Commonwealth Numbered Regulations

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Select Legislative Instrument 2006 No. 52

I, PHILIP MICHAEL JEFFERY, Governor‑General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following Regulations under the Workplace Relations Act 1996 and the Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Act 2005.

Dated 17 March 2006



By His Excellency's Command


Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations


Chapter 1          Preliminary

                      1.1     Name of Regulations                                                      21

                      1.2     Commencement                                                            21

                      1.3     Definitions                                                                     21

                      1.4     Definition of employing authority in subsection 4 (1) of the Act -- prescribed persons and bodies                                                                                    22

                      1.5     Definition of public sector employment in subsection 4 (1) of the Act -- prescribed laws and persons                                                                                    22

                      1.6     Repeal of Workplace Relations Regulations 1996             23

Chapter 2          General regulations for the Workplace Relations Act 1996

Part 1                    Preliminary

Division 1                Exclusion of persons insufficiently connected with Australia

                      1.1     Crew members of commercial vessels                             24

Division 2                Act excludes some State and Territory laws

                      1.2     State and Territory laws that are not excluded by the Act -- general    25

                      1.3     State and Territory laws that are not excluded by the Act -- specified laws      27

                      1.4     Exclusion of prescribed State and Territory laws               27

Division 3                Awards, agreements and Commission orders prevail over State and Territory law etc

                      1.5     Laws about training arrangements                                   28

                      1.6     Laws about prevailing awards, agreements and Commission orders     33

Part 3                    Australian Industrial Relations Commission

Division 1                Establishment of Commission

                      3.1     Prescribed State industrial authorities -- section 67 and subsections 71 (2) and 696 (1), (2) and (5) of the Act                                                                      35

                      3.2     Prescribed tribunals -- subsections 69 (1), 69 (2) and 79 (5) of the Act            35

Division 3                Representation and intervention

                      3.3     Representation of employing authorities before the Commission or Court          36

                      3.4     Representation of certain persons by unregistered associations          40

Division 4                General matters relating to the powers and procedures of the Commission

                      3.5     Compulsory conferences                                                40

                      3.6     Power to override certain laws affecting public sector employment       41

Division 6                Miscellaneous

                      3.7     President must provide certain information etc to the Minister  41

                      3.8     Power of Commission to waive procedural requirements and effect of non‑compliance   42

Part 4                    Australian Industrial Registry

                      4.1     Office hours                                                                   43

                      4.2     Lodgment of documents in Industrial Registry                   43

                      4.3     Endorsement of documents                                            44

                      4.4     Inspection of documents                                                 44

                      4.5     Power to waive procedural requirements and effect of non‑compliance  44

                      4.6     Use of previous evidence                                                 45

                      4.7     Recovery of cost of providing copies of documents            45

                      4.8     Custody and use of seals of the Industrial Registry           46

                      4.9     General powers of Registrar                                            46

                    4.10     Signing of documents etc on behalf of persons, organisations etc        47

                    4.11     Application of the Criminal Code                                      48

Part 5                    The Employment Advocate

Division 1                Functions, powers etc of the Employment Advocate

                      5.1     Functions of the Employment Advocate -- giving Minister information and documents   49

Division 2                Appointment, conditions of appointment etc of Employment Advocate

                      5.2     Remuneration and allowances                                         49

Division 3                Miscellaneous

                      5.3     Identity of parties to AWAs not to be disclosed                 50

Part 6                    Workplace inspectors

                      6.1     Period of appointment                                                     51

                      6.2     Advice about rights and obligations                                  51

                      6.3     Notification of failure to observe requirements                    52

                      6.4     Identity cards                                                                 53

                      6.5     Taking of samples                                                          53

                      6.6     Disclosure of information                                                 53

Part 7                    The Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard

Division 1                Preliminary

                      7.1     Operation of the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard -- provision of more favourable outcome                                                                        54

Division 2                Wages

font-weight:normal'>            Preliminary

                      7.2     Definitions for Division 2 of the Act -- pre‑reform federal wage instrument         58

                      7.3     Definitions for Division 2 of the Act -- pre‑reform State wage instrument           59

font-weight:normal'>             Australian Pay and Classification Scales: preserved APCSs

