Western Australian Current Acts

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           Long Title

   PART 1 -- Preliminary  

   1.      Short title
   2.      Commencement
   3.      Terms used
   4.      Act binds Crown
   5.      Application of Interpretation Act 1984 to Act and Uniform Law

   PART 2 -- Legal Profession Uniform Law

           Division 1 -- Application of Legal Profession Uniform Law in the State  

   6.      Application of Uniform Law as law of the State
   7.      Commencement of Uniform Law as law of the State
   8.      Tabling amending Acts
   9.      Disallowance of amending Acts
   10.     Commencement of amending Acts

           11. Tabling of amending Act taken to be publication for Standing ORDER s

   12.     Interaction between Uniform Law and this Act
   13.     No double jeopardy

           Division 2 -- Application of Uniform Regulations and Uniform Rules  

   14.     Application of Uniform Regulations and Uniform Rules as laws of the State for Uniform Law and Act
   15.     Publication of Uniform Regulations and Uniform Rules
   16.     Tabling and disallowance of Uniform Regulations and Uniform Rules
   17.     Interpretation Act 1984 s. 41 and 42 do not apply to Uniform Regulations and Uniform Rules

           Division 3 -- Matters specified for Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA)  

   18.     Meaning of this jurisdiction in Uniform Law
   19.     Costs assessor: Uniform Law s.
   20.      Designated local regulatory authorities: Uniform Law s.
   21.      Designated local roll authority: Uniform Law s.
   22.      Designated tribunals: Uniform Law s.
   23.      Fidelity authority: Uniform Law s.
   24.      Nominated fund and nominated trust authority: Uniform Law s.
   25.      Unclaimed money to be dealt with under Unclaimed Money Act 1990: Uniform Law s.
   26.      Fidelity fund: Uniform Law s.
   27.      Specified fund: Uniform Law s.
   28.      Issuing authority: Uniform Law s.
   29.      Specified manner for payment of pecuniary penalties: Uniform Law s.

   PART 3 -- Local authorities

           Division 1 -- Legal Practice Board

              Subdivision 1 -- Establishment and functions  

   30.     Establishment of Board
   31.     Relationship to Crown
   32.     Functions
   33.     Powers
   34.     Board to pay State contribution to fund Legal Profession Uniform Framework
   35.     Board to pay contributions to Guarantee Fund into Fund
   36.     Delegation of powers and duties under this Act
   37.     Delegation of functions under Uniform Law: Uniform Law s.

              Subdivision 2 -- Membership  

   38.     Board members
   39.     Term of office
   40.     Who may vote in election
   41.     Removal or resignation
   42.     Chairperson and deputy chairperson
   43.     Casual vacancies

              Subdivision 3 -- Practice and procedures  

   44.     Meetings
   45.     Quorum
   46.     Voting
   47.     Procedures

              Subdivision 4 -- Financial and reporting provisions  

   48.     Application of funds
   49.     Accounts and records
   50.     Audit
   51.     Annual reports
   52.     Reports relating to operation and effectiveness of aspects of Uniform Law

              Subdivision 5 -- Miscellaneous  

   53.     Committees
   54.     Secretary of Board
   55.     Execution of documents by Board
   56.     Local regulations may be made about matters for Board

           Division 2 -- Legal Services and Complaints Committee

              Subdivision 1 -- Establishment and functions  

   57.     Establishment of Legal Services and Complaints Committee
   58.     Functions
   59.     Powers
   60.     Support
   61.     Delegation to Legal Services and Complaints Officer

              Subdivision 2 -- Membership  

   62.     Legal Services and Complaints Committee members
   63.     Term of office of legal members
   64.     Term of office of community representatives
   65.     Termination of office may be deferred
   66.     Deputies of community representatives
   67.     Chairperson and deputy chairperson
   68.     Removal or resignation
   69.     Leave of absence
   70.     Remuneration and allowances

              Subdivision 3 -- Practice and procedures  

   71.     Meetings
   72.     Quorum
   73.     Divisions
   74.     Voting
   75.     Procedures

              Subdivision 4 -- Reporting provisions  

   76.     Annual reports
   77.     Reports relating to functions

              Subdivision 5 -- Local regulations  

   78.      Local regulations about Legal Services and Complaints Committee

           Division 3 -- Legal Services and Complaints Officer  

   79.     Legal Services and Complaints Officer
   80.     Term of appointment
   81.     Functions

           Division 4 -- Staff of Legal Services and Complaints Committee and Legal Services and Complaints Officer  

