Queensland Consolidated Acts

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SCHEDULE 2 – Dictionary

"accepted development" see section 44 (4) .

"Acquisition Act" means the Acquisition of Land Act 1967 .

"acquisition land" means land, or an interest in land—

(a) proposed to be taken or acquired under the Acquisition Act or the State Development Act ; and
(b) for which a notice of intention to resume under the Acquisition Act has been served, and the proposed taking or acquisition has not been discontinued; and
(c) that has not been taken or acquired.

"adopted charge" see section 113 (1) .

"adverse planning change" see section 30 (2) to (4) .

"advice agency" means a referral agency that only has power to give advice.

"affected area" see section 266 (b) .

"affected area development application" is a development application for a material change of use of premises or reconfiguring a lot in an affected area, other than an application prescribed by regulation.

"affected entity" , for a change application, see section 80 (1) .

"affected local government" means a local government with a local government area that the Minister considers is, or will be, affected by a State planning instrument.

"affected owner" see section 31 (1) .

"affected parties" , in relation to a designation, means—
(a) each owner of premises to which the designation applies or will apply; and
(b) if the designator is the Minister—each local government with a local government area that the Minister considers is, or will be, affected by the designation.

"agreement" means a written agreement.

"appeal period" see section 229 (3) .

"appeal rights" means the appeal rights under chapter 6 , part 1 and schedule 1 .

"appellant" see section 229 (1) .

"applicable event" , for chapter 7 , part 4B , see section 275D .

"applicable event notice" , for chapter 7 , part 4B , see section 275E (2) .

"applicable event period" , for chapter 7 , part 4B , see section 275E (3) (a) .

"applicant" , for an appeal in relation to an application, includes the person in whom the benefit of the application vests.
For the meanings of
"applicant" used in particular contexts, see section 280 .

"application" , for chapter 3 , part 6 , see section 90 (1) .

"approved form" means a form that—
(a) for a form for use in the P&E Court—is an approved form under the P&E Court Act ; or
(b) otherwise—the chief executive approves under section 282 .

"area development plan" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"assessable development" see section 44 (3) .

"assessment benchmarks" see section 43 (1) (c) .

"assessment manager" , for a development application, see section 48 .

"automatic increase provision" see section 114 (3) (b) .

"breakup agreement" see section 115 (2) .

"building" means—
(a) a fixed structure that is wholly or partly enclosed by walls and is roofed; or
(b) a floating building; or
(c) any part of a building.

"Building Act" means the Building Act 1975 .

"building advisory agency" , for a development application, means an advice agency for the application whose functions relate to the assessment of building work against the building assessment provisions.

"building assessment provisions" see the Building Act , section 30 .

"building certifier" means—
(a) an individual who, under the Building Act , is licensed as a building certifier; and
(b) a private certifier.

"Building Code" has the same meaning as
"Building Code of Australia" under the Building Act , section 12 .

"building work"
(a) means—
(i) building, repairing, altering, underpinning (whether by vertical or lateral support), moving or demolishing a building or other structure; or
(ii) works regulated under the building assessment provisions; or
(iii) excavating or filling for, or incidental to, the activities stated in subparagraph (i) ; or
(iv) excavating or filling that may adversely affect the stability of a building or other structure, whether on the premises on which the building or other structure is situated or on adjacent premises; or
(v) supporting (vertically or laterally) premises for activities stated in subparagraph (i) ; and
(b) for a Queensland heritage place, includes—
(i) altering, repairing, maintaining or moving a built, natural or landscape feature on the place; and
(ii) excavating, filling or other disturbances to premises that damage, expose or move archaeological artefacts, as defined under the Heritage Act , on the place; and
(iii) altering, repairing or removing artefacts that contribute to the place’s cultural heritage significance (furniture or fittings, for example); and
(iv) altering, repairing or removing building finishes that contribute to the place’s cultural heritage significance (paint, wallpaper or plaster, for example); and
(c) does not include undertaking—
(i) operations of any type and all things constructed or installed that allow taking or interfering with water under the Water Act 2000 ; or
(ii) tidal works; or
(iii) works for reconfiguring a lot.

