Tasmanian Consolidated Acts
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PART I - Introductory
CHAPTER I - Interpretation
1. Interpretation
1A. Definitions for purposes of sections 130 , 130A , 130B , 130C , 130D , 130E , 130F , 130G and 337C
2. Definition of attempts
2A. Consent
2B. Sexual intercourse
CHAPTER II - Persons Subject to Punishment for a Crime
3. Which parties to crimes to be deemed principals in the first degree
4. Crimes committed in prosecution of common purpose
5. In case of instigators, mode of execution immaterial
6. Accessories after the fact: When wives and husbands not so
CHAPTER III - Application of Criminal Law
7. Effect of changes in statute law
9. Instigation in this State of crimes committed elsewhere
10. Military and naval forces
11. Person not to be twice punished for same crime
CHAPTER IV - Criminal Responsibility
12. Ignorance of law
13. Intention and motive
14. Mistake of fact
14A. Mistake as to consent in certain sexual offences
14B. Mistake as to age of victim in relation to certain sexual offences
15. Presumption of sanity
16. Insanity
17. Intoxication
18. Immature age
19. Judicial officers
20. When compulsion a defence
21. Execution of sentences, process, and warrants to arrest or detain declared lawful
22. Erroneous sentence or process or warrant
23. Sentence or process or warrant without jurisdiction
24. Arrest in good faith of wrong person
25. Irregular process or warrant
26. Force used in executing process or in arrest
26A. Entry on premises for purposes of arrest
27. Arrest without warrant
28. Duty to assist police to make arrests
29. Saving of statutory powers
30. Police officer preventing escape from arrest
31. Other cases of preventing escape from arrest
32. Preventing escape or rescue after arrest
34. Suppression of riot
35. Suppression of riot by magistrates and police officers
36. Suppression of riot by person acting under lawful orders
37. Suppression of riot by person acting without order in case of emergency
38. Riot: Persons subject to military law
39. Prevention of certain crimes
39A. Detention, &c., of persons in aircraft
39B. Search of aircraft, &c.
40. Defence of dwelling-house
41. Defence of premises against trespasses: Removal of disorderly persons
42. Defence of possession of real property with claim of right
43. Defence of movable property against trespassers
44. Defence of movable property with claim of right
45. Retaking movable property under claim of right from person without claim of right
46. Self-defence and defence of another person
50. Domestic discipline
51. Surgical operations
52. Excessive force
53. Consent to injuries
55. Liability of married persons generally
PART II - Crimes Against Public Order
CHAPTER V - Treason and Other Crimes Against the Sovereign's Person and Authority
56. Treason
57. Accessories after fact guilty of treason
58. Concealment of treason
59. Treasonable crimes
60. Evidence of treason: Limitation of time in treason charges
61. Overt acts
62. Inciting traitorous conduct
CHAPTER VI - Sedition: Libels on Foreign Powers
63. Unlawful oaths to commit crimes, &c.
64. Compulsion: How far a defence
65. Unlawful drilling
66. Definition of seditious intention
67. Sedition: Limitation of time in charges
68. Libels on foreign powers
CHAPTER VII - Crimes Against the Executive and Legislative Power
69. Interference with Governor or Ministers
70. Interference with Parliament: Unlawfully influencing Members
71. Member of Parliament receiving bribes
72. Bribery of Member of Parliament
CHAPTER VIII - Unlawful Assemblies: Breaches of the Peace
73. Unlawful assembly: Lawful assembly becoming unlawful: Riot
74. Taking part in unlawful assembly
75. Rioting
76. Proclamation upon a riot
77. Opposing riot proclamation: Disobeying riot proclamation: Limitation of time for prosecution
78. Being armed in public
79. Forcible entry and detainer
80. Affray
81. Duelling
82. Prize fights
CHAPTER IX - Corruption and Abuse of Office
83. Corruption of public officers
84. Extortion by public officers: Oppression
85. Public officers interested in contracts
86. Corruption of valuator
87. False statutory certificates
88. Administering extra-judicial oaths
PART III - Crimes Concerning the Administration of Law and Justice and Against Public Authority