   82.     Staff

           Division 5 -- Legal Costs Committee

              Subdivision 1 -- Establishment and functions  

   83.     Establishment of Legal Costs Committee
   84.     Functions
   85.     Powers

              Subdivision 2 -- Membership  

   86.     Legal Costs Committee members
   87.     Nominations
   88.     Term of office
   89.     Deputy chairperson
   90.     Deputy members
   91.     Removal or resignation
   92.     Leave of absence
   93.     Remuneration and allowances

              Subdivision 3 -- Practice and procedures  

   94.     Meetings
   95.     Quorum
   96.     Voting
   97.     Procedures

              Subdivision 4 -- Financial provisions  

   98.     Funds
   99.     Application of Financial Management Act 2006 and Auditor General Act 2006

              Subdivision 5 -- Staff and facilities  

   100.    Use of staff and facilities of departments

           Division 6 -- Legal Contribution Trust

              Subdivision 1 -- Establishment and functions  

   101.    Establishment of Legal Contribution Trust
   102.    Relationship to Crown
   103.    Functions
   104.    Powers

              Subdivision 2 -- Membership  

   105.    Constitution of Legal Contribution Trust
   106.    Chairperson
   107.    Deputy trustees
   108.    Removal or resignation
   109.    Meetings and procedures
   110.    Quorum
   111.    Voting

              Subdivision 3 -- Execution of documents  

   112.    Execution of documents by Legal Contribution Trust

   PART 4 -- Admission, practising certificates and registration certificates

           Division 1 -- Admission  

   113.    Requirements for applications for admission under Uniform Law s.
   114.    Full Bench of Supreme Court to admit individuals under Uniform Law s.
   115.     Local regulations may prescribe matters about admission under Uniform Law

           Division 2 -- Practising certificates  

   116.    Requirements for applications for grant or renewal of Australian practising certificates under Uniform Law s.
   117.     Provisions about renewing Australian practising certificates under Uniform Law s.
   118.     Provisions about decisions on granting or renewing Australian practising certificates under Uniform Law s.
   119.     Local regulations may modify operation of Legal Profession Conduct Rules for barristers

           Division 3 -- Registration certificates  

   120.    Requirements for applications for grant or renewal of Australian registration certificates under Uniform Law s.
   121.     Provisions about renewing Australian registration certificates under Uniform Law s.
   122.     Provisions about decisions on granting or renewing Australian registration certificates under Uniform Law s.

           Division 4 -- Interjurisdictional action  

   123.    Requirements for written notice of interjurisdictional action under Uniform Law s. 24 and

           Division 5 -- Miscellaneous  

   124.    Functions of State Solicitor
   125.    Accreditation in relation to continuing professional development activities or other legal education or training
   126.    Local regulations may provide contract legislative drafters are government lawyers
   127.    Local regulations in relation to government lawyers

   PART 5 -- Trust accounts  

   128.    Application for exemption under Uniform Law s.
   129.     Decision on exemption from complying with Uniform Law Pt. 4.2
   130.    Local regulations about receipt or holding of money by barristers: Uniform Law s.
   131.     Review of decisions referred to in Uniform Law s. 160 and 166

   PART 6 -- Legal costs

           Division 1 -- Legal costs determinations  

   132.    Term used: court
   133.    Legal costs determinations
   134.    Declaration of court in respect of which costs determinations may be made
   135.    Costs determinations may be amended or revoked
   136.    Costs determinations are fixed costs legislative provisions: Uniform Law s.
   137.     Review of costs determinations
   138.    Inquiries by Legal Costs Committee
   139.    Notice and submissions in respect of costs determinations
   140.    Report and publication of costs determinations
   141.    Effect of costs determinations
   142.    Reports
   143.    Law practice to disclose whether costs determination applies to calculating costs under Uniform Law s.

