This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 - As at 1 January 2008 - Reg 458 of 2002 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Policy 2. Aims of Policy 3. Definitions and notes 4. Where does this Policy apply? 5. Relationship with other environmental planning instruments PART 2 - PERMISSIBILITY 6. Development permissible with development consent 7. Aerial subscriber connections to a telecommunications network PART 3 - MASTER PLANS 8. Determination of development applications 9. Preparation of master plans 10. Consultation 11. Adoption of master plans 12. Amendment of master plans 13. Notification and availability of adopted master plans 14. Lapsing of a master plan PART 4 - EXEMPT AND COMPLYING DEVELOPMENT 15. Exempt and complying development PART 5 - GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK DEVELOPMENT 16. Guiding principles SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2