Western Australian Current Acts

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           Long Title

   PART 1 -- Preliminary  

   1.      Short title
   2.      Commencement
   3.      Objects and principles
   4.      Terms used
   5.      Crown bound

   PART 2 -- Administration

           Division 1 -- Chief Health Officer

              Subdivision 1 -- Functions of Chief Health Officer  

   6.      Functions of Chief Health Officer
   9.      Chief Health Officer may delegate
   10.     Power to delegate under Health Legislation Administration Act 1984 section 9 excluded

              Subdivision 2 -- Designation of Chief Health Officer  

   11.     Minister to designate Chief Health Officer
   12.     Term of office and remuneration of Chief Health Officer
   13.     Resignation, vacation of office and removal from office
   14.     Acting Chief Health Officer
   15.     Authority of Acting Chief Health Officer

           Division 2 -- Functions of local governments  

   16.     Functions of local governments
   17.     Appointment of environmental health officers
   18.     Chief Health Officer to approve qualifications and experience required by environmental health officers

           Division 3 -- Functions of enforcement agencies  

   19.     Functions of enforcement agencies
   20.     Conditions on performance of functions by enforcement agencies
   21.     Enforcement agency may delegate
   22.     Reports by and about enforcement agencies

           Division 4 -- Authorised officers  

   23.     Terms used
   24.     Designation of authorised officers
   25.     Certain authorised officers required to have qualifications and experience
   26.     Further provisions relating to designations
   27.     Lists of authorised officers to be maintained
   28.     When designation as authorised officer ceases
   29.     Chief Health Officer may issue guidelines about qualifications and experience of authorised officers
   30.     Certificates of authority
   31.     Issuing and production of certificate of authority for purposes of other written laws
   32.     Certificate of authority to be returned

           Division 5 -- Advisory committees  

   33.     Establishment and functions of advisory committees

   PART 3 -- General public health duty  

   34.     General public health duty
   35.     Consequences of failure to comply with general public health duty

   PART 4 -- Serious public health risks and material public health risks  

   36.     Term used: engage in conduct
   37.     Offences relating to serious public health risks
   38.     Offences relating to material public health risks
   39.     Defence of due diligence
   40.     Alternative verdicts for certain offences
   41.     Determination by court of appropriate punishment

   PART 5 -- Public health plans  

   42.     Term used: public health plan
   43.     State public health plans
   44.     Publication of current State public health plan
   45.     Local public health plans
   46.     Publication of current local public health plans
   47.     Provision of local public health plans to Chief Health Officer

   PART 8 -- Registration and licensing

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   64.     Terms used
   65.     Regulations may declare licensable and registrable activities
   66.     Application of Part to Crown

           Division 2 -- Registration of registrable activities  

   67.     Carrying on unregistered registrable activity
   68.     Registration of registrable activity
   69.     Registration remains in force until cancelled
   70.     Annual or other fee in relation to registration
   71.     Variation of conditions, suspension or cancellation of registration
   72.     Further provisions relating to suspension of registration
   73.     Notification of certain matters relating to registrable activity or premises
   74.     Transfer of certificate of registration
   75.     Review of decisions relating to registration
   76.     Register of activities and premises to be maintained

           Division 3 -- Licensing of individuals carrying on licensable activities  

   77.     Unlicensed persons carrying on licensable activities
   78.     Activity licences
   79.     Period an activity licence remains in force
   80.     Renewal of activity licence
   81.     Annual or other fee in relation to activity licence
   82.     Variation of conditions, suspension or cancellation of activity licence
   83.     Further provisions relating to suspension of activity licence
   84.     Notification of certain changes to licensable activities
   85.     Review of decisions relating to activity licences
   86.     Register of licence holders to be maintained