           Division 2 -- Costs assessments  

   144.    Functions of costs assessors
   145.    Requirements for applications for costs assessment: Uniform Law s.
   146.     Assessment of Legal Aid Commission bill
   147.    Determining and issuing certificate of costs assessment
   148.    Costs assessment binding on parties
   149.    Review of costs assessment: Uniform Law s.
   150.     Enforcement of, and interest on, costs assessment
   151.    Recovery of amounts paid as legal costs above costs assessments
   152.    Local regulations about costs assessments

   PART 7 -- Professional indemnity insurance

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   153.    Terms used
   154.    Approved insurance policies for Act and Uniform Law
   155.    Attorney General’s approval of insurance for Uniform Law

           Division 2 -- Insurance and insurance policies

              Subdivision 1 -- Obtaining professional indemnity insurance and certificates  

   156.    Meaning of PII arrangement
   157.    Law Society authorised to enter into PII arrangement
   158.    Application for arrangement insurance for whole financial year
   159.    Application for arrangement insurance for part of financial year in particular circumstances
   160.    Application by restructured law practices for arrangement insurance for part of financial year
   161.    Bar-approved insurance policy
   162.    Local regulations may provide for approval of PII schemes

              Subdivision 2 -- Annual contribution for PII arrangement  

   163.    Assessing annual contribution for PII entities
   164.    Method of assessing annual contribution for PII arrangement
   165.    Review of annual contribution assessment
   166.    Appeal against review of annual contribution assessment
   167.    Refund after review of, or appeal against, annual contribution assessment
   168.    Recovery of additional amount if incorrect information given for annual contribution assessment

              Subdivision 3 -- Financial matters  

   169.    Administration levy for PII arrangement
   170.    Interest payable on amounts overdue under this Part
   171.    Recovery of unpaid money

           Division 3 -- Exemptions from obtaining professional indemnity insurance under Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA)

              Subdivision 1 -- Modification of Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014 (Victoria) Schedule 1 s. 215 and 216  
              172. Modification of Uniform Law 1

   173.    Section 215 modified
   174.    Section 216 modified

              Subdivision 2 -- Obtaining exemptions under Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA)  

   175.    Requirements for application to be exempted under Uniform Law s.
   176.     Certificates of exemption if exempt under Uniform Law s.
   177.     Person to notify Board when exemption no longer applies

           Division 4 -- Law Mutual (WA) and Law Mutual Fund  

   178.    Continuation of Law Mutual (WA)
   179.    Continuation of Law Mutual Fund
   180.    Provisions about Law Mutual Fund
   181.    Application of money in Law Mutual Fund
   182.    Audit of Law Mutual Fund
   183.    Local regulations about winding up Law Mutual Fund

           Division 5 -- PII management committee  

   184.    Law Society may establish PII management committee
   185.    Delegation of Law Society’s functions to PII management committee
   186.    Membership
   187.    Procedures
   188.    Dissolution of PII management committee

           Division 6 -- Miscellaneous  

   189.    Undertakings in relation to professional indemnity insurance
   190.    Requiring information about professional indemnity insurance
   191.    Sharing information about professional indemnity insurance
   192.    Evidence of exemption or insurance for Uniform Law

   PART 8 -- Fidelity cover

           Division 1 -- Guarantee Fund  

   193.    Term used: claim
   194.    Solicitors’ Guarantee Fund
   195.    Payments out of Guarantee Fund
   196.    Application of Guarantee Fund for claims
   197.    Investment of Guarantee Fund
   198.    Notice of levy to supplement Guarantee Fund imposed under Uniform Law s.
   199.     Audit under Uniform Law s.

           Division 2 -- Interest on trust accounts  

   200.    Trust account arrangements to pay no more than 51% of interest to Legal Contribution Trust
   201.    Application of interest
   202.    Audit of expenditure

   PART 9 -- Proceedings  

   203.    Terms used
   204.    Constitution of State Administrative Tribunal
   205.    Procedure of State Administrative Tribunal
   206.    Disciplinary proceedings may involve 1 or more matters
   207.    Time for initiating disciplinary proceedings under Uniform Law s.
   208.    State Administrative Tribunal to conduct hearing for disciplinary proceeding
   209.    Variation of application initiating disciplinary proceeding
   210.    Interlocutory and interim orders in relation to disciplinary proceedings
   211.    State Administrative Tribunal not bound by rules of evidence
   212.    Notification of particular State Administrative Tribunal orders
   213.    Provisions about fines imposed under Uniform Law s.
   214.     Giving effect to State Administrative Tribunal orders
   215.    State Administrative Tribunal to give order recommending removal of lawyer from roll or register to Principal Registrar
   216.    Official notification to Board and Legal Services and Complaints Committee of removal from roll under Uniform Law s.