"business day" does not include a day between 26 December of a year and 1 January of the next year.

"call in" , an application, means call the application in under chapter 3 , part 6 , division 3 .

"call in notice" see section 103 (1) .

"call in provision" means—
(a) chapter 3 , part 6 , division 3 ; or
(b) the old Act, chapter 6 , part 11 , division 2 ; or
(c) the repealed Integrated Planning Act 1997 , chapter 3 , part 6 , division 2 .

"canal" see the Coastal Act , section 9 .

"cancellation application" see section 84 (1) .

"categorising instrument" see section 43 (1) .

"certificate of classification" ...

"certificate of occupancy" see the Building Act , schedule 2 .

"certified copy" , of a document, means a copy of the document certified as being an unaltered copy of the document by—
(a) for a document required to be kept by the Minister—the chief executive of any department for which the Minister has responsibility; or
(b) for a document required to be kept by the chief executive—an appropriately qualified public service officer; or
(c) for a document required to be kept by a local government—the local government’s chief executive officer; or
(d) for a document required to be kept by an individual—the individual; or
(e) for a document required to be kept by a department—the department’s chief executive; or
(f) for a document required to be kept by a body corporate—the body corporate’s chief executive officer.

"change application" see section 78 (1) .

"change representations" see section 75 (1) .

"charges breakup" means the proportion of the maximum adopted charges under chapter 4 and under the SEQ Water Act as between—
(a) the local government; and
(b) a distributor-retailer of the local government.

"charges resolution" see section 113 (1) .

"chosen assessment manager" , for a development application, means the assessment manager for the application under section 48 (3) .

"City of Brisbane Act" means the City of Brisbane Act 2010 .

"classified building" means a building classified under the Building Code as—
(a) a class 1 building; or
(b) a class 10 building, other than a building that is incidental or subordinate to the use, or proposed use, of a building classified under the Building Code as a class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 building.

"clear" , in relation to vegetation, see the Vegetation Management Act 1999 .

"Coastal Act" means the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995 .

"code assessment" see section 45 (3) .

"communication" , for chapter 7 , part 4A , see section 275B (1) and (2) (b) .

"community residential designation" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"compensation claim" means a claim for compensation under section 31 (6) .

"concurrence agency" means a referral agency that is not an advice agency.

"consent" means written consent.

"conservation designation" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"conversion application" see section 139 (1) .

"co-respondent by election" means a person who may elect to be a co-respondent in an appeal.

"cultural heritage significance" see the Heritage Act , schedule.

"currency period" see section 85 (1) .

"decision-maker" see section 90 (2) .

"decision notice" , about a decision, means a notice that states—
(a) the decision; and
(b) the reasons for the decision if the decision is—
(i) to refuse an application or request wholly or partly; or
(ii) a decision of a tribunal; or
(iii) a decision of the chief executive under section 244 (1) or (3) ; and
(c) the day on which the decision was made; and
(d) any appeal rights that the recipient of the notice has in relation to the decision.

"deemed approval" see section 64 (5) .

"deemed approval notice" see section 64 (3) .

"deemed refusal" means a refusal that is taken to have happened if a decision has not been made when the following ends—
(a) for a development application, other than an application to which section 64 applies—the period, under the development assessment rules, for making a decision;
(b) for a matter as follows—the period allowed under this Act for the matter to be decided—
(i) a change application;
(ii) an extension application;
(iii) a conversion application;
(iv) a compensation claim under section 31 (6) ;
(v) a claim for compensation under section 265 .

"designated premises" means premises that are the subject of a designation.

"designation" see section 35 (1) .

"designator" see section 35 (1) .

"development" means—
(a) carrying out—
(i) building work; or
(ii) plumbing or drainage work; or
(iii) operational work; or
(b) reconfiguring a lot; or
(c) making a material change of use of premises.

"development application" means an application for a development approval.

"development approval" see section 49 (1) .

"development assessment process" means the process for administering applications under chapter 3 .

"development assessment rules" see section 68 (1) .

"development assessment system" means a system described in section 4 (f) .

