This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 - As at 30 November 2016 - Reg 492 of 2010 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Regulation 2. Commencement 3. Definition 4. Notes PART 2 - RECORDS AND ACCOUNTS 5. Accounting records 6. Receipts 7. Cash record 8. Levy register 9. Inspection of records of strata managing agent 10. Additional documents to be given to owners corporation by original owner or lessor at first annual general meeting PART 3 - INSURANCE 11. (Repealed) 12. Calculation of insured amount under damage policy PART 4 - RESTRICTIONS ON EXERCISE OF FUNCTIONS BY OWNERS CORPORATIONS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES 13. Restriction on delegation of certain functions 14. Quotations required by large strata schemes 15. Exemptions from need for approval for certain legal action PART 5 - ELECTION OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF OWNERS CORPORATION 16. Application of Part 17. Election of executive committee 18. Ballot for executive committee PART 6 - FEES 19. Fees 20. Waiver and remission of fees PART 7 - PROCEEDINGS OF TRIBUNAL 21. Time limit for certain applications to vary or revoke order of Tribunal 22. (Repealed) PART 8 - MEDIATION 23. Directions of Director-General 24. Attendance and representation 25. Costs 26. Termination PART 9 - MISCELLANEOUS 27. Model by-laws 28. Forms and certificates 29. Monetary limit on exercise of priority vote 30. Extension of section 75A of Act to all owners corporations 31. Window safety devices 32. Notification by owners of window safety devices SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 4 SCHEDULE 5 SCHEDULE 6 SCHEDULE 7 SCHEDULE 8 SCHEDULE 9