   PART 10 -- Registers

           Division 1 -- Certificate registers  

   217.    Register of Australian practising certificates granted by the Board
   218.    Register of Australian registration certificates granted by the Board

           Division 2 -- Disciplinary action register  

   219.    Terms used
   220.    Register of disciplinary action
   221.    Public availability of register of disciplinary action
   222.    Publicising disciplinary action
   223.    Effect of quashing of disciplinary action
   224.    Publicising disciplinary action taken because of injury, infirmity or illness
   225.    Effect of secrecy provisions and non-disclosure orders
   226.    Liability for publicising disciplinary action

           Division 3 -- Disqualification orders and approvals register  

   227.    Disqualification orders and approvals register

   PART 11 -- Enforcement

           Division 1 -- Search warrants under Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA)  

   228.    Application for search warrants under Uniform Law s.
   229.     Provisions for search warrants issued under Uniform Law s.
   230.     Use of force when executing search warrants issued under Uniform Law s.
   231.     Executed search warrants issued under Uniform Law s. 377 to be endorsed
   232.    Receipt for items seized under search warrants

           Division 2 -- Contraventions of Act or Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA)  

   233.    Board may appoint person to investigate contravention of Act or Uniform Law
   234.    Who may commence proceedings for offence against Act or Uniform Law
   235.    When prosecution may be commenced for offence against Uniform Law s. 10 or
   236.    Enforcement of orders to pay fines under Uniform Law
   237.    Board may recover pecuniary penalty to be paid under Uniform Law

           Division 3 -- Notices under Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA) s. 371(1)(a) or (b)  
           238. Effect of notice under Uniform Law s. 371(1)(a) or (b)

   PART 12 -- Law Society Public Purposes Trust  

   239.    Terms used
   240.    Remaining interest on trust accounts to be paid to Law Society
   241.    Application of funds paid to Law Society
   242.    Legal Contribution Trust must provide copy of arrangements to Law Society
   243.    Tabling of instruments varying Law Society Public Purposes Trust Deed

   PART 13 -- Law library  

   244.    Law library
   245.    Law library contributions
   246.    Local regulations for law library

   PART 14 -- Miscellaneous  

   247.    Information sharing
   248.    Conduct that constitutes unsatisfactory professional conduct or professional misconduct
   249.    Powers of Supreme Court unaffected
   250.    Liability of principals for contravention of Act
   251.    Defect or irregularity in person’s appointment
   252.    Local regulations
   253.     Local approved forms
   254.    Delegation
   255.    Protection from liability
   256.    Certain witnesses compellable despite Uniform Law s.
   257.     Review of Act and Uniform Law
   258.    Laying documents before House of Parliament not sitting
   259.    Giving documents

   PART 15 -- Repeals  

   260.    Repeals
   261.    Interpretation Act 1984 not affected

   PART 16 -- Transitional provisions

           Division 1 -- Preliminary  

   262.    Terms used
   263.    Interaction between this Part and Uniform Law Sch.

           Division 2 -- Provisions about Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA)  

   264.    Application of particular amending Acts enacted after 21 June 2021 but before commencement day
   265.    Application of s. 15 and 16 to Uniform Regulations and Uniform Rules made after 21 June 2021 but before commencement day
   266.    Application of particular provisions of Uniform Law Sch. 4 Pt.

           Division 3 -- Local regulatory bodies  

   267.    Continuation of Legal Practice Board
   268.    Members of Legal Practice Board
   269.    Complaints Committee continues as Legal Services and Complaints Committee under this Act
   270.    Members of Complaints Committee
   271.    Continuation of other Legal Practice Board committees
   272.    Continuation of Law Complaints Officer
   273.    Continuation and membership of Legal Costs Committee
   274.    Continuation of Legal Costs Committee Account
   275.    Continuation and membership of Legal Contribution Trust