                      7.4     Deriving preserved APCSs from pre‑reform wage instruments -- supported employment services                                                                                    59

                      7.5     Notional adjustments -- general                                      60

                      7.6     Notional adjustments -- Victorian minimum wage orders   61

font-weight:normal'>            Adjustments to incorporate 2005 Safety Net Review etc

                      7.7     Adjustments to incorporate 2005 Safety Net Review -- other matters   61

Division 5                Personal leave

                      7.8     Medical certificates issued by registered health practitioners 62

Part 8                    Workplace agreements

Division 2                Types of workplace agreements

                      8.1     Authorisation of multiple‑business agreements                 63

Division 6                Operation of workplace agreements and persons bound

                      8.2     Workplace agreement displaces certain Commonwealth laws -- prescribed conditions of employment                                                                  64

                      8.3     Workplace agreement displaces certain Commonwealth laws -- prescribed Commonwealth laws                                                                                    64

Division 7.1             Prohibited content under section 356 of the Act

font-weight:normal'>            Preliminary

                      8.4     Purpose of Division                                                         66

font-weight:normal'>            Various matters that are prohibited content

                      8.5     Various matters                                                             66

                      8.6     Discriminatory terms                                                      69

font-weight:normal'>            Matters that do not pertain to the employment relationship are prohibited content

                      8.7     Matters that do not pertain to the employment relationship are prohibited content         70

Division 7.2             Prohibited content under Schedule 8 to the Act

                      8.8     Prohibited content                                                          71

font-weight:normal'>            Prohibited content

                      8.9     Employer must not lodge workplace agreement containing prohibited content   71

Division 12              Miscellaneous

                    8.10     Qualifications and appointment of bargaining agents          72

                    8.11     Required form of workplace agreements                           73

                    8.12     Witnessing of signatures on AWAs                                 74

                    8.13     Signing of workplace agreements                                    74

                    8.14     Retention of signed workplace agreement                         75

                    8.15     Application of the Criminal Code                                      76

Part 9                    Industrial action

Division 2                Bargaining periods

                      9.1     Employee may appoint agent to initiate bargaining period -- qualifications for appointment        77

                      9.2     Employee may appoint agent to initiate bargaining period -- appointment        78

Division 3                Protected action

                      9.3     Protected action                                                            79

Division 4                Secret ballots on proposed protected action

style='font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal'>            General

                      9.4     Declaration envelope                                                      79

                      9.5     Employee may appoint agent to apply for ballot order -- qualifications for appointment  80

                      9.6     Employee may appoint agent to apply for ballot order -- appointment  82

style='font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal'>            Application for order for protected action ballot to be held

                      9.7     Material to accompany application                                   82

style='font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal'>            Secret ballots on proposed protected action

                      9.8     Notifying employees of ballot                                           83

                      9.9     Information relevant to roll of voters                                  84

                    9.10     Form of ballot paper                                                       85

                    9.11     Conduct of ballot -- access to workplace                         85

                    9.12     Directions about ballot paper                                           85

                    9.13     Issuing of ballot papers -- attendance voting                    85

                    9.14     Duplicate ballot papers -- attendance voting                     86

                    9.15     Dispatch of ballot papers -- postal voting                         86

                    9.16     Duplicate ballot paper etc -- postal voting                        87

                    9.17     Manner of voting -- postal voting                                     88

                    9.18     Scrutiny                                                                        88

                    9.19     Appointment of scrutineers                                             89

                    9.20     Qualifications of scrutineers                                            90

                    9.21     Scrutineers -- appointment                                             91

                    9.22     Functions of scrutineers                                                 91

                    9.23     Powers and duties of authorised independent advisers       93

Division 5                Industrial action not to be engaged in before nominal expiry date of workplace agreement or workplace determination

                    9.24     Industrial action etc must not be taken before nominal expiry date of collective agreement or workplace determination                                                 93

