Victorian Current Acts

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   1.      Purposes  
   2.      Commencement  
   3.      Definitions  
   4.      Meaning of sexual offence  


   5.      How a criminal proceeding is commenced  


   6.      Commencement of a criminal proceeding in the Magistrates' Court  
   7.      Time limits for filing a charge-sheet  
   7A.     Time limits on prosecuting certain former sexual offences removed  
   7B.     Uncertainty about time when sexual offence occurred  
   8.      Order for amendment of charge-sheet  
   9.      Errors etc. in charge-sheet  
   10.     Listing of matter for mention hearing or filing hearing in the Magistrates' Court  
   11.     Place of hearing  


           Division 1--Summons or warrant to arrest

   12.     Court may issue summons or warrant to arrest  
   13.     Summons or warrant to be accompanied by charge‑sheet and notice when served  
   14.     Police or public official may issue summons  
   15.     Contents of summons  
   16.     Personal service of summons  
   17.     Summons for summary offence may be served by ordinary service  
   17A.    Service of summons for traffic camera offence  
   18.     Informant must nominate address etc. for service of documents  
   19.     Extension of return date if summons not served  
   20.     Adjournment of proceeding on application of accused  

           Division 2--Notice to appear

   21.     Police or public official may serve notice to appear  
   22.     Notice to appear lapses unless charge-sheet filed within 14 days  
   23.     Notice to be given on lapsing  
   24.     Preliminary brief to be served if charge-sheet filed  
   25.     Non-appearance of accused served with notice to appear  
   26.     Notice to appear does not commence proceeding  


   27.     Summary offences  
   28.     Indictable offences that may be heard and determined summarily  
   29.     When an indictable offence may be heard and determined summarily  
   30.     Procedure for indictable offences that may be heard and determined summarily  


           Division 1--General

   31.     Court may change place of hearing  
   32.     Accused entitled to copy of charge-sheet and particulars  
   33.     Unrepresented accused who requires legal advice  
   34.     Return of property  

           Division 2--Pre-hearing disclosure of prosecution case

   35.     When preliminary brief is to be served  
   36.     How preliminary brief must be served  
   37.     Contents of preliminary brief  
   38.     Requirements for informant's statement in preliminary brief  
   39.     When full brief must be served  
   40.     How full brief must be served  
   41.     Contents of full brief  
   41A.    Disclosure certificate  
   42.     Continuing obligation of disclosure  
   43.     Accused may make request for material etc. not provided  
   43A.    Inspection of exhibits that include child abuse material where accused is legally represented  
   44.     Informant must comply with request or state grounds of refusal  
   45.     Grounds on which informant may refuse disclosure  
   46.     Accused may apply for order requiring disclosure  
   47.     Rules with respect to statements  
   48.     Disclosure of address or telephone number of witness  
   49.     Informant may place material on database  

           Division 3--Preliminary disclosure of case of accused

   50.     Expert evidence  
   51.     Alibi evidence  
   52.     Offence to communicate with alibi witness  

           Division 4--Mention hearing, summary case conference and contest mention hearing

   53.     Mention hearing  
   53A.    Documents to be provided by police at first mention hearing  
   54.     Summary case conference  
   55.     Contest mention hearing  


           Division 1--Joint or separate hearing of charges

   56.     Multiple charges on single charge-sheet or multiple accused named on single charge-sheet  
   57.     Joint hearing of charges on separate charge-sheets  
   58.     Order for separate hearing  

           Division 2--Diversion program

   59.     Adjournment to undertake diversion program  

           Division 3--Sentence indication

   60.     Court may give sentence indication  
   61.     Effect of sentence indication  

           Division 4--Entering a plea

   62.     Charge to be read or explained to accused before plea  
   63.     Legal practitioner may enter plea on behalf of accused  
   64.     Refusal to plead  
   64A.    Pleading to course of conduct charge  

           Division 5--Opening addresses

   65.     Parties may give opening addresses  

           Division 6--Case for the accused

   66.     Accused entitled to respond after close of prosecution case  
   67.     Election when accused is legally represented  
   68.     Election when accused is not legally represented  
   69.     Procedure for joint hearings if no-case submission made  
   70.     Questioning to determine proper course of proceeding  
   71.     Opening address of accused at beginning of case for the accused  
   72.     Evidential burden on accused for exceptions etc.  