           Division 4 -- Admission  

   276.    Admission applications under old Act taken to be admission applications under this Act
   277.    Notice of objection to admission under old Act taken to be objection under Uniform Law
   278.    Status of academic qualifications obtained under old Act for Uniform Law s.
   279.     Status of approved practical legal training requirements under old Act for Uniform Law s.
   280.     Application for early consideration of suitability continues under Uniform Law
   281.    Decision of Legal Practice Board or State Administrative Tribunal about suitability continues under Uniform Law
   282.    Compliance certificate under old Act taken to be issued under Uniform Law
   283.    Applications to State Administrative Tribunal under old Act may be decided by Tribunal or Supreme Court

           Division 5 -- Practitioners  

   284.    Government lawyers taken to hold Australian practising certificates under Uniform Law for particular period
   285.    Persons engaging in exempt work taken to have Australian practising certificates under Uniform Law for particular period
   286.    Continuing professional development
   287.    Persons approved as QA providers under former Legal Profession Rules 2009 taken to be accredited under s.
   288.     Approvals of law courses and legal training courses continued
   289.    Experience acquired before commencement day taken to be supervised legal practice under Uniform Law s.
   290.     Exemption or reduction of requirement to engage in restricted legal practice continues under Uniform Law
   291.    Order made under s. 77 of old Act continued
   292.    State Administrative Tribunal to decide how review of particular Legal Practice Board decisions about practising certificates to be dealt with
   293.    Reviews of particular Legal Practice Board decisions about registration certificates

           Division 6 -- Trust accounts  

   294.    Interest earned on trust account prior to commencement
   295.    Legal Contribution Trust and ADI taken to have entered into arrangement with nominated trust authority
   296.    Investigator under old Act taken to be appointed as external investigator under Uniform Law
   297.    Current investigations and external examinations under Pt. 9 of old Act to be dealt with under old Act
   298.    External investigations of actions before commencement day

           Division 7 -- Legal costs  

   299.    Continuation of legal costs determinations

           Division 8 -- Professional indemnity insurance  

   300.    Continuation and membership of PII management committee
   301.    Continuation of PII arrangement and certificates of insurance under PII regulations
   302.     Annual contribution under old Act taken to be contribution under this Act
   303.    Policy of professional indemnity insurance approved by Bar Association taken to be Bar-approved policy
   304.    Professional indemnity insurance scheme under old Act taken to be PII scheme
   305.    Method of assessment of annual contribution under old Act taken to be method of assessment determined under this Act
   306.    Review of or appeal against annual contribution continued under this Act
   307.    Legal Practice Board taken to have granted exemption from requirement to obtain professional indemnity insurance continued in particular cases
   308.    Insurance taken out under previous legislation continues

           Division 9 -- Fidelity cover  

   309.    Solicitors’ Guarantee Fund continued
   310.    Continuation of Attorney General’s approvals of investments under s. 342 of old Act
   311.    Contributions to Solicitors’ Guarantee Fund
   312.    Agreed amount under s. 388 of old Act taken to be agreed amount for s.

           Division 10 -- Complaints and discipline  

   313.    Investigations not finalised before commencement day to be dealt with under old Act
   314.    Audit of incorporated legal practice under old Act continues under Uniform Law
   315.    Pre-commencement conduct may be investigated under Uniform Law
   316.    Review of summary conclusion decision under s. 426 of old Act after commencement day
   317.    Current reviews of Complaints Committee’s summary conclusion decision under s. 426 of old Act
   318.    Review of Complaints Committee’s decision to dismiss complaint
   319.    State Administrative Tribunal to deal with review of Complaints Committee’s decision to dismiss complaint before commencement day
   320.    Enforcing compensation orders under old Act
   321.    Compensation order under old Act taken into account in compensation under Uniform Law s.

           Division 11 -- Registers  

   322.    Local roll maintained under old Act taken to be Supreme Court roll for Uniform Law s.
   323.     Continuation of register of local practising certificates kept under old Act
   324.    Continuation of register of locally registered foreign lawyers kept under old Act
   325.    Continuation of Register of Disciplinary Action kept under old Act

           Division 12 -- Law library  

   326.    Continuation of law library
   327.    Law library contributions paid under old Act taken to be contributions under this Act

           Division 13 -- Law Society Public Purposes Trust  

   328.    Reference to repealed Law Society Public Purposes Trust Act 1985 taken to be to Pt.
   329.    Arrangements between Law Society and ADI under repealed Law Society Public Purposes Trust Act 1985

