Victorian Current Acts
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1. Purpose
2. Commencement
3. Definitions
4. Crown to be bound
5. Extra-territorial operation
6. Construction of Act
7. Application of Act to certain distribution, transmission and generation companies
7A. Application of the Essential Services Commission Act 2001
7AA. Declaration of classes of customers and retailers
Division 1--Introductory
8. Application of Part
10. Objectives of the Commission
Division 2--Price regulation
12. Powers in relation to price regulation
13. Regulation of tariffs for prescribed customers
15. Continuation of charges relating to distribution system
15A. New Tariff Order
Division 2A--Pricing for the facilitation of the development of generation facilities
15B. Definitions
15C. Relevant augmentations
15D. Charging principles applicable to the connection of generation facilities to distribution systems
15E. Pricing principles in relation to relevant distribution systems
Division 3--Licences
16. Prohibition
17. Exemptions
18. Application for licence
19. Grant or refusal of application
20. Provisions relating to licences
21. Specific licence conditions
22. Determination of fees and charges
23. Condition restricting sale to certain customers
23A. Condition to give information to Commission
23B. Condition relating to advertising of enforcement action taken against licensee
23C. Condition relating to renewable energy customers
25. Condition specifying industry codes, standards, rules or guidelines
26. Condition relating to customer-related standards, procedures, policies and practices
28. Customer dispute resolution
29. Variation or revocation of licence
29AA. Commission to consult AER before revoking a retail licence
29AB. Commission to notify AER and AEMO of revocation of retail licence
29A. Variation to licence condition—contravention of licence or Code of Practice
30. Gazettal requirement
31. Transfer of licence
33A. Ministerial powers in relation to transmission company licences
33AB. Ministerial licence conditions
33AC. Contents of Ministerial licence conditions
33AD. Consultation with Ministers
33AE. Consultation with affected licensees in certain cases
33AF. Notification of the Commission
33AG. No consultation for proposed Order in certain cases
33AH. Minister to notify Commission of making of Order under section 33AB(1)
33AI. Licences are taken to be subject to Ministerial licence conditions
33AJ. Inconsistency between Ministerial licence conditions and Commission licence conditions
Division 3A--Register of Exempt Persons
33B. Definitions
33C. Register of Exempt Persons
33D. Application for registration in Register of Exempt Persons
33E. Registration
33F. Public availability of Register of Exempt Persons
Division 4--Appointment of administrator
34. Appointment of administrator
34A. Corporations Act displacement
Division 5--Terms and conditionsof sale and supply of electricity
35. Offer to domestic or small business customers (licensee standing offers)
35A. Licensee standing offer tariffs to be given to Commission
35B. Commission must publish on Internet licensee standing offer tariffs
35C. Internet publication and bill notification of licensee standing offers
35D. Required tariff information and licensee contact information to be published in newspaper and Government Gazette
35E. Order specifying method and variables to be used to determine weighted tariff variation
36. Terms and conditions of contracts for sale of electricity to certain customers
36A. Publication of tariffs, terms and conditions of sale of electricity (relevant published offers)
37. Deemed contracts with former franchise customers
39. Deemed contracts for supply and sale for relevant customers
39A. Commission must report to Minister on electricity supply offers
40A. Deemed distribution contracts
40B. Compensation for wrongful disconnection
40C. Prohibition on fees for late payment
40D. Regulation of exit fees
40E. Regulation of pre-payment meters
40EA. Prohibition on save and win-back offers
40EB. Prohibition relating to door-to-door sales and cold-calling
Division 5A--Terms and conditionsfor the purchase of small renewable energy generation electricity
40F. Definitions
40FA. Meaning of premium solar feed-in tariff terms and conditions
40FAB. Meaning of transitional feed-in scheme tariff terms and conditions
40FB. Meaning of general renewable energy feed-in terms and conditions
40FBA. Rates for purchases of small renewable energy generation electricity
40FBB. Commission to determine one or more rates for purchases of small renewable energy generation electricity
40FC. Meaning of premium solar feed-in tariff period
40FCA. Meaning of TFiT scheme period
40FD. Application of premium solar feed-in tariff and TFiT scheme terms and conditions obligations
40FE. Minister may declare the declared scheme capacity day
40FEA. Minister may declare TFiT scheme end day
40FF. Relevant licensee condition relating to premium solar feed-in tariff and TFiT scheme tariff
40FG. Small retail licensees may offer to purchase qualifying solar energy generation electricity or TFiT scheme electricity
40FH. Distribution company licences to require credits for qualifying solar energy generation electricity and TFiT scheme electricity
40FI. Pass through of costs associated with credits for qualifying solar energy generation electricity
40FJ. Distribution companies to report annually on connected qualifying solar energy generating facilities
40G. Retailer licence condition relating to purchase of small renewable energy generation electricity
40GA. Unilateral variation of general renewable energy feed-in terms and conditions prohibited
40H. When do published feed-in offers take effect?
