(1) A direction may be
given under this Part orally or in writing.
(2) A direction given
orally must be confirmed in writing within 2 working days after it is given,
unless within that period it is complied with or cancelled.
(2A) A direction under
section 180 or 184(1)(a) or (b) that is given to a class of person —
(a) need
not be given directly to the persons to whom it applies; and
despite the Interpretation Act 1984 section 41 (to the extent to which it
applies), need not be published in the Gazette ; and
(c) must
be published in the manner that the Minister considers suitable in the
circumstances of the public health emergency.
(3) Failure to comply
with subsection (2) does not invalidate the direction.
[Section 200 amended: No. 33 of 2020 s. 13.]