           Division 14 -- Transitional regulations  

   330.     Transitional regulations

   PART 17 -- Consequential amendments to other Acts

           Division 1 -- Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972 amended  

   331.    Act amended
   332.    Section 48 amended

           Division 2 -- Children and Community Services Act 2004 amended  

   333.    Act amended
   334.    Section 148 amended

           Division 3 -- Civil Judgments Enforcement Act 2004 amended  

   335.    Act amended
   336.    Section 30 amended

           Division 4 -- Civil Liability Act 2002 amended  

   337.    Act amended
   338.    Section 15L amended
   339.    Section 16 amended
   340.    Section 17 amended
   341.    Various references to “legal practitioner” amended

           Division 5 -- Commercial Arbitration Act 2012 amended  

   342.    Act amended
   343.    Section 24A amended
   344.    Section 33C amended

           Division 6 -- Community Titles Act 2018 amended  

   345.    Act amended
   346.    Section 3 amended
   347.    Section 117 amended
   348.    Section 137 amended
   349.    Section 182 amended

           Division 7 -- District Court of Western Australia Act 1969 amended  

   350.    Act amended
   351.    Section 6 amended
   352.    Section 10 amended
   353.    Section 64 amended
   354.    Section 66 amended
   355.    Section 88 amended

           Division 8 -- Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended  

   356.    Act amended
   357.    Section 49 replaced
   49.     Term used: Board

           Division 9 -- Industrial Relations Act 1979 amended  

   358.    Act amended
   359.    Section 112A amended

           Division 10 -- Interpretation Act 1984 amended  

   360.    Act amended
   361.    Section 5 amended

           Division 11 -- Juries Act 1957 amended  

   362.    Act amended
   363.    Section 3 amended
   364.    Section 56A amended
   365.    Section 56B amended
   366.    Section 56C amended
   367.    Schedule 1 clause 3 replaced
   3.      Legal practitioners

           Division 12 -- Law Reform Commission Act 1972 amended  

   368.    Act amended
   369.    Section 6 amended

           Division 13 -- Legal Aid Commission Act 1976 amended  

   370.    Act amended
   371.    Section 4 amended
   372.    Section 7 amended
   373.    Section 14 amended
   374.    Section 17 amended
   375.    Section 18 amended
   376.    Section 19 amended
   377.    Section 20 amended
   378.    Section 25 amended
   379.    Section 39 amended
   380.    Section 40 amended
   381.    Section 50 amended
   382.    Section 52 amended
   383.    Section 56 amended
   384.    Section 61 amended
   385.    Section 64 amended

           Division 14 -- Magistrates Court Act 2004 amended  

   386.    Act amended
   387.    Schedule 1 clause 1 amended

           Division 15 -- Prohibited Behaviour Orders Act 2010 amended  

   388.    Act amended
   389.    Section 36 amended

           Division 16 -- Public Trustee Act 1941 amended  

   390.    Act amended
   391.    Section 2 amended
   392.    Section 47A amended

           Division 17 -- Registration of Deeds Act 1856 amended  

   393.    Act amended
   394.    Section 6 amended

           Division 18 -- Sale of Goods (Vienna Convention) Act 1986 amended  

   395.    Act amended
   396.    Section 7 amended

           Division 19 -- Spent Convictions Act 1988 amended  

   397.    Act amended
   398.    Schedule 3 clause 1 amended

           Division 20 -- State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 amended  

   399.    Act amended
   400.    Section 3 amended
   401.    Section 93 amended
   402.    Section 117 amended
   403.    Schedule 1 amended

           Division 21 -- Strata Titles Act 1985 amended  

   404.    Act amended
   405.    Section 3 amended
   406.    Section 143 amended
   407.    Section 163 amended
   408.    Section 219 amended

           Division 22 -- Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 amended  

   409.    Act amended
   410.    Section 5 amended
   411.    Section 5B inserted
   5B.     Meaning of prohibited person
   412.    Section 87 amended
   413.    Section 182S amended
   414.    Section 195 amended
   415.    Section 263 amended
   416.    Section 264 amended
   417.    Section 268 amended
   418.    Section 269 amended
   419.    Section 271 amended
   420.    Section 277 amended

           Division 23 -- Young Offenders Act 1994 amended  

   421.    Act amended
   422.    Section 37A amended
   423.    Section 152 amended

           Division 24 -- Other amendments  

   424.    Other Acts amended
           Defined terms

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