(1) This section applies to a person (the delivery person ) who is:
(a) engaged by an authorised supplier to transport and deliver a Scheduled substance to someone who is authorised under this Act to possess the substance (the recipient ); or
(b) an employee or agent of a person mentioned in paragraph (a).
Examples of delivery person for subsection (1)
1 A hospital employee.
2 An employee of a courier service.
(2) The delivery person is authorised to:
(a) possess the Scheduled substance for transporting and delivering it to the recipient in accordance with the delivery person's engagement by the authorised supplier; and
(b) supply the substance to the recipient or recipient's employee or agent.
Example of agent for subsection (2)(b)
The guardian of a child for a substance supplied for administering to the child on a prescription issued by an authorised prescriber.
(3) In this section:
"authorised supplier", for a Scheduled substance, means:
(a) a person authorised to supply the substance under:
(i) Part 2.3 or a regulation; or
(ii) an Act of the Commonwealth, a State or another Territory; or
(b) the holder of an authority authorised to supply the substance.