40I. Reference of small renewable energy generation electricity feed‑in offers to Commission
40J. Commission assessment of small renewable energy generation feed-in terms or conditions
40K. Certain Commission assessment reports to be made publicly available
40L. Commission determination of small renewable energy generation prices, terms and conditions
40M. Declaration of small renewable energy generation electricity general feed-in terms and conditions
40MAA. Relevant licensee must input declared general feed-in terms and conditions into Minister nominated Internet site
40MA. Declaration of qualifying solar energy generation electricity premium solar feed‑in terms and conditions
40MAB. Declaration of TFiT scheme terms and conditions
40MB. When do declared ESC recommended feed-in terms or conditions take effect?
40MC. When do declared ESC determined feed‑in terms or conditions take effect?
40MD. Licence condition applying to relevant licensee named in Ministerial declaration
40ME. Licence condition applying to small retail licensee named in Ministerial declaration
40N. Retailer Internet site must be up to date for small renewable energy generation electricity purchase offers
40NA. Retailer Internet site must be up to date for premium solar feed-in tariff offers
40NB. Retailer Internet site must be up to date for transitional feed‑in tariff offers
40NC. Retailer reporting in relation to general feed-in tariff scheme
Division 5B--Condition relating to greenhouse gas emissions andenergy efficiency benchmarking information
40O. Definitions
40P. Meaning of bill benchmarking information
40Q. Declaration of residential customers
40R. Condition relating to greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency benchmarking information
40S. Commission guidelines relating to greenhouse gas emissions information condition
Division 5BA--Offshore wind energy generation companies
40SAA. Minister may declare an offshore wind energy generation company
Division 5C--Disconnection of supply of electricity
40SA. Definitions
40SB. Meaning of relevant customer
40SC. Objects
40SD. Knowingly or recklessly disconnecting supply of electricity at premises
40SE. Disconnection of supply of electricity at premises
40SF. Knowingly or recklessly disconnecting supply of electricity at premises of life support customer
40SG. Life support customers and residents—retailer obligations when advised or notified
40SH. Life support customers and residents—retailer obligations when advised by distribution company or gas distribution company
40SI. Life support customers and residents—retailer obligations when advised by exempt electricity sellers
40SJ. Life support customers and residents—exempt electricity seller obligations when advised by relevant customer
40SK. Life support customers and residents—exempt electricity seller obligations when advised by exempt distributor
40SL. Supply of electricity may be disconnected by agreement or on notice from relevant customer
40SM. Supply of electricity may be disconnected for non‑payment of bill or failure to comply with terms of relevant assistance
40SN. Supply of electricity may be disconnected for failure to pay security deposit
40SO. Supply of electricity may be disconnected for refusal to provide acceptable identification
40SP. Supply of electricity may be disconnected if access to meter denied
40SQ. Supply of electricity may be disconnected if there is taking of electricity without notification by customer
40SR. Supply of electricity may be disconnected in the prescribed circumstances
40SS. Restrictions on retailer or exempt electricity seller disconnecting supply of electricity
40ST. Supply of electricity may be disconnected if electricity taken by fraudulent or illegal means—retailers
40SU. Supply of electricity may be disconnected if electricity taken by fraudulent or illegal means—exempt electricity sellers
40SV. Register of life support customers and residents
40SW. Alternative verdict for charge of knowingly or recklessly disconnecting supply of electricity at premises
Division 6--Hardship policies
41. Definitions
42. Objects
43. Financial hardship policies
43A. Review of financial hardship policy at the direction of Commission
43B. Licensee may submit variation to, or replacement of, financial hardship policy for approval
43C. Content of financial hardship policies
44. Commission may develop guidelines
45. Commission approval
Division 6A--Advanced metering infrastructure