           Division 7--Closing addresses

   73.     Prosecutor's closing address  
   74.     Closing address of the accused  
   75.     Supplementary address by prosecutor  

           Division 8--Determination of charge

   76.     Option of finding of attempt  

           Division 9--Criminal record

   77.     Criminal record  
   78.     Proof of previous convictions and infringement convictions by criminal record  

           Division 10--Non-appearance of party

   79.     Non-appearance of informant  
   80.     Non-appearance of accused charged with summary offence  
   81.     Non-appearance of accused charged with indictable offence  
   82.     Non-appearance of corporate accused charged with indictable offence  
   83.     Admissibility of evidence in absence of accused where full brief served  
   84.     Admissibility of evidence in absence of accused where preliminary brief served  
   85.     Non-appearance of accused—Infringements Act 2006  
   86.     Proof of criminal record in absence of accused  
   87.     Limitations on sentencing in absence of accused  


   88.     Right to apply for rehearing  
   89.     Notice of intention to apply for rehearing  
   90.     Service of notice  
   91.     Stay of sentence etc.  
   92.     Court may order rehearing  
   93.     Failure to appear on application  
   94.     Automatic rehearing in certain cases  


   95.     Definition  
   96.     When a committal proceeding must be held  
   97.     Purposes of a committal proceeding  
   98.     When a committal proceeding commences  
   100.    Hearings in a committal proceeding and attendance of accused  


   101.    Filing hearing  
   102.    Time limit for filing hearing  


   103.    Application for order  
   104.    Order for compulsory examination hearing  
   105.    Notice of compulsory examination order to be served  
   106.    Compulsory examination hearing  


   107.    Informant must serve hand-up brief  
   108.    How hand-up brief must be served  
   109.    Copy hand-up brief to be filed and forwarded to DPP  
   110.    Contents of hand-up brief  
   110A.   Disclosure certificate  
   111.    Continuing obligation of disclosure  
   112.    Rules with respect to statements  
   113.    Rules with respect to recordings  
   114.    Disclosure of address or telephone number of witness  
   115.    Inspection of exhibits  
   116.    Informant may serve and file plea brief  
   117.    Contents of plea brief  


   118.    Case direction notice  
   119.    Contents of case direction notice  
   120.    Late application for leave to cross-examine witness  
   121.    Adjournment without appearance of parties  
   122.    Compliance with request to copy or inspect items or disclose previous convictions of witness  
   123.    No cross-examination in certain sexual offence cases  
   124.    Leave required to cross-examine other witnesses  
   124A.   Reasons for granting leave to cross-examine and issues on which witness may be cross-examined  


   125.    Committal mention hearing  
   126.    Time for holding committal mention hearing  
   127.    Committal case conference  


   128.    Committal hearing  
   129.    Attendance of witnesses  
   130.    Giving of evidence by witnesses  
   131.    Disclosure of address or telephone number of witness  
   132.    Cross-examination of witnesses  
   132A.   Leave to cross-examine witness on different issue  
   133.    Special rules applicable to sexual offences  
   134.    Failure of witness to attend committal hearing  
   135.    Court may permit accused to be absent from committal hearing  
   136.    Accused who absconds etc. during a committal hearing  
   137.    Accused (natural person) absent at close of prosecution case  
   138.    Procedure on accused's attendance after absence  


   139.    Admissibility of non-oral evidence  
   140.    Procedure if accused makes admission of relevant fact or matter  


   141.    Determination of committal proceeding where hand-up brief used  
   142.    Determination of committal proceeding where plea brief used  
   143.    Determination of committal proceeding where accused elects to stand trial  
   144.    Procedure before and on committing accused for trial  


   145.    Transfer of summary offences that are related offences on or after committal  
   146.    Documents to be forwarded to DPP  
   147.    Accused entitled to copies of depositions and exhibits  
   148.    Absent corporate accused to be notified of committal  


   153.    Special mention hearing  
   154.    Non-appearance of corporate accused  
   155.    Nature of committal proceeding  
   156.    Nothing in Chapter affects certain powers of DPP  
   157.    DPP may give directions for release of property tendered in evidence  