"development condition" means a condition that a development approval is subject to, including a condition—
(a) the assessment manager imposes under section 60 ; or
(b) directed to be imposed under section 56 or 95 (1) (d) ; or
(c) taken to have been imposed under section 64 .
Also see the Environmental Offsets Act 2014 , section 16 which provides for deemed conditions on development approvals.

"development infrastructure" means—
(a) land or works, or both land and works, for—
(i) water cycle management infrastructure, including infrastructure for water supply, sewerage, collecting water, treating water, stream managing, disposing of waters and flood mitigation, but not water cycle management infrastructure that is State infrastructure; or
(ii) transport infrastructure, including roads, vehicle lay-bys, traffic control devices, dedicated public transport corridors, public parking facilities predominantly serving a local area, cycleways, pathways and ferry terminals; or
(iii) public parks infrastructure, including playground equipment, playing fields, courts and picnic facilities; or
(b) land, and works that ensure the land is suitable for development, for local community facilities, like—
(i) community halls or centres; or
(ii) public recreation centres; or
(iii) public libraries.

"development offence" see section 161 .

"development permit" see section 49 (3) .

"development tribunal" means a tribunal established under section 235 .

"direction" means a written direction.

"disposal order" see section 214 (2) .

"dispute notice" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"distributor-retailer" see the SEQ Water Act , section 8 .

"document" includes information.

"drainage work" see the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 , schedule 1 .

"duplicate warrant" see section 194 (2) .

"effective day" see section 9 (2) .

"electronic application" see section 193 .

"electronic document" means a document stated in the Interpretation Act , schedule 1 , definition document , paragraph (c) .

"eligible advice agency" , for a development application or change application, means an advice agency that—
(a) has told the assessment manager in the advice agency’s referral agency’s response to treat the response as a properly made submission; and
(b) has not given the assessment manager a notice stating the agency will not be appealing before the appeal period ends for the application.

"eligible submitter" , for a development application or change application, means a submitter—
(a) whose submission was not withdrawn before the application was decided; and
(b) who has not given the assessment manager a notice stating the submitter will not be appealing before the appeal period ends for the application.

"emissions" means emissions of aerosols, fumes, light, noise, odour, particles or smoke.

"enforcement authority" means—
(a) for assessable development that is the subject of a development approval—
(i) the prescribed assessment manager or the chosen assessment manager; or
(ii) a referral agency for matters within the agency’s functions for the development application; or
(iii) if the chief executive is the prescribed assessment manager or a referral agency—a person that the chief executive nominates by written notice to the person; or
(iv) if a private certifier (class A) performed private certifying functions for the development application, under the Building Act —the certifier or the local government; or
For the enforcement authority for development under a development approval that was a PDA development approval, see the Economic Development Act 2012 , section 51AI .
(b) for assessable development that is not the subject of a development approval—the person who would have been the enforcement authority under paragraph (a) had a development approval been given; or
(c) for building or plumbing work carried out by or for a public sector entity—the chief executive, however described, of the entity; or
(d) for any other matter—the local government.

"enforcement notice" see section 168 (2) .

"enforcement order"
(a) for an enforcement order made by the Magistrates Court—see section 176 (1) ; or
(b) for an enforcement order made by the P&E Court—see section 180 (2) .

"environment" see the Environmental Protection Act , section 8 .

"Environmental Protection Act" means the Environmental Protection Act 1994 .

"establishment cost" , for trunk infrastructure, means—
(a) for existing infrastructure—
(i) the current replacement cost of the infrastructure as reflected in the relevant local government’s asset register; and
(ii) the current value of the land acquired for the infrastructure; or
(b) for future infrastructure—all costs of land acquisition, financing, and design and construction, for the infrastructure.

"examine" includes analyse, test, account, measure, weigh, grade, gauge and identify.

"excluded application" means—
(a) a change application, or development application, called in under a call in provision; or
(b) a change application, or development application, decided by the P&E Court; or
(c) a change application—
(i) to change a development approval given or changed by the Minister for an application that was called in under a call in provision; and
(ii) that is made to the Minister as the responsible entity.