                    9.25     Industrial action must not be taken before nominal expiry date of AWA            94

                    9.26     Application of the Criminal Code                                      95

Part 10                  Awards

Division 2                Terms that may be included in awards

font-weight:normal'>            Regulations relating to part‑time employees

                    10.1     Award conditions for part‑time employees                        96

Division 3                Preserved award entitlements

                    10.2     Preservation of certain award terms                                 97

                    10.3     Meaning of more generous                                              98

                    10.4     Modifications in relation to personal/carer's leave            100

                    10.5     Modifications in relation to parental leave                        101

Division 4                Award rationalisation and award simplification

font-weight:normal'>            Award rationalisation

                    10.6     Award rationalisation request to be published                  102

Division 6                Binding additional employers, employees and organisations to awards

                    10.7     Process for valid majority of employees                          102

Part 12                  Minimum entitlements of employees

Division 1                Entitlement to meal breaks

                    12.1     Displacement of entitlement to meal breaks                    104

Division 4                Termination of employment

                    12.2     Interpretation for Division 4                                            105

                    12.3     Specified rate                                                               106

                    12.4     Rate of remuneration per year                                        106

                    12.5     Amount taken to have been received by the employee     107

                    12.6     Annual indexation of certain amounts                             107

                    12.7     Schedule of costs (Act, s 658)                                      109

                    12.8     Temporary absence because of illness or injury              110

                    12.9     Prescribed notice of intended terminations Â¾ subsection 660 (2) of the Act      111

                  12.10     Required period of notice -- exception for serious misconduct 111

                  12.11     Required period of notice -- ascertaining period of continuous service  112

                  12.12     Compensation in lieu of required period of notice -- commission or piece rates employees        114

                  12.13     Inapplicability of section 661 of the Act -- succession, assignment or transmission of business                                                                                  114

Part 13                  Dispute resolution processes

Division 2                Model dispute resolution process

                    13.1     Alternative dispute resolution process -- parties cannot agree on a provider     116

Division 3                Alternative dispute resolution process conducted by Commission under model dispute resolution process

                    13.2     Dispute resolution processes -- application                    116

Part 14                  Compliance

Division 2                Penalties and other remedies for contravention of applicable provisions

                    14.1     Recovery of wages etc -- small claims procedure           118

                    14.2     Recovery of small claims under award, order, AWA or certified agreement -- maximum amount                                                                                  119