   158.    Application of Chapter  


   159.    DPP or Crown Prosecutor may file an indictment  
   160.    Choice of Supreme Court or County Court for filing an indictment  
   161.    Direct indictment commences criminal proceeding  
   162.    Filing of any other indictment does not commence criminal proceeding  
   163.    Time limits for filing certain indictments  
   164.    Filing of fresh indictment  
   165.    Order for amendment of indictment  
   166.    Errors etc. in indictment  
   167.    Supreme Court may order that accused be tried in County Court or Supreme Court  
   168.    Court may transfer certain charges to Magistrates' Court or Children's Court  
   168A.   Category A and Category B serious youth offences—transfer  
   169.    Place of hearing of criminal trial  
   170.    Multiple charges or multiple accused on single indictment  


   171.    Copy indictment to be served  
   172.    DPP may nominate address etc. for service of documents  
   173.    Extra notice for corporate accused  
   174.    Compelling attendance when direct indictment filed  
   175.    Service of summons  
   176.    Warrant to be accompanied by indictment and notice  


   177.    DPP may discontinue a prosecution without adjudication  
   178.    Release from custody on discontinuance of prosecution  


           Division 1--Directions hearings

   179.    Directions hearing  
   180.    Accused may be arraigned at a directions hearing  
   181.    Powers of court at directions hearing  
   181A.   Course of conduct charge  

           Division 2--Pre-trial disclosure

   182.    Summary of prosecution opening and notice of pre‑trial admissions  
   183.    Response of accused to summary of prosecution opening and notice of pre-trial admissions  
   184.    Intention to depart at trial from document filed and served  
   185.    Continuing obligation of disclosure  
   185A.   Disclosure of evidence that is child abuse material  
   186.    Disclosure of address or telephone number of witness  
   187.    Previous convictions of witness  
   188.    Prosecution notice of additional evidence  
   189.    Expert evidence  
   190.    Alibi evidence  
   191.    Offence to communicate with alibi witness  

           Division 3--Orders

   192.    Power to change place of trial  
   193.    Order for separate trial  
   194.    Order for separate trial—sexual offences  
   195.    Order for separate trial—conspiracy  
   196.    Other powers of court not affected  
   197.    Order for legal representation for accused  

           Division 3A--Pre-trial taking of evidence andcross-examination

   198.    Order for taking evidence from a witness before trial  
   198A.   Order for accused to cross-examine witness before trial in certain sexual offence cases  
   198B.   Order for accused to conduct limited preparatory cross-examination  
   198C.   Abolition of Basha procedure  

           Division 4--Procedure for pre-trial orders and other decisions

   199.    Court may make orders and other decisions before trial  
   200.    Disclosure of pre-trial issues  
   201.    Court may decide pre-trial issue without a hearing  
   202.    Hearing of application for exclusion of evidence  
   203.    Judge at pre-trial hearing need not be trial judge  
   204.    Pre-trial orders and other decisions generally binding on trial judge  
   205.    Pre-trial orders and other decisions may be applied in new trial  
   206.    Procedure if prosecution proposes not to lead evidence  


   207.    Court may give sentence indication  
   208.    Application for sentence indication  
   209.    Effect of sentence indication  
   209A.   Review of amendments—Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Procedure Disclosure and Other Matters) Act 2022  

   PART 5.7--TRIAL

   210.    When trial commences  
   211.    Time limit for commencing trial for offences other than sexual offences  
   212.    Time limits for commencing trials for sexual offences  
   213.    Powers of trial judge not affected  
   214.    Non-appearance of corporate accused at trial  

           Division 2--Arraignment

   215.    Arraignment  
   216.    Written pleas of guilty may be accepted  
   217.    Arraignment in presence of jury panel  
   218.    Special pleas in addition to plea of not guilty  
   219.    Plea of guilty to alternative offence  
   220.    Form of plea of previous conviction or previous acquittal  
   221.    Refusal to plead  

           Division 3--Assisting the jury

   222.    Judge may address jury  
   223.    Jury documents relating to trial issues and evidence  
   223A.   General jury guide  

           Division 4--Opening addresses

   224.    Opening address by prosecutor  
   225.    Response of accused to prosecution opening  

           Division 5--Case for the accused

   226.    Accused entitled to respond after close of prosecution case  
   227.    Election when accused is legally represented  
   228.    Election when accused is not legally represented  
   229.    Procedure for joint trials if no-case submission made  
   230.    Questioning to determine proper course of proceeding  
   231.    Opening address of accused  