46B. Definitions
46C. Licence condition requiring compliance with Order
46CA. Exempt seller condition requiring compliance with Order
46D. Orders in relation to advanced metering infrastructure
46DA. Interrelationship of Orders and other provisions relating to tariffs
46E. General powers in relation to Orders
Division 7--Community services agreements
47. Community services
48. Transitional provision relating to community services
49. Commission may decide certain matters
Division 8--Victorian specific retailer of last resort processes
49A. Definitions
49B. Effect of issue of RoLR event on licence held by a failed national retailer
49C. Certain information to be provided to AER and AEMO by the Commission
Division 9--Trial waivers
51. Definitions
52. Innovative trial principles
53. Order in Council in relation to trial waivers
54. Trial waiver
55. Conditions of trial waiver
56. Consultation on trial waiver
57. Publication of trial waiver
58. Duration of trial waiver
59. Extension of trial waiver
60. Variation of trial waiver, or conditions of trial waiver, by Commission
61. Variation of trial waiver, or conditions of trial waiver, by agreement
62. Revocation of trial waiver
62A. Compliance with conditions of trial waiver
63. Preparation and issue of trial project guidelines
64. Amendment of trial project guidelines
65. Consideration of AER trial project guidelines
66. Information disclosure
67. Register of trial waivers
68. Trial waiver not personal property
79. Being on premises or land or in enclosure where there is critical electricity infrastructure prohibited
80. Unauthorised interference with critical electricity infrastructure plant or equipment or vehicles
85. Definitions
86. Power to acquire easements with approval of Governor in Council
87. Acquisition of land within Latrobe area
88. Making of easements in subdivisions
89. Certain easements may be used for carriage service
90. Easements over lands held by Crown licensees or lessees
91. Arrangements for joint use of easements
92. Cancellation of easements
93. Powers as to works etc.
93A. Safety duties in relation to works on or in immediate vicinity of rail infrastructure or rolling stock
93B. Notification of owners or occupiers of land on which there is rail infrastructure or rolling stock
93C. Notification of electricity corporations before railway operations carried out
94. Rateability of certain property
Division 1--Emergency provisions
95. Proclamation that this Part applies
96. Powers of Minister
97. Offences
98. Judicial notice
99. Immunity from suit
99A. Corporations Act displacement
Division 2--Enforcement
100. Powers of entry—enforcement
101. Occupier to be given copy of consent
102. Search warrant
103. Announcement before entry
104. Copy of warrant to be given to occupier
105. Person authorised by Energy Safe Victoria can bring proceedings
Division 3--Infringement notices
106. Definition
107. Power to serve a notice
109. Infringement penalties
109A. Compliance and enforcement report—retailers
109B. Performance indicators for compliance and enforcement reports
109C. Reporting of systemic issues referred to Commission
109D. Definitions
109E. Power to give emergency direction
109F. Matters to be considered and things to be done before the giving of emergency direction
109G. Period of effect of emergency direction
109H. Extension of effect of emergency direction
109I. Compliance with emergency direction
109J. Direction of Minister under section 96 prevails over emergency direction
109K. Register of emergency directions
109L. Disclosure of information related to affected customers to certain public sector entities
109M. Delegation
Division 1--General enforcement
116AA. Offence to give false or misleading information or documents
116AAB. Monetary benefits orders
116AAC. Determining amount to be paid under monetary benefits order
116AAD. Recovery of amounts ordered to be paid
116AAE. Adverse publicity orders
Division 2--Miscellaneous
116. Delegation by Minister
118. Supreme Court—limitation of jurisdiction
119. Regulations
120. Transitional provision—Energy Legislation Amendment (Flexible Pricing and Other Matters) Act 2013
121. Savings provision—Energy Legislation Amendment (Feed-in Tariffs and Improving Safety and Markets) Act 2017
122. Savings and transitional provisions—Essential Services Commission (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Amendment Act 2021
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