"excluded premises" means—
(a) generally—
(i) premises that are a servient tenement for an easement, if the development is consistent with the easement’s terms; or
(ii) premises that are acquisition land, if the application or development approval relates to the purpose for which the land is to be taken or acquired; or
(b) for a change application or extension application—premises in relation to which 1 or more of the following apply for the application—
(i) the development approval to which the approval relates is for building work for supplying infrastructure on designated premises; or
(ii) the responsible entity or assessment manager considers the application does not materially affect the premises and that, given the nature of the change, the owner of the premises has unreasonably withheld consent; or
(iii) the responsible entity or assessment manager considers the application does not materially affect the premises and that because of the number of owners, it is impracticable to get their consent.
Example of when owners’ consent may be impracticable—
Since the development approval was given, the premises have been subdivided and now has many owners.

"executive officer" , of a corporation, means a person who is concerned with or takes part in the management of the corporation, whether or not the person is a director or the person’s position is given the title of executive officer.

"extension application" see section 86 (1) .

"extra payment condition" see section 130 (1) .

"final inspection certificate" see the Building Act .

"finds a defendant guilty" includes accept a plea of guilty, whether or not a conviction is recorded.

"former owner" see section 212 (4) .

"function" includes a power.

"Heritage Act" means the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 .

"impact assessment" see section 45 (5) .

"identity card" means an identity card issued under section 184 (1) .

"information" includes information contained in a document.

"information request" , in relation to an application, means a notice that asks the applicant for further information in relation to the application.

"infrastructure" does not include land, facilities, services or works for an environmental offset.

"infrastructure agreement" see section 150 .

"infrastructure charges notice" means—
(a) if an infrastructure charges notice is replaced by a replacement infrastructure charges notice under section 76 (6) —the replacement infrastructure charges notice; or
(b) if an infrastructure charges notice is replaced by a negotiated notice under section 125 (3) —the negotiated notice; or
(c) if an infrastructure charges notice is amended under section 119 (6) , 137 (4) or 142 (4) (b) —the notice as amended; or
(d) otherwise—an infrastructure charges notice given under section 119 (2) or (5) or 142 (4) (a) .

"inspector" means a person who holds office as an inspector under chapter 5 , part 6 .

"interim enforcement order" see section 180 (4) .

"Interpretation Act" means the Acts Interpretation Act 1954 .

"Ipswich planning scheme" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"Judicial Review Act" ...

"land" includes—
(a) an estate in, on, over or under land; and
(b) the airspace above the land and any estate in the airspace; and
(c) the subsoil of land and any estate in the subsoil.

"Land Act" means the Land Act 1994 .

"Land Title Act" means the Land Title Act 1994 .

"lawful use" , of premises, means a use of premises that is a natural and ordinary consequence of making a material change of use of the premises in compliance with this Act.

"levied charge" see section 119 (12) .

"LGIP (local government infrastructure plan)" means the part of a local government’s planning scheme that—
(a) has been prepared under the Minister’s rules; and
(b) does any or all of the following—
(i) identifies a PIA;
(ii) states assumptions about population and employment growth;
(iii) states assumptions about the type, scale, location and timing of future development;
(iv) includes plans for trunk infrastructure;
(v) states the desired standard of service for development infrastructure.

"local categorising instrument" see section 43 (3) .

"local government" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"Local Government Act" means the Local Government Act 2009 .

"local heritage place" see the Heritage Act , schedule.

"local planning instrument" see section 8 (3) .

"lot" means—
(a) a lot under the Land Title Act ; or
(b) a separate, distinct parcel of land for which an interest is recorded in a register under the Land Act ; or
(c) common property for a community titles scheme under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 ; or
(d) a lot or common property to which the Building Units and Group Titles Act 1980 continues to apply; or
(e) a community or precinct thoroughfare under the Mixed Use Development Act 1993 ; or
(f) a primary or secondary thoroughfare under the Integrated Resort Development Act 1987 or the Sanctuary Cove Resort Act 1985 .
The Building Units and Group Titles Act 1980 may continue to apply to the Act s stated in paragraphs (e) and (f) , the Registration of Plans (H.S.P. (Nominees) Pty. Limited) Enabling Act 1980 and the Registration of Plans (Stage 2) (H.S.P. (Nominees) Pty. Limited) Enabling Act 1984 .