           Division 6--Giving of evidence

   232.    Manner of giving evidence  
   232A.   Trial judge may give directions about the giving of concurrent or consecutive evidence by expert witnesses  
   233.    Introduction of evidence not previously disclosed  

           Division 7--Closing addresses and judge's directions to the jury

   234.    Prosecution closing address  
   235.    Closing address of the accused  
   236.    Supplementary prosecution address  
   237.    Comment on departure or failure  
   238.    Judge's directions to the jury  

           Division 8--Alternative verdicts and discharge of jury from delivering verdict

   239.    Alternative verdicts on charges other than treason or murder  
   240.    Judge may order that guilt in respect of alternative offences is not to be determined  
   241.    When judge may enter finding of guilty or not guilty  


           Division 1--Transfer and hearing of charges for related and unrelated summary offences

   241A.   Transfer of summary offence between Supreme Court and County Court  
   242.    Summary offence related to indictable offence  
   243.    Unrelated summary offence  
   244.    Criminal record  
   245.    Proof of previous convictions and infringement convictions by criminal record  

           Division 3--Powers and obligations

   246.    Attendance of accused at hearings  
   247.    Power to extend or abridge time  
   248.    Parties must inform Juries Commissioner of certain events  
   249.    Counsel required to retain brief for trial  
   250.    Complaints about legal practitioners  
   251.    Judge at earlier trial not prevented from presiding at later trial  
   252.    Offence for corporate accused to fail to appear  
   253.    Abolition of grand jury procedure  

           Division 4--Procedure on guilty plea or guilty verdict

   253A.   Abolition of allocutus  
   253B.   When finding of guilt occurs  


           Division 1--Appeal by offender

   254.    Right of appeal  
   255.    How appeal is commenced  
   256.    Determination of appeal  

           Division 2--Appeal by DPP against sentence

   257.    DPP's right of appeal against sentence  
   258.    How appeal is commenced  
   259.    Determination of DPP's appeal  

           Division 3--Appeal by DPP--failure to fulfil undertaking

   260.    DPP's right of appeal—failure to fulfil undertaking  
   261.    How appeal is commenced  
   262.    Determination of DPP's appeal—failure to fulfil undertaking  

           Division 4--Procedure

   263.    Late notice of appeal deemed to be application for leave to appeal  
   264.    Stay of sentence  
   265.    Bail pending appeal  
   266.    Abandonment of appeal  
   267.    Appellant's failure to appear  
   268.    Respondent's failure to appear on appeal by DPP  
   269.    One notice of appeal for 2 or more sentences  
   270.    Appeal against aggregate sentence  
   271.    Appeal to County Court authorised by other Acts  


   272.    Appeal to Supreme Court on a question of law  
   273.    Appeal on question of law precludes appeal to County Court  


           Division 1--Appeal against conviction

   274.    Right of appeal against conviction  
   275.    How appeal is commenced  
   276.    Determination of appeal against conviction  
   277.    Orders etc. on successful appeal  

           Division 2--Appeal by offender against sentence

   278.    Right of appeal against sentence imposed by originating court  
   279.    How appeal is commenced  
   280.    Determination of application for leave to appeal under section 278  
   281.    Determination of appeal  
   282.    Orders etc. on successful appeal  
   283.    Right of appeal against sentence of imprisonment imposed by County Court on appeal from Magistrates' Court  
   284.    How appeal is commenced  
   284A.   Determination of application for leave to appeal under section 283  
   285.    Determination of appeal  
   286.    Orders etc. on successful appeal  

           Division 3--Crown appeal against sentence

   287.    Right of appeal—inadequate sentence  
   288.    How appeal is commenced  
   289.    Determination of Crown appeal  
   290.    Orders etc. on successful appeal  
   290A.   Right of appeal against certain sentences imposed by County Court or Supreme Court on appeal from Magistrates' Court  
   290B.   How appeal is commenced  
   290C.   Determination of Crown appeal under section 290A  
   290D.   Orders etc. on successful appeal  
   291.    Right of appeal—failure to fulfil undertaking  
   292.    How appeal is commenced  
   293.    Determination of Crown appeal—failure to fulfil undertaking  
   294.    Powers of Court of Appeal on successful appeal  

