(cf 2007 reg cl 28B)
(1) Transport for NSW may use operational information, or release operational information to the special number-plate concessionaire, to facilitate the operation of the special number-plate concession concerned or any subsidiary arrangement.
(2) A person who obtains operational information in the course of exercising functions under a special number-plate concession or a subsidiary arrangement must not make a record of or disclose the information except--(a) in the exercise of the person's functions under or for the purposes of the special number-plate concession, or(b) with other lawful authority.: Maximum penalty--20 penalty units.
(3) Transport for NSW may delegate any function of Transport for NSW under this Division (except this power of delegation) to a special number-plate concessionaire.
(4) In this clause--
"operational information" means any information obtained by Transport for NSW in the exercise of any function of Transport for NSW, including--(a) information in any register kept by Transport for NSW, and(b) information that is of a personal nature or that has commercial sensitivity.
"special number-plate concession" means a commercial arrangement entered into by Transport for NSW for the provision of marketing and other services to Transport for NSW in connection with the issue of special number-plates.
"special number-plate concessionaire" means a person with whom Transport for NSW enters into a special number-plate concession.
"subsidiary arrangement" means a commercial arrangement entered into by the special number-plate concessionaire in connection with a special number-plate concession.