"master area development plan" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"material change of use" , of premises, means any of the following that a regulation made under section 284 (2) (a) does not prescribe to be minor change of use—
(a) the start of a new use of the premises;
(b) the re-establishment on the premises of a use that has been abandoned;
(c) a material increase in the intensity or scale of the use of the premises.

"maximum adopted charge" see section 112 (2) .

"Milton rail precinct" means the area called Milton rail precinct shown on the map in schedule 1 of the repealed Planning (Urban Encroachment—Milton Brewery) Act 2009 .

"Minister" , for chapter 3 , part 6 , includes the Minister responsible for administering the State Development Act .

"Minister’s guidelines" means the guidelines made by the Minister under section 17 .

"Minister’s rules" means the rules made by the Minister under section 17 .

"minor change" means a change that—
(a) for a development application—
(i) does not result in substantially different development; and
(ii) if the application, including the change, were made when the change is made—would not cause—
(A) the inclusion of prohibited development in the application; or
(B) referral to a referral agency if there were no referral agencies for the development application; or
(C) referral to extra referral agencies; or
(D) a referral agency, in assessing the application under section 55 (2) , to assess the application against, or have regard to, a matter, other than a matter the referral agency must have assessed the application against, or had regard to, when the application was made; or
(E) public notification if public notification was not required for the development application; or
(b) for a development approval—
(i) would not result in substantially different development; and
(ii) if a development application for the development, including the change, were made when the change application is made would not cause—
(A) the inclusion of prohibited development in the application; or
(B) referral to a referral agency, other than to the chief executive, if there were no referral agencies for the development application; or
(C) referral to extra referral agencies, other than to the chief executive; or
(D) a referral agency, in assessing the application under section 55 (2) , to assess the application against, or have regard to, a matter, other than a matter the referral agency must have assessed the application against, or had regard to, when the application was made; or
(E) public notification if public notification was not required for the development application.
For when a change to a development approval that was a PDA development approval is a minor change, see also the Economic Development Act 2012 , section 51AM .

"necessary infrastructure condition" see section 127 (2) .

"negotiated decision notice" see section 76 (3) .

"negotiated notice" see section 125 (3) .

"non-SCG plan application" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"non-trunk infrastructure" means development infrastructure that is not trunk infrastructure.

"notice" means a written notice.

"occupier" , of a place, for chapter 5 , part 7 , includes the following—
(a) if there is more than 1 person who apparently occupies the place—any 1 of the persons;
(b) a person at the place who is apparently acting with the authority of a person who apparently occupies the place;
(c) if no-one apparently occupies the place—an owner of the place.

"of" , a place, includes at or on the place.

"offence proceedings" see section 174 (1) .

"offence warning" , for a requirement made by an inspector, means a warning that, without a reasonable excuse, it is an offence for the person to whom the requirement is made not to comply with the requirement.

"old Act" see section 285 (1) .

"open space designation" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"operational work" means work, other than building work or plumbing or drainage work, in, on, over or under premises that materially affects premises or the use of premises.

1 The
"owner" , of land, premises or a place, means—
(a) generally—the person who—
(i) is entitled to receive rent for the land, premises or place; or
(ii) would be entitled to receive rent for the land, premises or place if the land, premises or place were rented to a tenant; or
See the Transport Infrastructure Act , section 247 for when the chief executive of the department in which that Act is administered is taken to be the owner of particular rail corridor land or non-rail corridor land under that Act.
(b) for giving consent to an application made under chapter 3 in relation to premises that are, or are on, a reserve within the meaning of the Land Act
(i) if the State, a local government or a statutory body within the meaning of the Land Act is the trustee for the reserve under that Act and the Minister of the department in which that Act is administered has not granted a lease over all or the part of the reserve to which the application relates—the trustee; or
(ii) otherwise—the Minister of the department in which the Land Act is administered.
2 The
"owner" , of a thing that has been seized, includes a person who would be entitled to possession of the thing if the thing had not been seized.