CHAPTER X - Crimes Relating to the Administration of Justice
89. Definition of judicial proceeding
90. Judicial corruption
91. Official corruption, not judicial but relating to offences
94. Perjury
95. False swearing, &c.
96. Evidence on charge of perjury, &c.
97. Fabricating evidence
98. Corruption of witnesses
99. Suppressing evidence
100. Interfering with witnesses
101. Falsifying evidence as a shorthand writer
102. Compounding crimes
103. Compounding penal actions
104. Bringing fictitious action on penal statute
105. Perverting justice
105A. Failing to report the abuse of a child
106. Interpretation
107. Escape
108. Aiding escape: harbouring of persons unlawfully at large
CHAPTER XII - Miscellaneous Crimes Against Public Authority
110. Disclosure of official secrets
111. Bargaining for public offices
113. False statutory declarations and other false statements
114. Resisting public officers: Resisting lawful apprehension
115. Omission by public officer to perform duty
116. Neglect to aid in suppressing riot
117. Neglect to aid in arresting offenders
118. Disobedience to lawful authority
PART IV - Acts Injurious to the Public in General
CHAPTER XIII - Crimes Relating to Religion
120. Interfering with an officiating minister
121. Disturbing religious worship
CHAPTER XIV - Sexual Crimes
122. Bestiality
124. Penetrative sexual abuse of child or young person
124A. Penetrative sexual abuse of child or young person by person in position of authority
124B. Indecent act with or directed at child or young person by person in position of authority
124C. Indecent assault of child or young person by person in position of authority
125. Person permitting penetrative sexual abuse of child or young person on premises
125A. Persistent sexual abuse of child or young person
125B. Indecent act with child or young person
125C. Procuring child or young person for sexual abuse
125D. Communications with intent to procure child or young person
125E. Failure by a person in authority to protect a child from a sexual offence
126. Penetrative sexual abuse of person with mental impairment
127. Indecent assault
129. Procuring a person for penetrative sexual abuse by threats or fraud
130. Involving person under 18 years in production of child exploitation material
130A. Production of child exploitation material
130B. Distribution of child exploitation material
130C. Possession of child exploitation material
130D. Accessing child exploitation material
130E. Defences in relation to child exploitation material
130F. Forfeiture of child exploitation material, &c.
130G. Excluding non-essential persons from court when child exploitation material displayed
131. Production or possession of bestiality product
133. Incest
136. Warning relating to uncorroborated evidence
137. Indecency
138. Obscene publications
CHAPTER XIVA - Human Remains
139. Misconduct in respect of human remains
CHAPTER XV - Common Nuisances
140. Common nuisance defined
141. Common nuisances that are punishable
143. Disorderly houses
PART V - Crimes Against the Person
CHAPTER XVI - Duties Relating to the Preservation of Human Life
144. Duty to provide necessaries
145. Duty of head of family
146. What are necessaries in certain cases
147. Duty of masters
148. Delegation of duty
149. Duty of persons doing dangerous acts
150. Duty of persons in charge of dangerous things
151. Duty to do certain acts
152. Omission of duty
CHAPTER XVII - Homicide: Suicide: Concealment of Birth
153. Definition of homicide: Killing: When child becomes human being
154. Special cases of homicide
156. Culpable homicide
157. Cases in which culpable homicide is murder
158. Murder
159. Manslaughter
161. Accessory after the fact to murder
162. Written threat to murder
162A. Failing to report the killing of a person
163. Aiding suicide
165A. Infanticide
166. Concealment of birth
167. Unlawful destruction of human remains
167A. Causing death by dangerous driving
167B. Dangerous driving causing grievous bodily harm
167C. Causing death or grievous bodily harm by dangerous dog or restricted breed dog
CHAPTER XVIII - Crimes Endangering Life or Health
168. Disabling to aid commission of offence or flight of offender
169. Administering drug to facilitate offence
170. Acts intended to cause grievous bodily harm or prevent apprehension
170A. Persistent family violence
170B. Strangulation, &c.
171. Preventing escape from wreck
172. Wounding or causing grievous bodily harm
172A. Dangerous driving
173. Intentionally endangering persons on railways
174. Wantonly endangering persons on railways
175. Unlawfully administering poison with intent to harm
176. Administering a noxious thing
177. Failure to supply necessaries
178. Ill-treatment of children
178A. Female genital mutilation
178B. Removal of child from State
178C. Medical procedures
178D. Termination by person other than medical practitioner or pregnant woman
178E. Termination without woman's consent
179. Setting man-traps, &c.
180. Unseaworthy ships: Endangering life on ships: Breaches of duty by seamen: Failure to assist vessel in collision
181. Making and possession of dangerous things
CHAPTER XIX - Assaults
182. Definition of assault
183. Aggravated assault
184. Common assault
184A. Assault on pregnant woman
CHAPTER XX - Rape: Abduction: Stalking and Bullying
185. Rape
186. Abduction
189. Abduction of young persons
190. Defences in abduction of young persons
191. Abduction of children: Harbouring an abducted child
191A. Kidnapping
192. Stalking and bullying
192A. Extra-territorial operation of offence
CHAPTER XXI - Crimes Relating to Marriage - . . . . . . . .