Part 15                  Right of entry

Division 1                Preliminary

                    15.1     Definitions -- OHS law                                                  120

Division 2                Issue of permits

                    15.2     Issue of permit -- form of application                              120

                    15.3     Issue of permit -- form of permit                                    121

Division 3                Expiry, revocation, suspension, etc of permits

                    15.4     Revocation, suspension etc by Registrar -- application for revocation of a permit          121

Division 4                Right of entry to investigate suspected breaches

                    15.5     Exemption from requirement to provide entry notice -- form of application        121

                    15.6     Exemption from requirement to provide entry notice -- form of exemption certificate      122

Division 6                Right of entry to hold discussions with employees

                    15.7     Limitation on rights -- conscientious objection certificates 122

Division 9                Powers of the Commission

                    15.8     Unreasonable requests by occupier or affected employee 122

Part 19                  Records relating to employees and pay slips

Division 1                Preliminary

                    19.1     Purpose of Part                                                            124

                    19.2     Operation of Part                                                          124

                    19.3     Application of the Criminal Code                                    125

Division 2                Rules concerning keeping records

                    19.4     Obligation to make and keep records relating to employees 125

                    19.5     Records to show whether relevant conditions complied with 126

                    19.6     Form of records                                                            126

Division 3                Content of records

                    19.7     Content requirement for records                                     127

                    19.8     Contents of records  -- general                                     127

                    19.9     Contents of records -- hours worked                              128

                  19.10     Contents of records  -- reasonable additional hours        128

                  19.11     Contents of records -- pay                                            128

                  19.12     Contents of records -- annual leave                               129

                  19.13     Contents of records  -- personal leave                           130

                  19.14     Contents of records  -- other leave                                130

                  19.15     Contents of records -- superannuation contributions       131

                  19.16     Contents of records -- termination of employment           131

Division 4                Transmission of business

                  19.17     Transmission of business                                              132

Division 5                Penalties

                  19.18     Alteration and correction of a record                               133

                  19.19     False or misleading entry in a record                              133

                  19.20     Inspection and copying of a record                                 134

                  19.21     Information concerning a record                                     134

Division 6                Pay slips

                  19.22     Pay slips -- subsection 836 (2) of the Act                      135

                  19.23     Contents of pay slips                                                    135

Division 7                Contravention of civil remedy provisions

                  19.24     Standing for civil remedies                                             137

                  19.25     Court may order pecuniary penalty                                 137

                  19.26     Crown not liable to penalty for contravention of civil remedy provision    137

Division 8                Transitionals

                  19.27     Effect of repeal of pre‑reform Regulations                        137

                  19.28     Application of provisions after transitional award ceases to operate      138

                  19.29     Certificates issued under repealed regulations                 139

Part 19A               Record–keeping -- contract outworkers in Victoria in the textile, clothing and footwear industry

Division 1                Preliminary

                  19.30     Operation of Part                                                          141

                  19.31     Application of Part                                                        141

Division 2                Records

                  19.32     Obligation to make and keep outworker records relating to contract work         142

                  19.33     Form of outworker record                                              142

                  19.34     Contents of outworker record -- general                         143

                  19.35     Contents of outworker record -- payments to contract outworker         143

Division 3                Transmission of business

                  19.36     Transmission of business                                              144

Division 4                Penalties

                  19.37     Alteration and correction of outworker record                   145

                  19.38     False or misleading entry in an outworker record             145

                  19.39     Inspection and copying of outworker record                     145

                  19.40     Information concerning outworker records                       146

Division 5                Contravention of civil remedy provisions

                  19.41     Standing for civil remedies                                             147

                  19.42     Court may order pecuniary penalty                                 147

                  19.43     Crown not liable to penalty for contravention of civil remedy provision    147

Part 19B               Infringement notices

Division 1                Preliminary

                  19.44     Purpose of Part                                                            148

                  19.45     Definitions                                                                   148

Division 2                Infringement notices

                  19.46     When an infringement notice can be given                      149

                  19.47     Contents of infringement notice                                      149

                  19.48     Amount of penalty if infringement notice issued               150

                  19.49     Time for payment of penalty                                          151

                  19.50     Extension of time to pay penalty                                    151

                  19.51     Effect of payment of penalty                                          151

                  19.52     Withdrawal of infringement notice                                   152

                  19.53     Notice of withdrawal of infringement notices                    152

                  19.54     Refund of penalty                                                         153

Part 21                  Matters referred by Victoria

                    21.1     Additional effect of Act -- workplace agreements (related provisions)   154

                    21.2     Workplace agreements -- mandatory term about basic periodic rate of pay      154

                    21.3     Relationship between employment agreements and Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard                                                                                  157

Part 22                  Contract outworkers in Victoria in the textile, clothing and footwear industry

Division 2                New Commonwealth provisions

                    22.1     Plaintiffs may choose small claims procedure in magistrates courts -- small claims procedure  162

                    22.2     Plaintiffs may choose small claims procedure in magistrates courts -- maximum amount         163

Chapter 3          Transitional arrangements for parties bound by federal awards

Part 3                    Powers and procedures of Commission for dealing with industrial disputes

Division 2                Variation and revocation of transitional awards

                      3.1     Variation of transitional awards -- dealing with industrial dispute         164

Part 7                    Matters relating to Victoria

Division 1                Matters referred by Victoria

font-weight:normal'>            Introduction

                      7.1     Definitions for Part 7                                                     166

12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal'>            Industrial disputes

                      7.2     Industrial disputes -- prescribed laws of Victoria             166

font-weight:normal'>            Preserved transitional award terms -- transitional Victorian reference awards

                      7.3     Preserved transitional award terms                                 166

                      7.4     Meaning of more generous                                            167

                      7.5     Modifications in relation to personal/carer's leave            170

                      7.6     Modifications in relation to parental leave                        170

12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";font-weight:normal'>            Common rules

