New South Wales Consolidated Regulations

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- Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
- As at 28 June 2024
- Reg 605 of 2014



   1.1.    Name of Plan
   1.1AA.  Commencement
   1.2.    Aims of Plan
   1.3.    Land to which Plan applies
   1.4.    Definitions
   1.5.    Notes
   1.6.    Consent authority
   1.7.    Maps
   1.8.    Repeal of planning instruments applying to land
   1.8A.   Savings provision relating to development applications
   1.8B.   Amendment of SEPP applying to land
   1.9.    Application of SEPPs
   1.9A.   Suspension of covenants, agreements and instruments


   2.1.    Land use zones
   2.2.    Zoning of land to which Plan applies
   2.3.    Zone objectives and Land Use Table
   2.4.    Unzoned land
   2.5.    Additional permitted uses for particular land
   2.6.    Subdivision--consent requirements
   2.7.    Demolition requires development consent
   2.8.    Temporary use of land
   2.9.    Canal estate development prohibited
           Land Use Table
           Zone RU2 - Rural Landscape
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone RU3 - Forestry
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone RU4 - Primary Production Small Lots
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone RU6 - Transition
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone R1 - General Residential
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone R2 - Low Density Residential
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone R3 - Medium Density Residential
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone R4 - High Density Residential
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone E1 - Local Centre
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone E2 - Commercial Centre
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone E3 - Productivity Support
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone E4 - General Industrial
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone E5 - Heavy Industrial
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone MU1 - Mixed Use
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone SP1 - Special Activities
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone SP2 - Infrastructure
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone SP3 - Tourist
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone RE1 - Public Recreation
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone RE2 - Private Recreation
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone C1 - National Parks and Nature Reserves
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone C2 - Environmental Conservation
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone C3 - Environmental Management
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone C4 - Environmental Living
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone W1 - Natural Waterways
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited
           Zone W4 - Working Waterfront
   1.      Objectives of zone
   2.      Permitted without consent
   3.      Permitted with consent
   4.      Prohibited


   3.1.    Exempt development
   3.2.    Complying development
   3.3.    Environmentally sensitive areas excluded


   4.1.    Minimum subdivision lot size
   4.1AA.  Minimum subdivision lot size for community title schemes
   4.1A.   Exceptions to minimum subdivision lot size for certain residential development
   4.1B.   Exceptions to minimum subdivision lot sizes for certain residential development in urban release areas
   4.1C.   Exceptions for subdivisions involving battle-axe lots or corner lots in certain zones
   4.1D.   Exceptions to minimum subdivision lot sizes for certain split zones
   4.1E.   Exceptions to minimum lot sizes for biodiversity conservation
   4.2.    Rural subdivision
   4.2A.   Erection of dual occupancies (attached) and dwelling houses on land in certain rural and conservation zones
   4.2B.   Dual occupancies on battle-axe lots in Zone R2
   4.2C.   Boundary adjustments in certain rural and conservation zones
   4.3.    Height of buildings
   4.4.    Floor space ratio
   4.5.    Calculation of floor space ratio and site area
   4.6.    Exceptions to development standards


   5.1.    Relevant acquisition authority
   5.1A.   Development on land intended to be acquired for public purposes
   5.2.    Classification and reclassification of public land
   5.3.    Development near zone boundaries
   5.4.    Controls relating to miscellaneous permissible uses
   5.5.    Controls relating to secondary dwellings on land in a rural zone
   5.6.    Architectural roof features
   5.7.    Development below mean high water mark
   5.8.    Conversion of fire alarms
   5.9.    Dwelling house or secondary dwelling affected by natural disaster
   5.9AA.  (Repealed)
   5.10.   Heritage conservation
   5.11.   Bush fire hazard reduction
   5.12.   Infrastructure development and use of existing buildings of the Crown
   5.13.   Eco-tourist facilities
   5.14.   Siding Spring Observatory--maintaining dark sky
   5.15.   Defence communications facility
   5.16.   Subdivision of, or dwellings on, land in certain rural, residential or conservation zones
   5.17.   Artificial waterbodies in environmentally sensitive areas in areas of operation of irrigation corporations
   5.18.   Intensive livestock agriculture
   5.19.   Pond-based, tank-based and oyster aquaculture
   5.20.   Standards that cannot be used to refuse consent--playing and performing music
   5.21.   Flood planning
   5.22.   Special flood considerations
   5.23.   Public bushland
   5.24.   Farm stay accommodation
   5.25.   Farm gate premises


   6.1.    (Repealed)
   6.2.    Public utility infrastructure
   6.3.    Development control plan
   6.4.    Relationship between Part and remainder of Plan
   6.5.    Application of this Part


   7.1.    Acid sulfate soils
   7.2.    Earthworks
   7.3.    (Repealed)
   7.4.    Coastal risk planning
   7.5.    Terrestrial biodiversity
   7.6.    Limited development on foreshore area
   7.7.    Development on sensitive Aboriginal landscape areas
   7.8.    Airspace operations
   7.9.    Service stations in certain zones
   7.10.   Residential development in certain employment and mixed use zones
   7.11.   Development for the purpose of bottle shops
   7.12.   (Repealed)
   7.13.   Development on certain land at Boolaroo, Buttaba and North Wallarah Peninsula
   7.14.   Development on certain land near Rafferty's Road, Cams Wharf
   7.15.   Development on certain land at Ada Street, Cardiff
   7.16.   Development on certain land at Trinity Point, Morisset Park
   7.17.   Development on certain land at 1A Raymond Street, Speers Point
   7.18.   Development on certain land at Wangi Wangi
   7.19.   Development on certain land at Wyee Point
   7.20.   Development on environmentally sensitive land
   7.21.   Essential services
   7.22.   Location of sex services premises
   7.23.   Manufactured homes
   7.24.   Development on certain land at 2A Main Road, Boolaroo
   7.25.   Development on land in Catherine Hill Bay Village Precinct and Middle Camp Village Precinct
   7.26.   Development on certain land at North Wallarah Peninsula
   7.27.   Active street frontages
   7.28.   Exception to maximum height of buildings in Charlestown strategic economic centre
           SCHEDULE 1
           SCHEDULE 2
           SCHEDULE 3
           SCHEDULE 4
           SCHEDULE 5
           SCHEDULE 6

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