(1) In this Part, working day means a day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday or a day that is a holiday for Commonwealth offices in the Australian Capital Territory.
(2) The following periods are to be disregarded in calculating, for the purposes of a provision of this Part, the number of working days taken to perform the action that the provision requires to be performed:
(a) the period commencing on the day on which the Secretary sends a query, or a request for information, to an applicant or sponsor and ending either:
(i) at the end of the day on which the Secretary receives from the applicant or sponsor a complete response to the query or request; or
(ii) if subsection 31(1B) or (1C) of the Act applies:
(A) at the end of the last day in the period specified in the notice given by the Secretary under subsection 31(1) of the Act; or
(B) if the applicant or sponsor and the Secretary agree in writing on another day for the purposes of this sub - subparagraph--that day.
(b) the period commencing on the day of lodgment of an appeal concerning the application for which the action is required to be performed and ending at the end of the day on which the appeal is finally disposed of; and
(c) any other period to which the applicant or sponsor agrees in writing for the purposes of this subregulation.