 4BM.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4BN................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4BO................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4BP................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4BQ................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r 4BR................... | ad No 287, 2001 |
| am F2024L01299 |
r. 4BS................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
Division 1A.4 |
Subdivision 1A.4.1 |
r. 4BT................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4BU................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4BV................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4BW.................. | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4BX................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4BY................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4BZ................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CA................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CB................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
Subdivision 1A.4.2 |
r. 4CC................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CD................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CE................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CF................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CG................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CH................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CI................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
Subdivision 1A.4.3 |
r. 4CJ................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CK................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CL................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
Division 1A.5 |
Subdivision 1A.5.1 |
r 4CM................... | ad No 287, 2001 |
| am F2024L01299 |
r 4CN................... | ad No 287, 2001 |
| am F2024L01299 |
Subdivision 1A.5.2 |
r. 4CO................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CP................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CQ................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
Subdivision 1A.5.3 |
r. 4CR................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CS................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CT................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CU................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 4CV................... | ad. 2001 No. 287 |
Part 2 |
Heading to Part 2........... | rs. 2001 No. 287 |
Division 1 |
r. 5..................... | rs. 1998 No. 98 |
Div. 2 of Part 2............. | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
r. 6..................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| rep. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 7..................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| am. 1999 No. 77 |
| rep. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 8..................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| am. 1999 No. 77; 2000 No. 24 |
| rep. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 9..................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| am. 1998 No. 77 |
| rep. 2001 No. 287 |
rr. 10-13................. | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| rep. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 13A................... | ad. 2000 No. 24 |
| am. 2000 Nos. 250 and 340 |
| rep. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 13B................... | ad. 2001 No. 146 |
| rep. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 14.................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| rep. 2001 No. 287 |
rr. 15, 16................. | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| am. 2000 No. 24 |
| rs. 2000 No. 195 |
| rep. 2001 No. 287 |
rr. 17-19................. | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| rep. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 20.................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| am. 1999 No. 77; 2000 No. 24 |
| rep. 2001 No. 287 |
