This legislation has been repealed.
A person shall not on
any portion of a freeway —
[(a) deleted]
drive a vehicle, while being the holder of a learner’s permit;
[(c) deleted]
drive a tractor, other than the prime mover type, unless the vehicle is used
by a government department or a municipality for maintenance and construction
work on that road;
drive or ride a moped or an animal; or
(f) ride
a bicycle, except on a dual use path.
[(2) repealed]
[Regulation 1803 amended in Gazette
15 August 1975 p.2967; 17 August 1979 p.2488;
15 January 1981 p.100; 27 February 1981 p.806;
2 February 1982 p.399; 23 September 1983 p.3816;
18 December 1987 p.4460; 7 December 1999 p.5997.]