           Division 4--Interlocutory appeal

   295.    Right of appeal against interlocutory decision  
   296.    Review of refusal to certify  
   297.    When leave to appeal may be given  
   298.    How interlocutory appeal is commenced  
   299.    Adjournment of trial if leave to appeal given  
   300.    Determination of appeal  
   301.    Determination of interlocutory appeal to be entered on record  

           Division 5--Case stated for Court of Appeal

   302.    Reservation of question of law  
   302A.   Reservation of question of law on appeal to County Court  
   303.    Adjournment if question of law reserved  
   304.    Refusal to reserve question of law  
   305.    Case to be stated if question of law reserved  
   306.    General powers of Court of Appeal on case stated  
   307.    Judgment to be entered on record  
   308.    DPP may refer point of law to Court of Appeal  

           Division 6--Status of sentences and orders during appeal period

   309.    Sentence not stayed during appeal period  
   310.    Bail pending appeal  
   311.    Stay of certain orders during appeal period  
   312.    Execution of order for forfeiture or destruction of property  

           Division 7--Powers and procedure

   313.    Extension of time for filing or serving notice of appeal or notice of application for leave to appeal  
   314.    Abandonment of appeal  
   315.    Powers which may be exercised by Court of Appeal constituted by a single Judge of Appeal  
   316.    Trial judge may be required to provide report on appeal  
   317.    Production of documents, exhibits or other things  
   318.    Order for examination of compellable witness  
   319.    Evidence of competent but not compellable witness  
   319A.   Court of Appeal may refer issue or matter for reference determination  
   320.    Reference of question to special commissioner  
   321.    New evidence—effect on sentence  
   322.    Sentence in absence of offender  
   323.    Bail following appeal  
   324.    Warrants  
   325.    Ancillary orders  
   326.    Expenses of assessors and special commissioners  


           Division 1--Appeal against conviction

   326A.   Right of second or subsequent appeal against conviction  
   326B.   How appeal is commenced  
   326C.   Determination of application for leave to appeal under section 326A  
   326D.   Determination of second or subsequent appeal against conviction  
   326E.   Orders etc. on successful appeal  

           Division 2--Powers and procedure

   326F.   Stay of sentence and bail pending appeal  
   326G.   Abandonment of appeal  
   326H.   Powers which may be exercised by Court of Appeal constituted by a single Judge of Appeal  
   326I.   Application of sections 316 to 320 and 326  
   326J.   Sentence in absence of offender  
   326K.   Bail following appeal  
   326L.   Warrants  
   326M.   Ancillary orders  
   327.    Reference by Attorney-General  
   327A.   Application of Chapter  
   327B.   Definitions  
   327C.   Meaning of fresh and compelling evidence  
   327D.   Meaning of tainted acquittal  
   327E.   Circumstances in which police may reinvestigate offence after acquittal  
   327F.   DPP may file indictment  
   327G.   Bail following filing of direct indictment  
   327H.   DPP may apply to Court of Appeal  
   327I.   Extension of time for filing or serving notice of application  
   327J.   DPP may apply only once in relation to particular acquittal  
   327K.   DPP must discontinue prosecution if fails to make application  
   327L.   Determination of application where acquittal tainted  
   327M.   Determination of application where fresh and compelling evidence  
   327N.   Determination of application where administration of justice offence  
   327O.   Orders on determination of application  
   327P.   DPP must elect which offence to prosecute  
   327Q.   Amendment of indictment  
   327R.   Prohibition on making certain references in new trial  
   327S.   Appeal and review rights unaffected  


   328.    Appearance  
   329.    When accused etc. is required to appear at hearing  
   330.    When accused etc. is required to attend hearing  
   331.    Power to adjourn proceeding  
   332.    Transfer of accused between place of detention and court  
   333.    Power to return accused to youth justice centre  
   334.    Proceedings against bodies corporate  
   335.    Interpreter  
   336.    Subpoenas and witness summonses  
   336A.   Victim who is a witness entitled to be present in court  
   337.    Court may act on application or on own motion  
   337A.   Court may determine issue in criminal proceeding without oral hearing  