CHAPTER XXII - Crimes Relating to Mentally Disordered Persons
195. Illegally receiving, &c., mentally disordered persons
CHAPTER XXIII - Criminal defamation
196. Criminal defamation
197. Proceedings for an offence do not bar civil proceedings
PART VI - Crimes Relating to Property
226. Interpretation
227. Things capable of being stolen
228. Special cases of stealing
229. Stealing by agent
230. Stealing by person holding power of attorney
231. Stealing by misappropriation
232. Assisting married persons to take property
233. Stealing electricity
234. Stealing
234A. Stealing firearm or firearm part
CHAPTER XXV - Crimes Analogous to Stealing
235. Unlawfully dealing with registers and records
236. Unlawfully dealing with wills and documents of title
237. Killing animals with intent to steal
238. Severing with intent to steal
239. Unlawfully branding animals
CHAPTER XXVA - Crimes relating to firearms and firearm parts
239A. Interpretation
239B. Recklessly discharging a firearm
239C. Possession or use of firearm or firearm part
239D. Selling or giving possession of firearm or firearm part
239E. Possession of firearm or firearm part
CHAPTER XXVI - Robbery and Extortion
240. Robbery, &c.
240A. Carjacking
241. Blackmail
242. Demanding with menaces with intent to steal
CHAPTER XXVII - Burglary and Like Crimes
243. Interpretation
244. Burglary
245. Aggravated burglary
248. Being armed, &c., with intent to commit a crime
CHAPTER XXVIII - False Pretences, Cheating, and Frauds Concerning Titles
249. Interpretation
250. Obtaining goods by false pretences
251. Obtaining execution of a security by false pretences
252. Cheating
252A. Acquiring a financial advantage
253. Fraud in respect of payment for work
253A. Fraud
254. Fraud on sale or mortgage of property
255. Fraud as to land under Land Titles Act 1980
255A. Evidence relating to intention to deceive or defraud
256. Salting mines
257. Concealing mining discoveries
CHAPTER XXVIIIA - Crimes Relating to Computers
257A. Interpretation
257B. Computer-related fraud
257C. Damaging computer data
257D. Unauthorized access to a computer
257E. Insertion of false information as data
257F. Extra-territorial application of this Chapter
CHAPTER XXIX - Receiving Stolen Property and Rewards for Recovery Thereof
258. Receiving stolen property
259. Taking rewards for stolen property
CHAPTER XXX - Frauds by Trustees and Company Officers: False Accounting: Secret Commissions
260. Fraudulent dealing by trustees
261. Officers of companies fraudulently appropriating property, or falsifying accounts
262. False statements by promoters and officers of companies
263. Defence
264. Fraudulent false accounting
265. False accounting by public officer
266. Secret commissions, &c.
266A. Evidence relating to intention to defraud
266B. Evidence on certain charges relating to money, goods and advantages
CHAPTER XXXI - Arson and Other Unlawful Injuries to Property
267. Injuries to property
268. Arson
268A. Unlawfully setting fire to crops, forest, moorland, peat, &c.
269. Unlawfully setting fire to property
269A. Causing a fire with intent to injure person or property
270. Casting away ships and endangering vessels
271. Unlawfully interfering with railways
272. Injuring public utilities
273. Unlawful injuries in general
273A. Interference with war memorial or war memorial area
274. Killing or wounding cattle
275. Interfering with boundary marks
276. Sending letters threatening to burn or destroy, &c.
276AA. False threats of danger
CHAPTER XXXIA - Crimes Relating to Aircraft
276A. Destruction of aircraft
276B. Prejudicing safe operation of aircraft
276C. Endangering safety of aircraft
276D. Taking control of aircraft
276E. Interference with crew of aircraft
276F. Threats, &c., with respect to safety of aircraft, &c.