                      7.7     Proposed variation of common rules -- notice of hearing by the Commission    171

                      7.8     Publication of a notice inviting objections to a variation     172

                      7.9     Notice of declaration that a variation is not binding on the organisation or person           172

Division 2                Other matters

font-weight:normal'>            Preserved transitional award terms -- transitional awards (other than transitional Victorian reference awards) in respect of employees in Victoria

                    7.10     Preserved transitional award terms                                 173

                    7.11     Meaning of more generous                                            173

                    7.12     Modifications in relation to personal/carer's leave            176

                    7.13     Modifications in relation to parental leave                        177

Chapter 4          Extra provisions relating to definitions

                      1.1     Purpose of Chapter 4                                                    178

Chapter 5          Transitional treatment of State employment agreements and State awards

Part 3                    Notional agreements preserving State awards

Division 5                Preserved notional terms and preserved notional entitlements

                      3.1     Preserved notional terms of notional agreement               179

                      3.2     Meaning of more generous                                            180

                      3.3     Modifications in relation to personal/carer's leave            182

                      3.4     Modifications in relation to parental leave                        183

Chapter 6          Transitionally registered associations

Part 1                    Preliminary

                      1.1     Definitions                                                                   184

Part 2                    Representation rights of transitionally registered associations of employees

Division 1                Orders about representation rights of transitionally registered associations of employees -- no prior order in relation to State‑registered association

                      2.1     Order                                                                          185

                      2.2     Variation of order                                                          187

                      2.3     Organisations and transitionally registered association must comply with order            187

Division 2                Orders about representation rights of transitionally registered associations of employees -- prior order in relation to State‑registered association

                      2.4     Order                                                                          188

                      2.5     Order may be subject to limits or alterations                   189

                      2.6     Organisations and transitionally registered association must comply with order            189

Division 3                Proceedings regarding representation rights in a State or Territory immediately before the reform commencement

                      2.7     Representation rights -- evidence in prior proceedings     190

Part 3                    Cancellation of transitional registration

                      3.1     Application for cancellation of transitional registration by Commission -- form of application      191

                      3.2     Application for cancellation of transitional registration by Commission -- registration by mistake                                                                                  191

                      3.3     Application for cancellation of transitional registration by Commission -- association no longer State‑registered association                                          191

Part 4                    Modification of Registration and Accountability of Organisations Schedule for transitionally registered associations

                      4.1     Modifications                                                               193

                      4.2     Provisions not to apply                                                  193

                      4.3     Other criteria for registration of transitionally registered association      193

Chapter 7          Transitional and other provisions for the Work Choices Act

Part 1                    Preliminary

                      1.1     Purpose of Chapter 7                                                    195

Part 2                    Regulations for transitional etc provisions and consequential amendments -- Act

Division 1                Repeal of Part XV of the pre‑reform Act

                      2.1     Effect of repeal                                                             196

Division 2                Transmission of transitional awards

                      2.2     Succession, transmission or assignment of a business before reform commencement -- application of Part 7 of Schedule 6 to the Act                                  197

Division 3                Matters relating to Victoria -- transmission of business (transitional Victorian reference awards)

                      2.3     Transmission of business -- application of Subdivision F of Division 1 of Part 7 of Schedule 6 to the Act                                                                             197

Division 4                Matters relating to Victoria -- transmission of business (transitional awards other than transitional Victorian reference awards)

                      2.4     Transmission of business -- application of Subdivision BA of Division 2 of Part 7 of Schedule 6 to the Act                                                                        198

Division 5                Succession, transmission or assignment of a business before reform commencement