r. 21.................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| rep. 2001 No. 287 |
Division 3 |
Subdivision 1 |
Heading to Subdiv. 1......... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
Subdiv. 1 of Div. 3.......... | rs. 1999 No. 77 |
r. 22.................... | am. 1997 No. 178; 1998 No. 98 |
| rs. 1999 No. 77 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 23.................... | rs. 1998 No. 98; 1999 No. 77 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
Subdivision 2 |
Heading to Subdiv. 2 of....... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 24.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 25.................... | am. 1997 No. 105; 1998 No. 98; 1999 No. 77 |
r. 26.................... | ad. 1999 No. 77 |
| rs. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 27.................... | ad. 1999 No. 77 |
r. 28.................... | ad. 1999 No. 77 |
r. 29.................... | am. 1999 No. 77 |
r. 30.................... | am. 1999 No. 77 |
r. 31.................... | rs. 1999 No. 77 |
Subdivision 3 |
Subdiv. 3 of Div. 3.......... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 32.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2005 No. 101 |
r. 33.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 1999 No. 77; 2005 No. 101 |
r. 34.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| rs. 1999 No. 77 |
r. 35.................... | ad. 1999 No. 77 |
r. 36.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 1999 No. 77; 2005 No. 101 |
| rs. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 37.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 1999 No. 77; 2012 No. 186 |
r. 38.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 1999 No. 77 |
Division 4 |
Heading to Div. 4 of Part 2..... | rs. 2000 No. 24 |
Subdivision 1 |
Heading to Subdiv. 1 of ....... | ad. 2000 No. 24 |
r. 39.................... | am. 1997 No. 178; 1998 No. 98 |
r. 40.................... | rs. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 1999 Nos. 77 and 290; 2009 No. 43 |
| rs. 2012 No. 186 |
Subdiv. 1 of Div. 4 of......... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 41.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| rep. 1999 No. 290 |
rr. 42-45................. | rep. 1999 No. 290 |
Subdivision 2 |
Heading to Subdiv. 2 of....... | rs. 2009 No. 43 |
Subdiv. 2 of Div. 4.......... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 46.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2009 No. 43 |
r. 47.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
Heading to r. 48............ | rs. 2009 No. 43 |
r. 48.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2009 No. 43; 2012 No. 186 |
Note to r. 48 (1) ............ | ad. 2009 No. 43 |
Heading to r. 49............ | rs. 2009 No. 43 |
r. 49.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2009 No. 43; 2102 No. 186 |
Note to r. 49 (1) ............ | ad. 2009 No. 43 |
r. 50.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 51.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 52.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2005 No. 101; 2012 No. 186 |
r. 53.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 54.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 55.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2009 No. 43 |
Note to r. 55 (1) ............ | ad. 2009 No. 43 |
Division 5 |
Div. 5 of Part 2............. | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 56.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 57.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| rs. 1999 No. 77 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 58.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 59.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 1998 No. 207 |
r. 60.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 61.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 62.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
Division 6 |
Subdivision 1 |
Heading to Subdiv. 1......... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 63.................... | am. 1997 No. 178; 1998 No. 98; 2012 No. 186 |
Heading to r. 64............ | am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 64.................... | rs. 1998 No. 98; 1999 No. 77 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
Subdivision 2 |