   PART 9 -- Notifiable infectious diseases and related conditions

           Division 1 -- Principles and declarations  

   87.     Principles applying in relation to this Part
   88.     Principles listed
   89.     Further provisions relating to application of principles
   90.     Declaration of notifiable infectious diseases
   91.     Declaration of notifiable infectious disease-related conditions
   92.     Orders by Minister

           Division 2 -- Notification  

   93.     Term used: responsible pathologist
   94.     Notification of notifiable infectious diseases and notifiable infectious disease-related conditions
   95.     Offence of failing to notify Chief Health Officer
   96.     No liability for notifying Chief Health Officer

           Division 3 -- Duty to inform  

   97.     Practitioners to provide patients with information
   98.     Offence of failing to provide patient with information

           Division 4 -- Test orders  

   99.     Terms used
   100.    Chief Health Officer may make test orders
   101.    Process for making test order
   102.    Explanation of test order
   103.    Effect of test orders
   104.    Offences of failing to comply with test order
   105.    No payment may be required in relation to testing under test order
   106.    Enforcement of test orders
   107.    Warrant to enforce test order
   108.    Further provisions relating to warrant
   109.    Review by State Administrative Tribunal
   110.    Obtaining or taking samples under test orders
   111.    Test results to be reported
   112.    Person tested not to be identified
   113.    No liability for reporting test results
   114.    Division not limited by Mandatory Testing (Infectious Diseases) Act 2014

           Division 5 -- Public health orders  

   115.    Terms used
   116.    Chief Health Officer may make public health orders
   117.    Effect of public health orders
   118.    Personal service of orders required
   119.    Explanation of public health order
   120.    Provisions applying if person detained under public health order
   121.    Minister to be informed of detention or release from detention under public health order
   122.    Offence to fail to comply with public health order
   123.    Responsible persons to facilitate compliance with public health order
   124.    Enforcement of public health orders
   125.    Warrant to apprehend person to whom public health order applies
   126.    Further provisions relating to warrant
   127.    Review by State Administrative Tribunal
   128.    Restriction on making of further public health order
   129.    Recognition of interstate public health orders
   130.    Further provisions applying to interstate public health orders operating in this State

           Division 6 -- Reporting requirements  

   131.    Annual report to include information about test orders and public health orders

           Division 7 -- Identifying and informing contact persons  

   132.    Terms used
   133.    Requiring information where person believed to have notifiable infectious disease
   134.    Requiring information where person believed to have been exposed to notifiable infectious disease
   135.    Requiring other persons to give required information
   136.    Authorised officer to produce evidence of authority
   137.    Offence to fail to comply with requirement to provide information
   138.    Protection from liability
   139.    Informing contact persons
   140.    Chief Health Officer may issue guidelines
   141.    Protection from liability

           Division 8 -- Immunisation status of children

              Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary  

   141A.   Terms used

              Subdivision 2 -- Immunisation requirements for enrolment  

   141B.   Responsible person to give immunisation status to person in charge
   141C.   Immunisation certificates issued or declared by Chief Health Officer
   141D.   Immunisation or exemption a condition of enrolment

              Subdivision 3 -- Regulations relating to immunisation status of children  

   142.    Regulations relating to immunisation status of children and control of disease

              Subdivision 4 -- Reporting requirements  

   142A.   Annual report to include information about enrolments

           Division 9 -- Advisory Panels  

   143.    Term used: Advisory Panel
   144.    Advisory Panels
   145.    Performance of functions and procedures
   146.    Protocols
   147.    Access to information

   PART 11 -- Serious public health incident powers

           Division 1 -- Authorisation to exercise serious public health incident powers  

   152.    Authorisation to exercise serious public health incident powers
   153.    Authorisation to state certain matters
   154.    Authorisation may be given orally or in writing

           Division 2 -- Serious public health incident powers  

   155.    Terms used
   156.    Operation of this Division
   157.    Serious public health incident powers
   158.    Enforcement of requirement to undergo medical observation, medical examination
   159.    Provisions relating to requirement to remain at premises or remain quarantined
   160.    Review of requirement to remain at premises or remain quarantined
   161.    Authorised officer may be given assistance, and may use force
   162.    Failure to comply with requirements and directions
   163.    Review by State Administrative Tribunal