           Division 1--Guiding principles

   338.    Guiding principles  

           Division 2--Evidence concerning complainant

   339.    Application of Division  
   340.    Definition  
   341.    Prohibition on questions and evidence concerning sexual reputation of complainant  
   342.    Restriction on questions and evidence concerning complainant's sexual activities  
   343.    Admissibility of sexual history evidence  
   344.    Application for leave  
   345.    Application for leave out of time  
   346.    Contents of application for leave  
   347.    Waiver of requirement to apply for leave in writing  
   348.    Hearing of application for leave  
   349.    Determination of application for leave during summary hearing, committal proceeding or trial  
   350.    Determination of application for leave during sentencing hearing  
   351.    Court must state reasons if leave granted  
   352.    Limitation on sexual history evidence  

           Division 3--Cross-examination of protected witnesses

   353.    Application of Division  
   354.    Definitions  
   355.    Court may declare witness to be protected witness  
   356.    Protected witness not to be cross-examined by accused in person  
   357.    When accused is not legally represented  
   358.    Jury warning concerning legal representation for cross-examination  

           Division 4--Alternative arrangements for giving evidence

   359.    Application of Division  
   360.    Alternative arrangements for giving evidence  
   362.    Evidence given by closed-circuit television or other facilities  
   363.    When court must direct use of closed-circuit television or other facilities for complainant  
   364.    When court must direct use of screens for complainant  
   365.    When court must direct presence of support person for complainant  

           Division 5--Use of recorded evidence-in-chief of children and cognitively impaired witnesses in sexual offence, assault and family violence matters

   366.    Application of this Division  
   367.    Use of recorded evidence-in-chief  
   368.    Admissibility of recorded evidence-in-chief  
   368A.   Court may order production of recording made under this Division in certain circumstances  

           Division 6--Procedure and rules for children and cognitively impaired complainants

   369.    Application of Division  
   370.    Special hearing for recording evidence  

           Division 4--provides that the court may make alternative arrangements for the giving of direct testimony.

   371.    Time limits for special hearing  
   371A.   Timing arrangements for special hearing during trial  
   372.    Conduct of special hearing  
   373.    Form in which recording of special hearing is to be tendered  
   374.    Admissibility of evidence from special hearing  
   376.    Cross-examination of complainant  

           Division 7--Admission of recorded evidence of complainant given in trial for sexual offences

   378.    Application of Division  
   379.    Admissibility of recording of complainant's evidence  
   380.    Prosecution to give notice of intention to tender recording  
   381.    Admission of recording of evidence of complainant  
   383.    Attendance of complainant  
   384.    Direct testimony in addition to recording  
   385.    Cross-examination of complainant  
   386.    Form in which recording of complainant's evidence is to be tendered  
   387.    Exception to hearsay rule  

           Division 7A--Admission of recorded evidence of complainant given in summary hearing by Children's Court of certain sexual offences

   387A.   Application of Division  
   387B.   Admissibility of recording of complainant's evidence  
           Division 7 (other than section 378) applies to this Division as if--

           Division 7B--Use of recorded evidence‑in‑chief of complainant in family violence offence proceedings

   387C.   Definitions  
   387D.   Application of Division  
   387E.   Use of recorded statement as complainant's evidence-in-chief  
   387F.   Admissibility of recorded evidence-in-chief  
   387G.   Requirements for making recorded statement  
   387H.   Service of recorded statement  
   387I.   Editing or otherwise altering recorded statement  
   387J.   Court or tribunal may order production of recorded statement in certain circumstances  
   387K.   Use of recorded statement in family violence intervention order proceeding  
   387L.   Offences in relation to recorded statements  
   387M.   Division does not affect other provisions  
   387N.   Relationship with Surveillance Devices Act 1999  

           Division 8--Miscellaneous

   388.    Evidence of specialised knowledge in certain cases  
   389.    Audiovisual link evidence from overseas in certain proceedings  


           Division 1--Ground rules hearings

   389A.   Application of Division  
   389AB.  Ground rules hearings  
   389B.   Ground rules hearing to be held  
   389C.   Time limits for ground rules hearing  
   389D.   Attendance for ground rules hearings  
   389E.   Directions which may be given at ground rules hearings  