"owner" , of a thing that has been seized ...

"owner" , of land, premises or a place ...

"PDA development approval" means a PDA development approval under the Economic Development Act 2012 .

"P&E Court" means the Planning and Environment Court.

"P&E Court Act" means the Planning and Environment Court Act 2016 .

"participating local government" see the SEQ Water Act , section 5 (1) .

"party" , in relation to tribunal proceedings or proceedings in the P&E Court, means any or all of the following—
(a) the applicant or appellant;
(b) the respondent;
(c) any co-respondent;
(d) if the Minister is represented—the Minister.

"payer" , for a levied charge or for a payment, means a person who pays all or part of the charge or payment.

"payment" includes a contribution by way of a payment.

"person" includes a body of persons, whether incorporated or unincorporated.

"person in control"
(a) of a vehicle, includes—
(i) the vehicle’s driver or rider; and
(ii) anyone who reasonably appears to be, claims to be, or acts as if he or she is, the vehicle’s driver or rider or the person in control of the vehicle; or
(b) of another thing, includes anyone who reasonably appears to be, claims to be, or acts as if he or she is, the person in possession or control of the thing.

"PIA (priority infrastructure area)" means an area—
(a) serviced, or intended to be serviced, with development infrastructure networks; and
(b) used, or approved for use, for—
(i) residential purposes, other than rural residential purposes; or
(ii) industrial, retail or commercial purposes; or
(iii) community or government purposes related to a purpose stated in subparagraph (i) or (ii) ; and
(c) that will accommodate at least 10, but no more than 15, years of growth for any of those purposes.

"place" includes—
(a) premises; and
(b) a place in Queensland waters; and
(c) a place held—
(i) by more than 1 owner; or
(ii) under more than 1 title.

"plan application" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"planning" see section 3 (1) .

"planning change" see section 29 (2) .

"planning instrument" see section 8 (1) .

"planning instrument change" means—
(a) the commencement of a planning instrument or the amendment of a planning instrument; or
(b) the start of the application of a planning instrument to premises.

"planning scheme" means a planning instrument that sets out the matters stated in section 4 (c) .

"planning scheme policy" means a planning instrument that sets out the matters stated in section 4 (e) .

"Plumbing and Drainage Act" ...

"plumbing work" see the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 , schedule 1 .

"PPI" means—
(a) the producer price index for construction 6427.0 (ABS PPI) index number 3101—Road and Bridge construction index for Queensland published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics; or
(b) if that index stops being published—another similar index prescribed by regulation.

"precinct plan" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"preliminary approval" see section 49 (2) .

"premises" means—
(a) a building or other structure; or
(b) land, whether or not a building or other structure is on the land.

"pre-request response notice" see section 80 (2) .

"prescribed assessment manager" , for a development application, means the assessment manager for the application under section 48 (1) .

"prescribed tidal works" means tidal works of a type prescribed under the Coastal Act , section 167 (5) (d) .

"principal submitter" , for a properly made submission, means—
(a) if the submission is by 1 person—the person; or
(b) otherwise—
(i) the submitter that the submission identifies as the principal submitter; or
(ii) if the submission does not identify a submitter as the principal submitter—the submitter whose name first appears in the submission.

"private certifier" means a building certifier whose licence under the Building Act has private certification endorsement under that Act.

"prohibited development" see section 44 (2) .

"properly made application" see section 51 (5) .

"properly made submission" means a submission that—
(a) is signed in hard copy, or electronically given in the way stated in the notice for making the submission, by each person (the
"submission-makers" ) who made the submission; and
(b) is received—
(i) for a submission about an instrument under section 18 , a State planning instrument, or a designation—on or before the last day for making the submission; or
(ii) otherwise—during the period fixed under this Act for making the submission; and
(c) states the name and residential or business address of all submission-makers; and
(d) states its grounds, and the facts and circumstances relied on to support the grounds; and
(e) states 1 postal or electronic address for service relating to the submission for all submission-makers; and
(f) is made to—
(i) for a submission made under chapter 2 —the person to whom the submission is required to be made under that chapter; or
(ii) for a submission about a development application—the assessment manager; or
(iii) for a submission about a change application—the responsible entity.