   PART 12 -- Public health emergencies

           Division 1 -- Relationship to Emergency Management Act 2005  

   164.    Relationship to Emergency Management Act 2005

           Division 2 -- Public health emergency management plans  

   165.    Public health emergency management plans
   166.    Directions to, and duties of, public authorities

           Division 3 -- Public health state of emergency declarations  

   167.    Minister may make public health state of emergency declaration
   168.    Duration of public health state of emergency declaration
   169.    Amendment of public health state of emergency declaration
   170.    Extension of public health state of emergency declaration
   171.    Revocation of public health state of emergency declaration
   172.    Notice of declaration
   173.    Limitation of stay of operation of public health state of emergency declaration

           Division 4 -- Authorisation to exercise emergency powers  

   174.    Authorisation to exercise emergency powers during public health state of emergency
   175.    Authorisation to state certain matters
   176.    Authorisation may be given orally or in writing

           Division 5 -- Emergency powers  

   177.    Terms used
   178.    Operation of this Division
   179.    Powers to obtain identifying particulars
   180.    Powers relating to movement and evacuation
   181.    Powers to use vehicles
   182.    Powers to control or use premises or property
   183.    Powers in relation to drugs and vaccines
   184.    Powers in relation to quarantine and medical or other procedures
   185.    Enforcement of requirement to undergo medical observation or medical or other procedure
   186.    Further provisions relating to requirement to remain in area or remain quarantined
   187.    Review of requirement to remain in area or remain quarantined
   188.    Information sharing
   189.    Regulations about information sharing for purposes of section
   190.     Other emergency powers
   191.    Further provisions relating to power to detain under section 185(1) or 190(1)(o)
           192. Review of detention
   193.    Minister to be informed of detention or release from detention
   194.    Review by State Administrative Tribunal

           Division 6 -- Other powers exercisable during public health state of emergency  

   195.    Powers of police relating to closure of places, movement and evacuation
   196.    Power of Chief Health Officer to direct public authorities during public health state of emergency
   197.    Chief Health Officer may authorise persons to administer, manufacture, supply or prescribe poisons
   198.    Further provisions relating to authority to administer, manufacture, supply or prescribe poisons

           Division 7 -- General provisions  

   199.    General provisions regarding powers
   200.    General provisions regarding directions
   201.    Direction under Emergency Management Act 2005 prevails over inconsistent direction under this Part
   202.    Failure to comply with directions

   PART 12A -- Infectious disease extreme circumstance declarations  

   202A.   Minister may make IDEC declaration
   202B.   Duration of IDEC declaration
   202C.   Extension of IDEC declaration
   202D.   Revocation of IDEC declaration
   202E.   Notice of declaration
   202F.   Limitation of stay of operation of IDEC declaration

   PART 12B -- Recovery of certain costs relating to exercise of powers

           Division 1 -- Fees payable by hotel-quarantined persons  

   202G.   Terms used
   202H.   Fee payable by hotel-quarantined person in relation to cost of quarantine
   202I.   Period for payment of fee
   202J.   Fee may be waived
   202K.   Recovery of fees
   202L.   Regulations

           Division 2 -- Recovery of certain costs and expenses  

   202M.   Recovery of costs and expenses of requiring premises to be cleaned

   PART 12C -- Abortion

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   202MA.  Terms used
   202MB.  Performance of abortion

