(1) The driver of a taxi, hire car or public bus on the landside of an airport must immediately show the driver's authority card to an authorised person for the airport if the authorised person:
(a) asks the driver to do so; and
(b) has shown the driver his or her identification as an authorised person.
(2) An offence against subregulation (1) is:
(a) a strict liability offence; and
(b) an infringement notice offence.
Note 1: For strict liability , see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code .
Note 2: For infringement notice offences, see Part 7.
(3) In this regulation:
"authority card" , for the driver of a taxi, hire car or public bus on the landside of an airport, means a card:
(a) issued by an agency of the State where the landside of the airport is located that is responsible for regulating the operation of taxis, hire cars or public buses in the State; and
(b) authorising the driver to drive the taxi, hire car or public bus in the State; and
(c) showing a photograph of the driver's face.