All actions suits and
proceedings at law or in equity to be commenced instituted prosecuted or
carried on by or on behalf of the club or wherein the club is or shall be in
any way concerned against any person or persons body or bodies politic or
corporate whether a member or members of the club or otherwise shall and may
be lawfully commenced instituted and prosecuted or carried on in the name of
the chairman at the time any such action suit or proceeding shall be commenced
or instituted as the nominal plaintiff complainant or petitioner for and on
behalf of the club and all actions suits and proceedings as aforesaid to be
commenced instituted or prosecuted against the club or any of the members
thereof as such shall be commenced instituted and prosecuted against the
chairman as the nominal defendant for and on behalf of the club or members and
in all indictments and informations it shall be lawful to state the property
of the club to be the property of such chairman and any offence committed with
intent to injure or defraud the club shall and lawfully may in any prosecution
for the same be stated or laid to have been committed with intent to injure or
defraud the chairman and any offender or offenders may thereupon be lawfully
convicted of any such offence and in all other allegations or indictments
informations or other proceedings it shall and may be lawful and sufficient to
state the name of such chairman and the death resignation or removal or other
act of such chairman shall not abate any such action suit or prosecution but
the same may be continued where it left off and prosecuted and concluded in
the name of any person who may be or may become chairman Provided always that
nothing herein contained shall interfere with or affect any action suit
prosecution or other proceeding commenced before the passing of this Act but
the same shall be continued as if this Act had not been passed.