           Division 2 -- Performance of abortion by registered health practitioners  

   202MC.  Performance of abortion by medical practitioner at not more than 23 weeks
   202MD.  Performance of medical abortion by certain other registered health practitioners at not more than 23 weeks
   202ME.  Performance of abortion by medical practitioner at more than 23 weeks
   202MF.  Performance of medical abortion by certain registered health practitioners on direction of medical practitioner or prescribing practitioner
   202MG.  Assistance by certain registered health practitioners or students in performance of abortion by medical practitioner or prescribing practitioner
   202MH.  Registered health practitioner with conscientious objection to abortion
   202MI.  Obligations of medical practitioners and prescribing practitioners who refuse to participate in abortion
   202MJ.  Student with conscientious objection to abortion
   202MK.  Compliance with Division relevant to professional conduct or performance
   202ML.  The Criminal Code s. 177 does not apply
   202MM.  Consent to performance of abortion on children who are not mature minors

           Division 3 -- Performance of abortion by unqualified persons  

   202MN.  Unqualified person must not perform abortion

           Division 4 -- Protection from criminal liability  

   202MO.  Person does not commit offence of abortion on themselves

           Division 5 -- Information about abortion  

   202MP.  Chief Health Officer may direct certain persons to give information about abortion
   202MQ.  Purposes for which Chief Health Officer may record, use or disclose information given under s. 202MP
           202MR. Protection from liability

           Division 6 -- Safe access to premises at which abortions are provided  

   202N.   Purpose
   202O.   Terms used
   202P.   Offence to engage in prohibited behaviour within safe access zone
   202Q.   Offence to publish or distribute recording

   PART 13 -- Compensation and insurance

           Division 1 -- Compensation  

   203.    Entitlement to compensation
   204.    Applying for compensation
   205.    Lapsing of application
   206.    Notice of decision
   207.    Review of decision as to payment of compensation
   208.    False compensation claim

           Division 2 -- Insurance  

   209.    Extension of policy of insurance

   PART 14 -- Improvement notices and enforcement orders

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   210.    Terms used
   211.    Proceedings for offences: how affected

           Division 2 -- Improvement notices  

   212.    Issue of improvement notice
   213.    Contents of improvement notice
   214.    Extension of period of compliance with improvement notice
   215.    Compliance with improvement notice

           Division 3 -- Enforcement orders  

   216.    Issue of enforcement orders
   217.    Contents of enforcement order
   218.    Extension of period of compliance with enforcement order
   219.    Enforcement agency may implement enforcement order
   220.    Application of Criminal and Found Property Disposal Act 2006
   221.    Recovery of costs incurred by or on behalf of enforcement agency
   222.    Criminal liability not affected
   223.    Certificate of clearance to be given in certain circumstances
   224.    Request for assessment
   225.    Contravention of enforcement order

           Division 4 -- Review by State Administrative Tribunal  

   226.    Review of decisions relating to improvement notices and enforcement orders

   PART 15 -- Inquiries  

   227.    Terms used
   228.    Chief Health Officer may conduct inquiry
   229.    Preliminary matters
   230.    Procedure
   231.    Hearings
   232.    Inquirer’s powers in relation to inquiry
   233.    Failure to comply with requirements of notice
   234.    Incriminating answers or documents
   235.    Disruption of inquiry
   236.    False information
   237.    Protection for certain purposes
   238.    Reports

   PART 16 -- Powers of entry, inspection and seizure

           Division 1 -- Entry, inspection and seizure  

   239.    Term used: reasonably suspects
   240.    Powers of authorised officers
   241.    Stopping of vehicles
   242.    Incriminating information or answers
   243.    Liability for complying with requirement to provide information, answer question or produce document or thing
   244.    Power of seizure
   245.    Application of Criminal Investigation Act 2006
   246.    Application for warrant to enter premises
   247.    How application made
   248.    Further provisions relating to application for warrant
   249.    Issue of warrant
   250.    Duration of warrant
   251.    Execution of warrant
   252.    Use of force
   253.    Failure to comply with requirements of authorised officers
   254.    False or misleading information
   255.    Obstructing, impersonating or threatening authorised officers

