65—Amendment of section 99 of the NEL—Draft Rule determinations
(1) NEL, section
99(1)—delete the subsection and substitute:
(1) The AEMC must make
a draft Rule determination before making a final Rule determination in
relation to the proposed Rule.
(1a) Subject to this
Part, the AEMC must, within 10 weeks after the date
specified in a notice under section 95, publish—
(a) the
draft Rule determination; and
notice of the making of the draft Rule determination.
(1b) In the case of a
proposed Rule to which section 96A applies, the AEMC must publish the draft
Rule determination and notice of the making of the draft Rule determination
within 5 weeks after the date notice under section 95(1a) is published.
(2) NEL, section
99(2)—delete the subsection and substitute:
(2) A draft Rule
determination must contain—
(a) the
reasons of the AEMC as to whether or not it should make the proposed Rule,
in the case where the proposed Rule is not a proposed
more preferable Rule, the reasons of the AEMC as to whether it is satisfied
the proposed Rule will or is likely to contribute to the achievement of the
national electricity objective; and
in the case of a proposed more preferable Rule, the
reasons of the AEMC as to whether it is satisfied the proposed more preferable
Rule will or is likely to better contribute to the achievement of the national
electricity objective than the market initiated Rule request to which the more
preferable Rule relates; and
if the AEMC is required to take into account the form of
regulation factors or the revenue and pricing principles, the reasons of the
AEMC taking those factors or principles (as the case requires) into account;
the reasons of the AEMC having regard to any relevant MCE
statement of policy principles; and
the reasons of the AEMC having regard to any other
matters the AEMC considers relevant; and
(b) if
the AEMC determines to make a Rule, a draft of the Rule to be made; and
(c) any
other matters that are prescribed by the Regulations.
(3) NEL, section
99(4)—delete "of the draft Rule determination" and substitute:
referred to in subsection (1a)