276G. Dangerous goods on aircraft
CHAPTER XXXII - Forgery and Uttering
277. Interpretation
278. Forgery
279. Uttering
280. Obtaining property by false documents or dies
281. Purchasing, &c., forged bank notes
282. Falsifying registers and records
283. Procuring unauthorized status: Fraudulently misrepresenting status
284. Supplying false copies of rules, &c.
285. Being in possession of materials for forgery
286. Being unlawfully in possession of revenue paper, &c.
287. Fraudulently using stamps, &c.
CHAPTER XXXIIA - Crimes Relating To Serious Animal Diseases
287A. Interpretation
287B. Possession or administration of List A disease agents
CHAPTER XXXIIB - Contamination of Goods
287C. Interpretation
287D. Contaminating goods with intent to cause public alarm or economic loss
287E. Threatening to contaminate goods with intent to cause public alarm or economic loss
287F. Making false statements concerning contamination of goods with intent to cause public alarm or economic loss
287G. Territorial nexus for offences
PART VII - Frauds by Personation and Relating to Trade
CHAPTER XXXIII - Personation
288. Personation in general
289. Personating witnesses and jurors
290. Personating public officers
291. Falsely acknowledging deeds, recognizances, &c.
CHAPTER XXXIV - Fraudulent Debtors
292. Interpretation
293. Crimes by insolvents
294. Concealing insolvency
295. Incurring losses by speculation: Failing to account for losses
296. Frauds on creditors
PART VIII - Conspiracies and Crimes Relating to Other Crimes
CHAPTER XXXV - Conspiracies: Inciting: Attempts: Accessories
297. Conspiracy
298. Inciting to commit crimes
299. Attempts to commit crimes
300. Accessories after the fact
PART IX - Procedure
CHAPTER XXXVI - Duties as to Arrest and Detainer
301. Duty of persons arresting
302. Duties of police officers
303. Duties after arrest
CHAPTER XXXVII - Bail: Trial by Magistrate
307. Place of trial
307A. Change in place of trial
308. Trial before magistrate
309. Arrest of accused in certain cases
310. Indictments
311. Form and contents of indictments
312. Statement of crimes
313. Charge against accessories
314. Particulars
315. Alternative statements
316. Acts must be established
317. Forms of indictment
318. General rule as to description
318A. Indictments for burglary, &c.
319. Statements in proceedings for perjury
320. Proof of obtaining money by false pretence, &c.
321. Description of property
322. Statement of ownership of property
323. Description of persons
324. Description of document
325. Statement of intent
326. Amendment of indictment: Power to order separate trial
326A. Order for separate trial for sexual offences
327. Pleadings
328. Duty to furnish copy of indictment, &c.
329. Particulars in indictments for treason
330. Parties to crimes
331. Accessories after the fact
331A. Release from prison if no indictment filed
331B. First appearance of defendant in Supreme Court following committal
331C. Jurisdiction of Supreme Court to sentence
CHAPTER XXXIX - Powers of Conviction Upon Particular Indictments
332. Alternative convictions
333. Murder
333A. Attempted murder
334. Manslaughter
334AA. Strangulation
334A. Wounding or causing bodily harm
334B. Dangerous driving causing grievous bodily harm
334C. Causing death by dangerous driving
335. Rape
335A. Abduction
336. Child sexual abuse
336A. Indecent assault
336B. Child sexual abuse by a person in a position of authority
337. Incest
337A. Persistent family violence
337B. Persistent child sexual abuse
337C. Involving person under 18 years in production of child exploitation material
338. Stealing, false pretences, receiving, and cheating
339. Stealing and killing animals with intent to steal
339A. Robbery, &c.