"proposed call in notice" see section 102 (2) .

"provision" , of a development approval, means all words or other matters forming, or forming part of, the approval.
• a development condition
• a currency period
• the identification or inclusion under a variation approval of a matter for the development

"public notice" means a notice that is published—
(a) for a public notice mentioned in chapter 2 , part 2 , or section 17 , 42B or 69
(i) in the gazette; and
(ii) on the department’s website; or
(b) for a public notice mentioned in chapter 2 , part 3 , other than section 17
(i) in a way the local government considers is likely to bring the notice to the attention of persons likely interested in or affected by the information stated in the notice; and
Examples of ways for subparagraph (i)—
• publishing the notice in a hard copy or online newspaper circulating in the area to which the information relates
• publishing the notice on the local government’s website
(ii) in the gazette, unless the public notice is about a proposed local planning instrument or proposed amendment of a local planning instrument.

"public place" means a place or part of a place—
(a) that the public is entitled to use, is open to members of the public or is used by the public, whether or not on payment of money (a beach, park or road, for example); or
(b) if the occupier of the place allows members of the public to enter the place, whether or not on payment of money (a sale yard or showground, for example).

"public purpose change" see section 30 (3) .

"public sector entity" means—
(a) a department or part of a department; or
(b) other than in chapter 4 —a distributor-retailer; or
(c) an agency, authority, commission, committee, corporation (including a government owned corporation), instrumentality, office, or other entity, established under an Act for a public or State purpose.
Examples for paragraph (c)—
a local government, a government owned corporation or a rail government entity under the Transport Infrastructure Act

"qualifications or experience" includes qualifications and experience.

"Queensland Building and Construction Commission" means the Queensland Building and Construction Commission established under the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 , section 5 .

"Queensland heritage place" see the Heritage Act , schedule.

"Queensland Urban Utilities" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"rates" means rates within the meaning of the City of Brisbane Act or the Local Government Act .

"reasonably believes" means believes on grounds that are reasonable in the circumstances.

"reasonably suspects" means suspects on grounds that are reasonable in the circumstances.

"receiver" , for chapter 7 , part 4A , see section 275A .

"recipient" , for a direction, notice or order, means a person who is given the direction, notice or order.

"reconfiguring a lot" means—
(a) creating lots by subdividing another lot; or
(b) amalgamating 2 or more lots; or
(c) rearranging the boundaries of a lot by registering a plan of subdivision under the Land Act or Land Title Act ; or
(d) dividing land into parts by agreement rendering different parts of a lot immediately available for separate disposition or separate occupation, other than by an agreement that is—
(i) a lease for a term, including renewal options, not exceeding 10 years; or
(ii) an agreement for the exclusive use of part of the common property for a community titles scheme under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 ; or
(e) creating an easement giving access to a lot from a constructed road.

"referee" means a referee who holds an appointment under section 233 (1) or (2) .

"referral agency" see section 54 (2) .

"referral agency’s response" see section 56 (4) .

"region" means—
(a) the local government areas, or parts of local government areas, prescribed by regulation as a region; and
(b) Queensland waters next to the local government areas or parts of local government areas.

"regional plan" means a planning instrument that sets out the matters stated in section 4 (b) .

"regional transport corridor designation" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"registered premises" means premises registered under section 267 .

"registrar" means the person who holds an appointment under section 238 (1) (a) .

"registrar of titles" means—
(a) the registrar of titles under the Land Title Act ; or
(b) another person who is responsible for keeping, under another Act, a register of interests in land.

"regulated requirements" see section 16 (2) .

"relevant change" , for chapter 7 , part 4B , see section 275H (1) .

"relevant document" , for chapter 7 , part 4A , see section 275A .

"repealed LGP&E Act" means the repealed Local Government (Planning and Environment) Act 1990 .

"representation" means written representation.

"representation period" see section 102 (3) (d) .