           Division 2 -- Items seized by authorised officers  

   256.    Application of Criminal and Found Property Disposal Act 2006
   257.    Seized items
   258.    Notification of seizure
   259.    Immediate destruction or disposal of things seized
   260.    Return of seized item
   261.    Forfeiture of item
   262.    Cost of destruction or disposal of forfeited item
   263.    Return of forfeited item
   264.    Compensation
   265.    Review of decisions relating to compensation

   PART 17 -- Crown exemptions

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   266.    Terms used

           Division 2 -- Ministerial exemptions for Crown and Crown authorities  

   267.    Minister may exempt Crown or Crown authority from certain provisions
   268.    Duration of exemption
   269.    Content of exemption
   270.    Effect of exemption
   271.    Minister to consult before amending or revoking exemption
   272.    Application of Interpretation Act 1984 to exemptions

           Division 3 -- Compliance plans  

   273.    Exemption may require compliance plan
   274.    Development and approval of compliance plan
   275.    Annual review of compliance plan
   276.    Amendment or replacement of compliance plan

           Division 4 -- Publication and reporting obligations  

   277.    Exemption-holder to make exemption and compliance plan publicly available
   278.    Annual report to include information about exemption and compliance plan

   PART 18 -- Liability, evidentiary and procedural provisions

           Division 1 -- Civil liability  

   279.    Contraventions not breach of statutory duty

           Division 2 -- Criminal liability  

   280.    Commencing proceedings
   281.    Offences by employees -- liability of employer
   282.    Liability of officers for offence by body corporate
   284.    Liability of employees and agents
   285.    Disclosure by witnesses
   286.    Documentary evidence of certain matters
   287.    Court may order costs and expenses
   288.    Court may order forfeiture
   289.    Court’s powers in relation to registration and licences
   290.    Further provisions relating to orders under section

           Division 3 -- Enforcement action against Crown  

   291.    Term used: responsible agency
   292.    Improvement notices may be given to Crown
   293.    Enforcement orders cannot be given to Crown

   PART 19 -- Miscellaneous

           Division 1 -- Provisions relating to local governments  

   294.    Fees and charges may be fixed and recovered by enforcement agencies that are local governments

           Division 2 -- General  

   297.    Protection from liability for wrongdoing

           Division 3 -- Provisions relating to information  

   297A.   Offence of giving false or misleading information
   298.    Disclosure and use of information provided under Part 9 or
   299.    Information sharing
   300.    Guidelines relating to information sharing
   301.    Regulations relating to information sharing
   302.    Confidential information officially obtained

           Division 4 -- Guidelines  

   303.    Guidelines

           Division 5 -- Regulations  

   304.     Regulations -- general power
   305.    Regulations may adopt codes or legislation

           Division 6 -- Review of Act  

   306.    Review of Act
   306A.   Review of amendments made by Public Health Amendment (Immunisation Requirements for Enrolment) Act 2019
   306B.   Review of amendments made by Public Health Amendment (Safe Access Zones) Act 2021
   306C.   Review of amendments made by Abortion Legislation Reform Act 2023

   PART 20 -- Transitional and savings provisions  

   307.    Terms used
   308.    Application of Interpretation Act 1984
   309.    References to Health Act 1911 and Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911
   310.    Reference to Chief Health Officer to be temporarily read as Executive Director, Public Health for purposes of Part
   311.    Executive Director, Public Health to hold office as Chief Health Officer
   312.    Environmental health officers to be authorised officers for certain purposes
   321.    Transitional provisions for Blood and Tissue (Transmissible Diseases) Regulations 1985
   322.    Transitional regulations

   PART 21 -- Transitional provisions for Abortion Legislation Reform Act 2023  

   323.    Term used: commencement day
   324.    Decisions made under Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911 s. 334(7)(a) before commencement day
   325.    Applications made under Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911 s. 334(9) before commencement day
           Uncommenced provisions table
           Defined terms

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