340. Principals and accessories after the fact
341. Part of charge proved
342. Attempts
342AA. Alternative verdicts
342A. Incitements
343. Indictment for treasonable crimes and inciting mutiny
344. Indictments in respect of unlawful oaths
CHAPTER XL - Trial: Adjournment: Pleadings: Practice
345. Right to be tried
346. Accelerating trial of persons not under committal
347. Adjournment of trial
348. On adjournment of trial accused may be remanded, &c.
349. Bringing up a prisoner for trial
350. Nolle prosequi
351. Arraignment
352. Motion to quash indictment
353. Pleading to indictment
354. Demurrer
355. Pleas
356. Withdrawal of pleas
357. Standing mute, &c.
358. Plea of autrefois acquit or autrefois convict
359. Joinder of issue not necessary
360. Trial on plea to the jurisdiction
361. Trial by jury
361AA. Trial by judge alone
361AB. Appeal to Court of Criminal Appeal in respect of application for trial by judge alone
361A. Argument before jury is sworn
362. Effect of plea
363. Separate trials
368. Defence
368A. Notice of alibi
368B. Admissible opinion evidence
369. Presence of accused
371. Speeches by counsel and summing up
371A. Recent complaint
372. Powers of Associate Judge
CHAPTER XLI - Verdict: Judgment
381. Defence of insanity
383. Verdict
384. Acquittal
385. Convicted person to be called on to show cause
385A. Hearing by judge of complaint of simple offence
CHAPTER XLII - Crown Cases Reserved
387. Questions of law may be reserved
388. Questions reserved to be stated in a case
388AA. Power of Attorney-General to refer questions of law to Court of Criminal Appeal
CHAPTER XLIIA - Procedure on Continuing Nuisances
388A. Abatement or removal of nuisance
388B. Punishment for creating nuisance
CHAPTER XLIII - Punishments
389. Sentences
CHAPTER XLIV - Exceptions to Double Jeopardy Rules
390. Definitions
391. Application of Chapter XLIV
392. Circumstances in which person may be charged with administration of justice crime relating to previous acquittal
393. Court may order retrial for a very serious crime fresh and compelling evidence
394. Court may order retrial for a serious crime tainted acquittal
395. Fresh and compelling evidence meaning
396. Tainted acquittal meaning
397. Interests of justice matters for consideration
397A. Application for prosecution for administration of justice crime procedure
397AB. Prosecution for administration of justice crime
397AC. Application for retrial procedure
397AD. Retrial
397AE. Authorisation of police investigations
397AF. Restrictions on publication
CHAPTER XLV - Execution of Sentence: Pardons
397B. Civil execution
398. Pardons
399. Interpretation
400. Court of Criminal Appeal
401. Right of appeal
402. Determination of appeals
402A. Second or subsequent appeal by convicted person on fresh and compelling evidence
403. Powers of Court in special cases
404. Power to order new trial
405. Suspension of order, &c.: Revesting property on conviction
406. Jurisdiction in cases reserved
407. Time for appealing
407A. Withdrawal of appeals
409. Supplemental powers
410. Legal assistance to appellant, &c.
411. Right of appellant to be present
412. Case and argument in writing
413. Duty of Attorney-General
413A. Reserved judgments
414. Costs of appeal, &c.
415. Admission of appellant to bail and custody when attending court
416. Duties of Registrar
417. Documents, exhibits, &c.
418. Powers of single judge
418A. Powers of Associate Judge
419. Prerogative of mercy
CHAPTER XLVII - Private Prosecutions: Ex Officio Indictments: Trial at Bar
420. Private prosecutions
421. Ex officio indictments
421A. Notice to attend or arrest warrant against person indicted in Supreme Court
421B. Committal for trial in certain circumstances
422. Trial at bar
423. Forms and proceedings
CHAPTER XLVIII - Consequences of Conviction
425. Costs against convicts
CHAPTER XLIX - Miscellaneous Provisions
427. Proceedings against partners, &c.
429. Prosecutions for perjury
430. Effect of failure to submit evidence relating to certain offences
433. Recognizance to keep the peace, &c., may be forfeited on proof of conviction
434. Procedure generally upon forfeited recognizance
CHAPTER L - Savings and Transitional Provisions
453. Abolition of capital punishment
454. Term of sentence of imprisonment
455. Self-defence provisions
456. Non-application of amendments to section 338 (1)
457. Repeal of section 155
458. Application of Bail Act 1994
459. Savings
460. Application of Criminal Code Amendment (Sexual Offences against Young People) Act 2013
461. Application of Criminal Code Amendment (Sexual Assault) Act 2017
462. Application of Criminal Code and Related Legislation Amendment (Child Abuse) Act 2019
463. Application of Criminal Code Amendment (Bullying) Act 2019
464. Transitional provisions on the commencement of the Criminal Code Amendment (Sexual Abuse Terminology) Act 2020
464A. Application of Criminal Code Amendment (Judge Alone Trials) Act 2022
465. Application of Justice Legislation Amendments (Criminal Responsibility) Act 2020
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