           Division 2--Intermediaries

   389F.   Application of Division  
   389G.   Participating venues of courts  
   389H.   Panel of intermediaries  
   389I.   Function of intermediaries  
   389J.   Appointment of intermediaries  
   389K.   Witness to give evidence in presence of intermediary  


   390.    General rules as to service  
   391.    Personal service  
   392.    Service on informant or DPP  
   393.    Service on company, registered body, incorporated association or other body corporate  
   394.    Ordinary service  
   395.    Personal service satisfies ordinary service  
   396.    Last known place of residence or business  
   397.    Order for substituted service  
   398.    Who may effect service  
   399.    Proof of service  

   PART 8.4--COSTS

           Division 1--Preliminary

   400.    Right to be heard  

           Division 2--Costs in summary proceedings and committal proceedings

   401.    Costs in Magistrates' Court  
   402.    Notice to appear  
   403.    Convicted accused to pay filing fee  

           Division 3--Costs in trials on indictment

   404.    Costs in the Supreme Court and County Court  
   405.    Costs order  

           Division 4--Costs on appeal

   406.    Costs on appeal to County Court or the Court of Appeal under section 254  
   407.    Costs on abandonment of appeal to County Court or the Court of Appeal  
   408.    Costs on appeal from Magistrates' Court to Supreme Court on a question of law  
   409.    No costs on appeal to Court of Appeal or on new trial  

           Division 5--Legal practitioners

   410.    Costs liability of legal practitioner  


   410A.   Electronic signatures  
   411.    Issue of warrant to arrest  

           Division 3--of Part IIA of the Evidence (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1958 authorises or requires the appearance of an accused before the court by audio visual link in certain circumstances.

   412.    Power to amend when there is a defect or error  
   413.    Transfer of charge to court with jurisdiction  
   414.    Acknowledgment of false statement  
   415.    Court may direct that a person be prosecuted for perjury  
   415A.   Informant's obligation of disclosure to the DPP  
   416.    Disclosure of material by prosecution  
   416A.   Application for non-disclosure order  
   416B.   Non-disclosure order not binding on superior court  
   416C.   Review of non-disclosure order  
   417.    Court fees not payable by accused  
   418.    Supreme Court—limitation of jurisdiction  
   419.    Rules of court  
   420.    Regulations  
   439.     Savings and transitional provisions  
   440.    Transitional provisions—Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2010  
   441.    Transitional provisions—Criminal Procedure Amendment (Double Jeopardy and Other Matters) Act 2011  
   442.    Transitional provisions—Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 2012  
   443.    Transitional provision—Jury Directions Act 2013  
   444.    Transitional provision—Criminal Organisations Control and Other Acts Amendment Act 2014  
   445.    Transitional provisions—Crimes Amendment (Sexual Offences and Other Matters) Act 2014  
   446.    Transitional provision—Crimes Amendment (Child Pornography and Other Matters) Act 2015  
   447.    Transitional provision—Crimes Legislation Further Amendment Act 2017  
   448.    Transitional provision—Jury Directions and Other Acts Amendment Act 2017  
   449.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2018  
   450.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Amendment (Victims) Act 2018—section 387A  
   451.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Amendment (Victims) Act 2018—Part 8.2A  
   452.    Transitional provision—Family Violence Protection Amendment Act 2017  
   453.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Appeals) Act 2019—powers of Court of Appeal, second or subsequent appeals  
   454.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Appeals) Act 2019—appeals from summary jurisdiction  
   454A.   Transitional provision—COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Act 2020  
   454B.   Transitional provision—COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Act 2020—deciding issues without a hearing  
   455.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Miscellaneous Amendments Act 2020  
   456.    Transitional provisions—Justice Legislation Amendment (System Enhancements and Other Matters) Act 2021  
   457.    Transitional provision—Sex Work Decriminalisation Act 2022  
   458.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Procedure Disclosure and Other Matters) Act 2022—criminal procedure disclosure  
   459.    Transitional provisions—Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Procedure Disclosure and Other Matters) Act 2022  
   460.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Procedure Disclosure and Other Matters) Act 2022—dual commission holders  
   461.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Amendment (Trial by Judge Alone and Other Matters) Act 2022  
   462.    Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Amendment (Sexual Offences and Other Matters) Act 2022  
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