Queensland Consolidated Acts

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SCHEDULE 1 – Appeals

1 Appeal rights and parties to appeals

(1) Table 1 states the matters that may be appealed to—
(a) the P&E court; or
(b) a tribunal.
(2) However, table 1 applies to a tribunal only if the matter involves—
(a) the refusal, or deemed refusal of a development application, for—
(i) a material change of use for a classified building; or
(ii) operational work associated with building work, a retaining wall, or a tennis court; or
(b) a provision of a development approval for—
(i) a material change of use for a classified building; or
(ii) operational work associated with building work, a retaining wall, or a tennis court; or
(c) if a development permit was applied for—the decision to give a preliminary approval for—
(i) a material change of use for a classified building; or
(ii) operational work associated with building work, a retaining wall, or a tennis court; or
(d) a development condition if—
(i) the development approval is only for a material change of use that involves the use of a building classified under the Building Code as a class 2 building; and
(ii) the building is, or is proposed to be, not more than 3 storeys; and
(iii) the proposed development is for not more than 60 sole-occupancy units; or
(e) a decision for, or a deemed refusal of, an extension application for a development approval that is only for a material change of use of a classified building; or
(f) a decision for, or a deemed refusal of, a change application for a development approval that is only for a material change of use of a classified building; or
(g) a matter under this Act, to the extent the matter relates to the Building Act , other than a matter under that Act that may or must be decided by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission; or
(h) a decision to give an enforcement notice—
(i) in relation to a matter under paragraphs (a) to (g); or
(ii) under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 ; or
(i) an infrastructure charges notice; or
(j) the refusal, or deemed refusal, of a conversion application; or
(l) a matter prescribed by regulation.
(3) Also, table 1 does not apply to a tribunal if the matter involves—
(a) for a matter in subsection (2) (a) to (d)
(i) a development approval for which the development application required impact assessment; and
(ii) a development approval in relation to which the assessment manager received a properly made submission for the development application; or
(b) a provision of a development approval about the identification or inclusion, under a variation approval, of a matter for the development.
(4) Table 2 states the matters that may be appealed only to the P&E Court.
(5) Table 3 states the matters that may be appealed only to the tribunal.
(6) In each table—
(a) column 1 states the appellant in the appeal; and
(b) column 2 states the respondent in the appeal; and
(c) column 3 states the co-respondent (if any) in the appeal; and
(d) column 4 states the co-respondents by election (if any) in the appeal.
(7) If the chief executive receives a notice of appeal under section 230 (3) (f) , the chief executive may elect to be a co-respondent in the appeal.
(8) In this section—

"storey" see the Building Code, part A1.1.

Table 1
Appeals to the P&E Court and, for certain matters, to a tribunal
1. Development applications
For a development application other than an excluded application, an appeal may be made against—(a) the refusal of all or part of the development application; or(b) the deemed refusal of the development application; or(c) a provision of the development approval; or(d) if a development permit was applied for—the decision to give a preliminary approval.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
The applicant The assessment manager If the appeal is about a concurrence agency’s referral response—the concurrence agency 1 A concurrence agency that is not a co-respondent2 If a chosen assessment manager is the respondent—the prescribed assessment manager3 Any eligible advice agency for the application4 Any eligible submitter for the application
2. Change applications
For a change application other than an excluded application, an appeal may be made against—(a) the responsible entity’s decision on the change application; or(b) a deemed refusal of the change application.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
1 The applicant2 If the responsible entity is the assessment manager—an affected entity that gave a pre-request notice or response notice The responsible entity If an affected entity starts the appeal—the applicant 1 A concurrence agency for the development application2 If a chosen assessment manager is the respondent—the prescribed assessment manager3 A private certifier for the development application4 Any eligible advice agency for the change application5 Any eligible submitter for the change application
3. Extension applications
For an extension application other than an extension application called in by the Minister, an appeal may be made against—(a) the assessment manager’s decision on the extension application; or(b) a deemed refusal of the extension application.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
1 The applicant2 For a matter other than a deemed refusal of an extension application—a concurrence agency, other than the chief executive, for the application The assessment manager If a concurrence agency starts the appeal—the applicant If a chosen assessment manager is the respondent—the prescribed assessment manager
4. Infrastructure charges notices
An appeal may be made against an infrastructure charges notice on 1 or more of the following grounds—(a) the notice involved an error relating to—(i) the application of the relevant adopted charge; or
Examples of errors in applying an adopted charge—
• the incorrect application of gross floor area for a non-residential development• applying an incorrect ‘use category’, under a regulation, to the development
(ii) the working out of extra demand, for section 120 ; or(iii) an offset or refund; or(b) there was no decision about an offset or refund; or(c) if the infrastructure charges notice states a refund will be given—the timing for giving the refund; or(d) for an appeal to the P&E Court—the amount of the charge is so unreasonable that no reasonable relevant local government could have imposed the amount.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
The person given the infrastructure charges notice The local government that gave the infrastructure charges notice
5. Conversion applications
An appeal may be made against—(a) the refusal of a conversion application; or(b) a deemed refusal of a conversion application.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
The applicant The local government to which the conversion application was made
6. Enforcement notices
An appeal may be made against the decision to give an enforcement notice.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
The person given the enforcement notice The enforcement authority If the enforcement authority is not the local government for the premises in relation to which the offence is alleged to have happened—the local government
7. Enforcement notices under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018
An appeal may be made against the decision to give an enforcement notice.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
The person given the enforcement notice The local government that gave the enforcement notice

