(1) A greenhouse gas injection licensee commits an offence if the licensee does not give an annual greenhouse gas accounting report for a licence area to the Titles Administrator within the period:
(a) starting on the last day of the financial year to which the report relates; and
(b) ending on the day 4 months after that day.
(2) An offence against subregulation (1) is an offence of strict liability.
Note: For strict liability , see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code .
(3) In this regulation:
"annual greenhouse gas accounting report" means a report that includes, for a year:
(a) the quantity of greenhouse gas substance injected into the storage formation during the year; and
(b) the cumulative quantity of greenhouse gas substance that has been stored as at the end of the year; and
(c) the quantity of greenhouse gas substance lost, and emissions of additional greenhouse gases generated, in the processes of compression, transportation and injection; and
(d) the quantity of greenhouse gas substance lost from the well bore; and
(e) the quantity of greenhouse gas substance lost from the storage formation; and
(f) an explanation of how losses of the greenhouse gas substance were estimated or measured; and
(g) an assessment of the accuracy of the measurement or estimation of the quantities of the greenhouse gas substance.
Note: The responsible Commonwealth Minister or the Titles Administrator must make the information in the report publicly known within 30 days after the Titles Administrator receives the report--see regulation 10.10.