                      2.5     Application of pre‑reform Act                                         198

Division 6                Amendment of Part VIA of the pre‑reform Act

                      2.6     Effect of amendments -- equal remuneration for work of equal value    199

                      2.7     Effect of amendments -- parental leave (repeal of pre‑reform leave provisions)   199

                      2.8     Replacement employees                                               203

Division 7                Operation of matters relating to permit ships

                      2.9     Awards in relation to permit ships                                  204

Division 8                Amendment of Part XII of the pre‑reform Act

                    2.10     Costs only where proceeding instituted vexatiously etc    205

Division 9                Amendment of Part XIII of the pre‑reform Act

                    2.11     Signature on behalf of body corporate                             205

Division 10              Application of Act and Regulations to Australia's exclusive economic zone and continental shelf

                    2.12     Application of Act and Regulations                                 205

Division 11              Application of pre‑reform Act in relation to certain pre‑reform certified agreements and pre‑reform AWAs

                    2.13     Application of pre‑reform Act                                         207

Division 12              Workplace inspectors

                    2.14     Powers of workplace inspectors in relation to investigation of alleged breaches of pre‑reform Act or pre‑reform Regulations                                                  209

                    2.15     Repeal of Part IVA of the pre‑reform Act -- other functions and powers of pre‑reform authorised officers in relation to investigation of alleged breaches not started before the reform commencement                                                                                  209

                    2.16     Repeal of Part IVA of the pre‑reform Act -- other functions and powers of pre‑reform authorised officers in relation to investigation of alleged breaches started before the reform commencement                                                                                  210

                    2.17     Disclosure of information                                               210

Division 13              Compliance

                    2.18     Repeal of Part VA -- review by Commonwealth Ombudsman  211

                    2.19     Enforcement of rights and obligations                             211

Division 14              Interpretation of transitional instruments

                    2.20     Interpretation of transitional instruments                         212

Division 15              Industrial action before nominal expiry date of workplace agreement or workplace determination

                    2.21     Industrial action                                                            213

Division 16              Accrual and crediting of leave in lump sums (in advance or in arrears)

                    2.22     Accrual and crediting of leave in advance of service         213

                    2.23     Accrual and crediting of leave in arrears of service           214

Part 3                    Regulations for transitional etc provisions and consequential amendments -- pre‑reform Regulations

Division 1                Repeal of Division 2 of Part 5A of the pre‑reform Regulations

                      3.1     Effect of repeal                                                             216

Division 2                Matters referred by Victoria

                      3.2     Effect of repeal of regulation 132G                                  216

Part 4                    Regulations for transitional etc provisions and consequential amendments -- part‑heard matters

Division 1                Interpretation

                      4.1     Definitions                                                                   217

Division 2                Appeals under Part VI of the pre‑reform Act

                      4.2     Appeals against findings in relation to industrial disputes 217

                      4.3     Appeals against awards or orders                                  218

                      4.4     Appeals against decisions not to make orders or awards 220

                      4.5     Appeals against decisions under paragraph 111 (1) (g) of pre‑reform Act          221

                      4.6     Appeals against decisions under Division 5 of Part VI of pre‑reform Act            222

                      4.7     Appeals against decisions not to certify agreements       223

                      4.8     Appeal against decision to certify agreement                  224

                      4.9     Appeal against decision to vary, or not to vary, award or certified agreement (objectionable provision)                                                                                  224

                    4.10     Appeal against decision to vary, or not to vary, award or certified agreement (sex discrimination)                                                                                  226

                    4.11     Appeal against decision in relation to jurisdiction             227

                    4.12     Appeals relating to matters arising under Registration and Accountability of Organisations Schedule                                                                                  228