Table 2
Appeals to the P&E Court only
1. Appeals from tribunal
An appeal may be made against a decision of a tribunal, other than a decision under section 252 , on the ground of—(a) an error or mistake in law on the part of the tribunal; or(b) jurisdictional error.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
A party to the proceedings for the decision The other party to the proceedings for the decision
2. Eligible submitter appeals
For a development application or change application other than an excluded application, an appeal may be made against the decision to approve the application, to the extent the decision relates to—(a) any part of the development application or change application that required impact assessment; or(b) a variation request.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
1 For a development application—an eligible submitter for the development application2 For a change application—an eligible submitter for the change application 1 For a development application—the assessment manager2 For a change application—the responsible entity 1 The applicant2 If the appeal is about a concurrence agency’s referral response—the concurrence agency Another eligible submitter for the application
3. Eligible submitter and eligible advice agency appeals
For a development application or change application other than an excluded application, an appeal may be made against a provision of the development approval, or a failure to include a provision in the development approval, to the extent the matter relates to—(a) any part of the development application or change application that required impact assessment; or(b) a variation request.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
1 For a development application—an eligible submitter for the development application2 For a change application—an eligible submitter for the change application3 An eligible advice agency for the development application or change application 1 For a development application—the assessment manager2 For a change application—the responsible entity 1 The applicant2 If the appeal is about a concurrence agency’s referral response—the concurrence agency Another eligible submitter for the application
4. Compensation claims
An appeal may be made against—(a) a decision under section 32 about a compensation claim; or(b) a decision under section 265 about a claim for compensation; or(c) a deemed refusal of a claim under paragraph (a) or (b) .
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
A person dissatisfied with the decision The local government to which the claim was made
5. Registered premises
An appeal may be made against a decision of the Minister under chapter 7 , part 4 .
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
1 A person given a decision notice about the decision2 If the decision is to register premises or renew the registration of premises—an owner or occupier of premises in the affected area for the registered premises who is dissatisfied with the decision The Minister If an owner or occupier starts the appeal—the owner of the registered premises
6. Local laws
An appeal may be made against a decision of a local government, or conditions applied, under a local law about—(a) the use of premises, other than a use that is the natural and ordinary consequence of prohibited development; or(b) the erection of a building or other structure.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
A person who—(a) applied for the decision; and(b) is dissatisfied with the decision or conditions. The local government

Table 3
Appeals to a tribunal only
1. Building advisory agency appeals
An appeal may be made against giving a development approval for building work to the extent the building work required code assessment against the building assessment provisions.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
A building advisory agency for the development application related to the approval The assessment manager The applicant 1 A concurrence agency for the development application related to the approval2 A private certifier for the development application related to the approval
2. Inspection of building work
An appeal may be made against a decision of a building certifier or referral agency about the inspection of building work that is the subject of a building development approval under the Building Act .
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
The applicant for the development approval The person who made the decision
3. Certain decisions under the Building Act and the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018
An appeal may be made against—(a) a decision under the Building Act , other than a decision made by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission, if an information notice about the decision was given or required to be given under that Act; or(b) a decision under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 , other than a decision made by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission, if an information notice about the decision was given or required to be given under that Act.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
(if any)
Column 4
by election (ifany)
A person who received, or was entitled to receive, an information notice about the decision The entity that made the decision
4. Failure to decide an application or other matter under the Building Act
An appeal may be made against a failure to make a decision under the Building Act within the period required under that Act, other than a failure by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission to make a decision, if an information notice about the decision was required to be given under that Act.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
A person who was entitled to receive notice of the decision The entity that failed to make the decision
5. Failure to decide an application or other matter under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018
An appeal may be made against a failure to make a decision under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 within the period required under that Act, other than a failure by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission to make a decision, if an information notice about the decision was required to be given under that Act.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Co-respondent(if any)
Column 4
Co-respondentby election (ifany)
A person who was entitled to receive an information notice about the decision The entity that failed to make the decision

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