Subdiv. 2 of Div. 6 of......... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 65.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 66.................... | am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 67.................... | am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 68.................... | am. 2012 No. 186 |
Subdivision 3 |
Subdiv. 3 of Div. 6.......... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 70.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 71.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 72.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 73.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 74.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 75.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
Division 7 |
Heading to Div. 7 of Part 2..... | am. 2012 No. 186 |
Div. 7 of Part 2............. | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 76.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 77.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 78.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 79.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 80.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 81.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 82.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
Division 8 |
Div. 8 of Part 2............. | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 83.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
Heading to r. 84............ | rs. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 84.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 1999 No. 77; 2012 No. 186 |
r. 85.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 86.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 87.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 88.................... | am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 89.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
Division 9 |
Heading to Div. 9 of Part 2..... | am. 2012 No. 186 |
Div. 9 of Part 2............. | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 90.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 1999 No. 77; 2012 No. 186 |
r. 91.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 1999 No. 77; 2012 No. 186 |
r. 92.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 93.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 94.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 95.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 96.................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
Part 3 |
Heading to r. 97............ | rs. 1999 No. 290 |
r. 97.................... | am. 1998 No. 98; 2012 No. 186 |
r. 98.................... | rs. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 99.................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 100................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 101................... | am. 1998 No. 98 |
| rs. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 102................... | am. 1998 No. 98; 2009 No. 43 |
r. 103................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 104................... | am. 1998 No. 98 |
Part 4 |
Division 1 |
r. 105................... | am. 1998 Nos. 98 and 207; 2004 No. 222; 2009 No. 43 |
Division 2 |
Heading to Div. 2........... | rs. 1998 No. 118; 2002 No. 49 |
Div. 2 of Part 4............. | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 106................... | rs. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 1998 Nos. 118 and 207 |
| rs. 2002 No. 49 |
| am. 2005 No. 101; 2012 No. 186 |
r. 106A.................. | ad. 2002 No. 49 |
| am. 2005 No. 101; 2009 No. 43; 2012 No. 186 |
r. 106B.................. | ad. 2002 No. 49 |
r. 106BA................. | ad. 2002 No. 49 |
| am. 2009 No. 290 |
r. 106BB................. | ad. 2009 No. 290 |
r. 106C.................. | ad. 2002 No. 49 |
r. 106D.................. | ad. 2002 No. 49 |
r. 106E.................. | ad. 2002 No. 49 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
Note to r. 106E (1) .......... | rs. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 107................... | rs. 1998 Nos. 98 and 118; 2002 No. 49 |
| am. 2009 No. 290 |
r. 108................... | rs. 1998 Nos. 98 and 118; 2002 No. 49 |
| am. 2009 No. 43 |
r. 109................... | rs. 1998 No. 98; 2002 No. 49 |
r. 110................... | rs. 1998 No. 98; 2002 No. 49 |