                    4.13     Time within which appeals may be instituted                   229

                    4.14     General rules relating to continuing appeals                    229

Division 3                Registrar -- references and appeals

                    4.15     Reference to Commission by Registrar                           230

                    4.16     Removal of matter before Registrar                                 230

                    4.17     Appeal from Registrar to Commission                            231

                    4.18     Reference to Court by Registrar                                     231

Division 4                Dispute prevention and settlement

                    4.19     Review of certain awards                                               232

                    4.20     Dealing with disputes                                                    232

                    4.21     Principles about making or varying awards in relation to allowable award matters          233

                    4.22     Reference of disputes to Full Bench                               233

                    4.23     Proceedings being dealt with by President                      233

                    4.24     Review on application by Minister                                  234

                    4.25     Particular powers of Commission                                   235

                    4.26     Commission to cease dealing with industrial dispute in certain circumstances  235

                    4.27     Recommendations by consent                                      236

                    4.28     Varying awards (ambiguity or uncertainty)                      236

                    4.29     Varying awards (removal of discrimination)                      237

                    4.30     Varying certified agreements (removal of discrimination)   237

                    4.31     Varying awards (change of name)                                  238

                    4.32     Varying awards (junior rates of pay)                               238

                    4.33     Enterprise flexibility provisions                                       239

                    4.34     Compulsory conferences                                               239

                    4.35     Exceptional matters orders                                           239

                    4.36     Orders to stop or prevent industrial action                       239

                    4.37     Unfair contracts                                                            240

                    4.38     Orders restraining State authorities from dealing with disputes            240

                    4.39     Reference of dispute to local industrial board                  241

                    4.40     Boards of reference                                                      242

Division 5                Ballots ordered by Commission

                    4.41     Secret ballots -- industrial disputes                               242

                    4.42     Secret ballots -- industrial action                                  242

                    4.43     Secret ballots -- approval of certified agreements            242

                    4.44     Secret ballots -- industrial action during bargaining period 243

                    4.45     Application for secret ballot                                           243

Division 6                Common rules

                    4.46     Common rules                                                             243

Division 7                Awards of Commission

                    4.47     Review of operation of awards                                        245

Division 8                Boycotts

                    4.48     Disputes relating to boycotts                                         245

                    4.49     Restriction on certain actions in tort                               245

Division 9                Cancellation and suspension of awards and orders

                    4.50     Cancellation and suspension of awards and orders          246

Division 10              Right of entry

                    4.51     Civil penalty proceedings                                               246

                    4.52     Powers of Commission                                                 247

Division 11              Freedom of association

                    4.53     Remedies for breaches                                                 247

                    4.54     Removal of objectionable provisions                               247

Division 12              State laws

                    4.55     Appeal rights under State laws                                      247

Chapter 8          Miscellaneous provisions

                      1.1     Ballots conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission -- no unauthorised action   249

                      1.2     No action for defamation in certain cases                       249

                      1.3     Application of the Criminal Code                                    250

Schedule 1             Forms                                                                         251

Form 1                     Ballot paper under Part 3 of Chapter 3                            251

Form 2                     Permit to enter and inspect premises                             253

Form 3                     Permit to enter and inspect premises                             254

Form 4                     Notice of proposed terminations                                     255

Form 5                     Application to the Commission to have a dispute resolution process conducted            256

Schedule 2             Employing authorities (Act, subsection 4 (1))              257

Schedule 3             Commonwealth authorities (definition of public sector employment)       263

Schedule 4             Information and copies of documents to be given to Minister by AIRC     264

Schedule 5             Information and copies of documents to be given to Minister by Employment Advocate 272

Schedule 6             Workplace inspectors -- form of identity card           275

Schedule 7             Schedule of costs                                                       276

Part 1                      Instructions                                                                  276

Part 2                      Documents                                                                  277

Part 3                      Drawing                                                                       277

Part 4                      Writing or typing legal letters                                         278

Part 5                      Copies                                                                        278

Part 6                      Perusal and scanning                                                   278

Part 7                      Examination                                                                279

Part 8                      Letters                                                                        279

Part 9                      Service                                                                        280

Part 10                    Preparation of appeal books                                          281

Part 11                    Attendances                                                                281

Part 12                    General care and conduct                                             284

Part 13                    Fees for Counsel for solicitor appearing as Counsel         285

Part 14                    Witnesses' expenses                                                   285

Part 15                    Disbursements                                                             286

Schedule 8             Further provisions relating to definitions                   287

Part 1                      Amendments of clause 2 of Schedule 2 to the Act          287

Part 2                      Amendments of clause 3 of Schedule 2 to the Act          288

Part 3                      Amendments of clause 4 of Schedule 2 to the Act          289





1.       All legislative instruments and compilations are registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments kept under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. See


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