"required fee" means—
(a) for an application or referral to a local government—the fee fixed by resolution of the local government for the application or referral; or
(b) for an application or appeal to the P&E Court—the fee prescribed under the Supreme Court of Queensland Act 1991 , section 92 (2) (a) for the application or appeal; or
(c) for an application or appeal to a tribunal—the fee prescribed by regulation for the application or appeal; or
(d) for an application or referral to another public sector entity or the Minister—the fee prescribed by regulation for the application or referral; or
(e) for an application to a chosen assessment manager—the fee negotiated between the applicant and the chosen assessment manager for the application.

"response notice" see section 80 (4) .

"responsible entity" , for a change application, see section 78A .

"road" has the meaning given in the Transport Infrastructure Act , schedule 6 , definition road, paragraphs (c) and (d) .

"SARA" means that part of the department known as the State Assessment and Referral Agency.

"SCG" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"sending time" , for chapter 7 , part 4A , see section 275B (3) (a) .

"SEQ Water Act" means the South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 .

"show cause notice" see section 167 (2) .

"Springfield structure plan" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"standard conditions" , of a deemed approval, see section 64 (8) (c) .

"State-controlled road" see the Transport Infrastructure Act , schedule 6 .

"State Development Act" means the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 .

"State heritage place" see the Heritage Act , schedule.

"State infrastructure" means—
(a) State schools infrastructure; or
(b) public transport infrastructure; or
(c) State-controlled roads infrastructure; or
(d) emergency services infrastructure; or
(e) health infrastructure, including hospitals and associated institutions infrastructure; or
(f) freight rail infrastructure; or
(g) State urban and rural residential water cycle management infrastructure, including infrastructure for water supply, sewerage, collecting water, treating water, stream managing, disposing of water and flood mitigation; or
(h) justice administration facilities, including court or police facilities.

"State infrastructure provider" means—
(a) the chief executive; or
(b) a public sector entity, other than a local government, that provides State infrastructure.

"State interest" means an interest that the Minister considers—
(a) affects an economic or environmental interest of the State or a part of the State; or
(b) affects the interest of ensuring this Act’s purpose is achieved.

"State-owned or State-controlled transport infrastructure" means transport infrastructure under the Transport Infrastructure Act that the State owns or controls.

"State planning instrument" see section 8 (2) .

"State planning policy" means a planning instrument that sets out the matters stated in section 4 (a) .

"State-related condition" see section 146 (1) .

"storey" ...

"structure plan area" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"subject premises" see section 127 (1) .

"submission" means a written submission.

"submitter" means—
(a) for a development application or change application—a person who makes a properly made submission about the application; or
(b) for a particular submission—the person who made the submission.

"superseded planning scheme" see section 29 (2) .

"superseded planning scheme application" see section 29 (4) (a) .

"superseded planning scheme request" see section 29 (4) .

"temporary State planning policy" see section 12 (2) .

"temporary use licence" , for chapter 7 , part 4B , see section 275H (1) .

"tidal works" see the Coastal Act , schedule.

"TLPI (temporary local planning instrument)" means a planning instrument that sets out the matters stated in section 4 (d) .

"town centre concept plan" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"town centre designation" , for chapter 7 , part 4C , see section 275T .

"Transport Infrastructure Act" means the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 .

"tribunal" means a development tribunal.

"tribunal proceedings" means proceedings in a tribunal to hear an appeal or an application for a declaration.

"trunk infrastructure" , for a local government, means—
(a) development infrastructure identified in a LGIP as trunk infrastructure; or
(b) development infrastructure that, because of a conversion application, becomes trunk infrastructure; or
(c) development infrastructure that is required to be provided under a condition under section 128 (3) .

"use" , for premises, includes an ancillary use of the premises.

"variation approval" means the part of a preliminary approval for premises that varies the effect of any local planning instrument in effect for the premises.

"variation request" means part of a development application for a preliminary approval for premises that seeks to vary the effect of any local planning instrument in effect for the premises.

"vehicle" means a vehicle or vessel under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 .

"water infrastructure" see the SEQ Water Act , section 53BB (1) .

"works" includes building work, operational work, plumbing work and drainage work.

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