| am. 2009 No. 290 |
r. 111................... | rs. 1998 No. 98; 2002 No. 49 |
r. 112................... | rs. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 1998 No. 118 |
| rs. 2002 No. 49 |
r. 113................... | rs. 1998 No. 98; 2002 No. 49 |
r. 114................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| rs. 2002 No. 49 |
| am. 2004 No. 222; 2009 No. 290; 2010 No. 119 |
Division 3 |
Div. 3 of Part 4............. | ad. 1998 No. 118 |
r. 115................... | ad. 1998 No. 118 |
| am. 1998 No. 207 |
r. 116................... | ad. 1998 No. 118 |
r. 117................... | ad. 1998 No. 118 |
r. 117................... | ad. 1998 No. 118 |
r. 118................... | ad. 1998 No. 118 |
| am. 2002 No. 13 |
r. 119................... | ad. 1998 No. 118 |
| am. 2002 No. 13 |
r. 120................... | ad. 1998 No. 118 |
| am. 2002 No. 13 |
r. 121................... | ad. 1998 No. 118 |
| am. 2004 No. 222; 2009 No. 290; 2010 No. 119 |
Division 4 |
r. 122................... | am. 1997 No. 105; 1998 Nos. 98 and 207; 1999 No. 77 |
r. 123................... | rs. 1997 No. 105 |
| am. 2002 No. 13; 2009 No. 43 |
r 124.................... | ad No 105, 1997 |
| am No 43, 2009; F2024L01299 |
r. 125................... | am. 1997 No. 105; 2009 No. 43 |
r. 126................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
r. 127................... | am. 1997 No. 105; 2009 No. 43 |
r. 128................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
r. 129................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2002 No. 13 |
r. 130................... | ad. 1998 No. 98 |
| am. 2002 No. 13 |
r. 131................... | am. 2002 No. 13 |
r. 132................... | am. 1998 No. 207; 2004 No. 222; 2009 No. 290; 2010 |
r. 133................... | am. 2009 No. 43 |
r. 134................... | am. 2009 No. 43 |
r 135.................... | am No 24, 2000; F2024L01299 |
Part 5 |
Part 5................... | rs. 1999 No. 291 |
Division 1 |
r. 136................... | am. 1998 Nos. 98 and 207; 1999 No. 77 |
| rs. 1999 No. 291 |
| am. 2009 No. 43 |
Division 2 |
r. 137................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| rs. 1999 No. 291; 2002 No. 13 |
Heading to r. 138........... | rs. 1998 No. 207; 1999 No. 291 |
r. 138................... | am. 1998 No. 98 |
| rs. 1999 No. 291 |
Division 3 |
r. 138A.................. | ad. 1999 No. 291 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
r. 139................... | am. 1998 No. 207 |
| rs. 1999 No. 291 |
Division 4 |
r. 139A.................. | ad. 1999 No. 291 |
r. 139B.................. | ad. 1999 No. 291 |
r. 139C.................. | ad. 1999 No. 291 |
r. 139D.................. | ad. 1999 No. 291 |
r. 139E.................. | ad. 1999 No. 291 |
r. 139F.................. | ad. 1999 No. 291 |
r 139G.................. | ad No 291, 1999 |
| am F2024L01299 |
Division 5 |
r. 139H.................. | ad. 1999 No. 291 |
r. 139I................... | ad. 1999 No. 291 |
r. 139J................... | ad. 1999 No. 291 |
r 139K.................. | ad No 291, 1999 |
| am F2024L01299 |
Part 6 |
Heading to r. 140........... | rs. 1999 No. 290 |
r. 140................... | am. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 142................... | am. 2002 No. 13 |
r. 143................... | am. 2004 No. 222; 2010 No. 119 |
Part 7 |
Heading to r. 144........... | rs. 1999 No. 290 |
r. 144................... | am. 2001 No. 170; 2010 No. 119 |
r. 146................... | am. 1997 No. 178; 1998 No. 98; 2001 No. 170; 2002 No. 49 |
r. 147................... | am. 2001 No. 170 |
r. 149................... | am. 1998 No. 98; 2001 No. 170 |
r. 150................... | am. 2000 No. 24; 2001 No. 170 |
r. 152................... | am. 2000 No. 24 |
r. 154A.................. | ad. 2001 No. 170 |
Heading to r. 155........... | rs. 1999 No. 290 |
r. 155A.................. | ad. 2001 No. 170 |
| am. 2002 No. 49 |
r. 155B.................. | ad. 2001 No. 170 |
| am. 2002 No. 49 |
Part 8 |
Part 8................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
r. 156................... | ad. 1998 No. 207 |
| am. 2002 No. 49 |
Note to r. 156.............. | rep. 2012 No. 186 |
Note before Schedule 1....... | ad. 2001 No. 170 |
Schedule 1 |
Heading to Schedule 1........ | am. 1998 No. 207 |
Schedule 1................ | am. 1997 Nos. 105 and 178; 1998 Nos. 98 and 207; 1999 Nos. 77 and 290; 2001 No. 287; 2009 No. 43 |
| rs. 2012 No. 186 |
Schedule 2 |
Schedule 2................ | ad. 2001 No. 170 |
| rs. 2009 No. 290 |
| am. 2012 No. 186 |
Repeal Table
Certain provisions of the Airports (Control of On-Airport Activities) Regulations 1997, as amended, were repealed prior to renumbering by the Airports (Control of On-Airport Activities) Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1) (1999 No. 77) or by that Regulation. The amendment history of the repealed provisions appears in the Table below.
Provision affected | How affected |
r. 2.36................... | rep. 1999 No. 77 |
r. 4.02................... | rep. 1998 No. 98 |
Div. 4.2 of Part 4............ | rs. 1998 No. 98 |
r. 4.50................... | rep. 1998 No. 207 |
Renumbering Table
Table showing Part, Division, Subdivision and Regulation numbers of the Airports (Control of On-Airport Activities) Regulations 1997 after renumbering by the Airports (Control of On-Airport Activities) Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1) (1999 No. 77).
Note: This Table does not form part of the Airports (Control of On-Airport Activities) Regulations 1997 and is printed for convenience of reference only
Old Number | New Number |
Part 1 | Part 1 |
Regulation | Regulation |
1.01 | 1 |
1.02 | 2 |
1.03 | 3 |
1.04 | 4 |
Part 2 | Part 2 |
Division 2.1 | Division 1 |
2.11 | 5 |
Division 2.2 | Division 2 |
2.20 | 6 |
2.21 | 7 |
2.21A | 8 |
2.21B | 9 |
2.22 | 10 |
2.23 | 11 |
2.23A | 12 |
2.23B | 13 |
2.24 | 14 |
2.24A | 15 |
2.24B | 16 |
2.25 | 17 |
2.26 | 18 |
2.27 | 19 |
2.28 | 20 |
2.29 | 21 |
Division 2.3 | Division 3 |
Subdivision 2.3.1 | Subdivision 1 |
2.31 | 22 |
2.32 | 23 |
Subdivision 2.3.2 | Subdivision 2 |
2.32A | 24 |
2.33 | 25 |
2.33A | 26 |
2.33B | 27 |
2.33C | 28 |
2.34 | 29 |
2.35 | 30 |
2.37 | 31 |
Subdivision 2.3.3 | Subdivision 3 |
2.37A | 32 |
2.37B | 33 |
2.37C | 34 |
2.37CA | 35 |
2.37D | 36 |
2.37E | 37 |
2.38 | 38 |
Division 2.4 | Division 4 |
2.41 | 39 |
2.42 | 40 |
Subdivision 2.4.2 | Subdivision 1 |
2.42A | 41 |
2.43 | 42 |
2.44 | 43 |
2.45 | 44 |
2.46 | 45 |
Subdivision 2.4.3 | Subdivision 2 |
2.46A | 46 |
2.46B | 47 |
2.46C | 48 |
2.46D | 49 |
2.46E | 50 |
2.46F | 51 |
2.46G | 52 |
2.47 | 53 |
2.48 | 54 |
2.49 | 55 |
Division 2.5 | Division 5 |
2.51 | 56 |
2.52 | 57 |
2.53 | 58 |
2.54 | 59 |
2.55 | 60 |
2.56 | 61 |
2.57 | 62 |
Division 2.6 | Division 6 |
Subdivision 2.6.1 | Subdivision 1 |
2.61 | 63 |
2.62 | 64 |
Subdivision 2.6.2 | Subdivision 2 |
2.62A | 65 |
2.63 | 66 |
2.64 | 67 |
2.65 | 68 |
2.66 | 69 |
Subdivision 2.6.3 | Subdivision 3 |
2.67 | 70 |
2.68 | 71 |
2.68A | 72 |
2.68B | 73 |
2.68C | 74 |
2.69 | 75 |
Division 2.7 | Division 7 |
2.71 | 76 |
2.72 | 77 |
2.73 | 78 |
2.74 | 79 |
2.75 | 80 |
2.76 | 81 |
2.77 | 82 |
Division 2.8 | Division 8 |
2.81 | 83 |
2.82 | 84 |
2.83 | 85 |
2.84 | 86 |
2.85 | 87 |
2.86 | 88 |
2.87 | 89 |
Division 2.9 | Division 9 |
2.91 | 90 |
2.92 | 91 |
2.93 | 92 |
2.94 | 93 |
2.95 | 94 |
2.96 | 95 |
2.97 | 96 |
Part 3 | Part 3 |
3.01 | 97 |
3.02 | 98 |
3.20 | 99 |
3.21 | 100 |
3.30 | 101 |
3.40 | 102 |
3.50 | 103 |
3.60 | 104 |
Part 4 | Part 4 |
Division 4.1 | Division 1 |
4.01 | 105 |
Division 4.2 | Division 2 |
4.03 | 106 |
4.04 | 107 |
4.05 | 108 |
4.06 | 109 |
4.07 | 110 |
4.08 | 111 |
4.09 | 112 |
4.10 | 113 |
4.11 | 114 |
Division 4.3 | Division 3 |
4.30 | 115 |
4.31 | 116 |
4.32 | 117 |
4.33 | 118 |
4.34 | 119 |
4.35 | 120 |
4.36 | 121 |
Division 4.4 | Division 4 |
4.41 | 122 |
4.42 | 123 |
4.42A | 124 |
4.43 | 125 |
4.43A | 126 |
4.44 | 127 |
4.44AA | 128 |
4.44A | 129 |
4.44B | 130 |
4.45 | 131 |
4.46 | 132 |
4.47 | 133 |
4.48 | 134 |
4.49 | 135 |
Part 5 | Part 5 |
5.01 | 136 |
5.01A | 137 |
5.02 | 138 |
5.03 | 139 |
Part 6 | Part 6 |
6.01 | 140 |
6.02 | 141 |
6.03 | 142 |
6.04 | 143 |
Part 7 | Part 7 |
7.01 | 144 |
7.02 | 145 |
7.03 | 146 |
7.04 | 147 |
7.05 | 148 |
7.06 | 149 |
7.07 | 150 |
7.08 | 151 |
7.09 | 152 |
7.10 | 153 |
7.11 | 154 |
7.12 | 155 |
Part 8 | Part 8 |
8.01 | 156 |
Schedule 1 | Schedule 1 |
Part 1 | Part 1 |
Part 1A | Part 2 |
Part 1B | Part 3 |
Part 1C | Part 4 |
Part 1D | Part 5 |
Part 2 | Part 6 |
Part 2A | Part 7 |
Part 3 | Part 8 |
Part 3A | Part 9 |
Part 4 | Part 10 |
Part 5 | Part 11 |
Part 6 | Part 12 |
Part 7 | Part 13 |
Part 7A | Part 14 |
Part 8 | Part 15 |
Part 8A | Part 16 |